Abzan Midrange

Standard M16man66


Not a fan of tormentor, and I think courser is a playset. Reaper of the wilds is very good as well, and soldier of the pantheon is a little odd in midrange.

August 6, 2014 4:11 p.m.

M16man66 says... #2

@RobossVampireHunter :
Courser of Kruphix is a card that I am splitting with Brimaz. Brimaz is amazing, but I wanted to give courser a shot. I was debating running both as playsets, but I wanted to keep my curve in mind. Reaper of the Wilds is an interesting choice and I may consider it, and Soldier of the Pantheon is very good and I don't think I could be a midrange deck without some early pressure.

August 6, 2014 6:16 p.m.

awphutt says... #3

I don't know how much attention you've been paying to spoilers, but you might have missed or just overlooked Brave the Sands . I've been playing it in my version of the deck and this thing does so much work in a Midrange or Aggro matchup, it's not even funny.

But I'd also agree with the other guy that commented that Reaper of the Wilds is a great workhorse, but I'm unsure of Soldier of the Pantheon 's usefulness, but you might have different experiences with it.

I'm also curious as to why you have Rattleclaw Mystic in here, seems like Sylvan Caryatid would be strictly better. But, again, your mileage may vary.

Anyway, love the look of the deck, a more beatdown version of midrange than I'm used to seeing, but different things are always good, so +1 from me.

September 13, 2014 1:56 p.m.

Goody says... #4

Something closer to the pro tour lists would be removing some number of Elvish Mystic , Brimaz, King of Oreskos , and others to add in Abzan Charm s. They're pretty versatile - hard removal, card draw, or combat trick.

But hey man, nice deck!

October 13, 2014 12:36 a.m.

Pretty impressive deck, I've seen several similar Abzan decks do great in FNM. I would suggest putting in 2x Athreos, God of Passage so you can recast Siege Rhino and Wingmate Roc . I would take out 1x Sylvan Caryatid and 1x Thoughtseize to put him Athreos in.

October 15, 2014 6:35 p.m.

M16man66 says... #6

Thanks for the props! I have played with Athreos, God of Passage before and, while he is a powerful threat, he has many significant downsides. First off, he is a 3-casting cost spell, and my deck is currently filled to the brim with 3-drops, all which are more powerful (in my opinion) than Athreos. Another issue with Athreos is that he does nothing when you are behind. Consequently, he is bad against G/x Devotion, Rabble Red, Black Aggro, and Jeskai Wins/Tempo, which all happen to take up a large percentage of the metagame. On top of that, he is not amazing in the mirror, for he doesn't impact the board at all when he comes down, and if I am on the draw, he matches up very poorly against an opposing Siege Rhino . He is also pretty mediocre when your opponent Abzan Charm s or Utter End s your Siege Rhino or Wingmate Roc . The matchup where Athreos shines is against a significantly slower opponent than you. Currently there are not many control decks out there, and the ones that do exist run some number of Utter End s, Perilous Vault s, etc, which Athreos is embarrassing against. Finally, one of Athreos's biggest upsides is the fact that he can become a 5/4 indestructible creature. However, his devotion requirements are pretty hard to reach in my deck, considering half of my permanents do not provide any devotion to him whatsoever. If you factor that in with the density of removal spells that opponents have in the matchups where he is 'good', it is extremely unlikely that he would become a creature. Removing creatures with exile effects is also very popular among midrange-control decks.

Thank you for your suggestion! I hope that I explained my reasoning effectively!

October 15, 2014 7:05 p.m.

buttslayer1933 says... #7

If only we all had $850 to spend on Magic...

October 17, 2014 7:11 p.m.

CallMeCrazySam says... #8

Maybe it's just me, but from what I've seen and played in standard since Khans games generally feel more mid-rangey to long. With that being said, I feel like you could cut a few dorks, namely a few Elvish Mystic s for either Herald of Torment or some Rakshasa Deathdealer . The Deathdealer gives you some comeback tricks and he can regenerate himself. As for Herald of Torment , I feel he is generally overlooked. The flying is great and the lifeloss is generally negligible. Bestowing him onto either a Brimaz, or a Siege Rhino gives you a nice flying threat. But I don't know, maybe you like the more mid range feel of the deck. Like I said though, it's based on my standard experience. If you need the faster threats then maybe you do all the dorks for your meta.

October 24, 2014 1:12 p.m.

onlytricolors says... #9

I don't see how you can't get a t2 brimaz but I like the deck

October 24, 2014 1:51 p.m.

Goody says... #10

t1 Mana Confluence into Elvish Mystic , t2 plains

October 24, 2014 2 p.m.

M16man66 says... #11

I see where you are coming from, but I find that being able to ramp ahead of your opponent or mitigate the tempo loss by a tap land is extremely important. Have a turn two 3-drop or a turn three 4-drop is very good, on the play and the draw. I also have Chord of Calling in the sideboard, which is great with dorks.
As for Herald of Torment , while I really like it, I don't think the consistent life loss is smart vs Aggro decks and grindy matchups (it actually adds up over many turns). The fact that on its own, it can't beat a Wingmate Roc is important. However, being able to bestow it onto creatures is important, and flying is very important nowadays, so I'm going to definitely test it out. Nice Suggestion.
Deathdealer is a card that I think is too aggressive to be in this deck. Although it is a mana sink, I usually have things to do with my mana on every turn, and pumping mana into death dealer can result in a huge temp loss from removal. Because of this, you need to keep 2 mana open to not die to Mardu Charm , Murderous Cut , Hero's Downfall , etc, then you are not getting full potential out of it, and you still get wrecked by Abzan Charm and Jeskai Charm , which are everywhere.
Thanks for the comment and the suggestions!

October 26, 2014 5:01 p.m.

Mooer says... #12

-2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion +2 Utter End

If I had enough time/money for standard this is the deck I would play! +1

October 27, 2014 3:39 p.m.

M16man66 says... #13

Thanks Man! While I agree that Utter End is extremely powerful and should find a place in this deck, I really have been impressed with Elspeth, Sun's Champion as a finisher. Elspeth is very hard to answer and it is the best finisher in standard. Her flexibility and ability to close out the game relatively quickly (she warps games around her and demands an answer) puts her above most other cards in my deck. Elspeth is one of the last cards I would cut. Thanks again for +1 and I hope that you can get enough time/money to try this deck out!

October 27, 2014 4:22 p.m.

Fleecemane Lion are nasty, 2 mana for a 3/3 and late game a 4/4 indestructable hexproof creature is a pain to deal with.

October 29, 2014 4:25 p.m.

synonimous_ says... #15

I have a nice Abzan midrange deck similiar to this (Abzan Midrange-(1st place at FNM)) I find that Abzan Charm does not help me, replace them with Utter End, also replace Bile Blight With something else, it doesnt get rid of the annoying creatures such as Siege Rhino, Wingmate Roc, and such, replace them with Fleecemane Lion, I suggest taking a look at my Abzan Deck as listed above, it has won me many a game.

December 14, 2014 8:54 p.m.

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