Game 1
Opponent- Abzan
Result- Won in 2
Notes- Slightly light on mana, but was able to cast spells in hand without issue. Only duplicate creatures ate removal.
Post Game Record- 1-0 Match, 2-0 Game
Game 2
Opponent- Atarka
Result- Lost in 3
Notes- Rabblemaster killed, mostly twin rabbles. Should invest in more burn, Roast looks promising as a 3 of. Game 2 was won thanks to a dashed Kolaghan, may want to shore up mana base and grab an additional of him. Also look into protection for Alesha.
Post Game Record- 1-1 Match, 3-2 Game
Game 3
Opponent- Atarka
Result- Lost in 2
Notes- Rabblemaster again game 1, 2+ damage burn is now a priority. Game 2 saw twin Atarka's command, with both using Landfall and Burn modes resulting in 6 mana on turn 3. May want to look into additional Kolaghan's Commands for hand disruption and burn for Rabble matchup.
Post Game Record- 1-2 Match, 3-4 game
Game 4
Opponent- BW Warriors
Result- Lost in 2
Notes- Uses many of the same cards in my own deck plus the Dromoka warriors. Double Strike and Vigilant wrecked in game 1, but Battle Brawler did successfully hold combat off for a bit with Alesha out. May add another of him in. Second game looked promising with three Mardu Scouts in hand, but Sorin helped him gain too much life to come back from
Final Record- 1-3 Match, 3-6 Game.