Derevi Prison

Commander / EDH NarejED


JANKYARD_DOG says... #1

Derevi is banned in 1vs1 FYI. Nice build though, Sun Titan would be a nice addition to later reuse your smaller sac/counter critters, among others. Teferi, Temporal Archmage is another one for consideration. His +1 is OK, his -1 is great, so all you need to do is alternate them seeing as his Emblem is kinda meh unless your playing a bunch of walkers.

I have a Derevi deck myself, not quite as polished yet, but working on it. On my profile if you'd care to look. Hope I've helped a bit at least.

November 10, 2015 9:15 a.m.

NarejED says... #2

Thanks for the feedback! Derevi is indeed banned in French commander, and with good reason. Only having to ruin one player's life is much easier than trying to ruin an entire table's. Luckily, Derevi is still legal in regular multiplayer commander, which is what this list is geared towards.

I thought about adding Teferi at one point. I discovered that he didn't do enough for his mana cost though. His abilities are indeed nice, and he's a good prison commander in his own right, but he doesn't have good synergy with Derevi. Sun Titan is another amazing card. I've yet to have a game where he's had enough graveyard targets besides lands to be worth running. If played right, the deck usually locks the board before most opponents can cast any sort of mass removal. Definitely a very solid sideboard option against Oloro-style control decks though. I may yet add him.

Thanks for the suggestions!!! I'll take a look at your deck as soon as I get the chance.

November 10, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Skyler_Lvl100 says... #3

Garruk Wildspeaker, and Kiora, Master of the Depths both can make Stasis locks trivial.

Rising Waters is another Winter Orb clone

Sylvan Tutor and Altar of Bone are nice tutors you may want to add. I use nearly every tutor available in my colors. You could consider Mystical Tutor as well.

I see you Side Boarded Null Rod, if you decide to run it be sure to consider Stony Silence too.

Azami, Lady of Scrolls is an excellent draw engine.

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur is an excellent Loyal Retainers target.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is a really good card and Thorn of Amethyst aswell. but you only need so much to stop infinite combos from storm or Narset. This is meta dependent and personal coice though. For me I needed recursion protection and land hate. Build to your meta or perceived threat.

Personal preferences include:

Acidic Slime/Brutalizer Exarch and Deadeye Navigator to end the game quickly.

Qasali Pridemage/Reclamation Sage or Harmonic Sliver instead of Aura Shards.

Completely ignoring the untap of opponents creatures, they are ussually small in the early game and will die to Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

November 12, 2015 6:41 p.m.

Skyler_Lvl100 says... #4

Oh, and Seedborn Muse you need backup plans.

November 12, 2015 6:44 p.m.

NarejED says... #5

I already have Brago to negate Stasis. Kiora and Garruk don't quite do enough to merit inclusion, and they suffer because I have easy way to tutor. Brago can be easy Podded or Yisan'd for, or put into hand via any number of tutors, so he's really all I need in terms of Stasis / Embergo negation besides Derevi herself.

Rising Waters is a really great card, but it was cut due to redundancy issues. Winter Orb and Hokori, Dust Drinker have the same effect and are overall better in this particular deck. Same for Stony Silence vs Null Rod. I had originally included both, but after extensive testing I found one was more than enough for most matchups.

Sylvan Tutor and Altar of Bone are both awesome, and I use them in most combo-oriented decks. But, again, redundancy issues. ST is strictly worse that Worldly Tutor, and Altar's sacrifice clause just hurt its value too much. The deck functions better with repeatable tutors like Survival of the Fittest and Yisan.

Thalia and Thorn are both in the 99 already. They're both amazing cards that make up the backbone of the Prison strategy. Jin is in there as well. Very good suggestions if I wasn't already using them though.

The deck is geared to perform well in matches of three players or more, so targeted one-use removal effects like Reclamation Sage, while amazing in some scenarios, just don't quite do enough here. That's why I run Aura Shards instead. It's a powerful, repeatable effect that can destroy multiple things in a single turn. If this were geared towards 1v1 matchups, I would definitely use more single-target effects like qasili pridemage though.

The deck doesn't focus too much on tapping down opponent's creatures beyond Tangle Wire and Derevi herself. The only EtB tapped effect I'm running is Imposing Sovereign. He's there because opponents casting Narset or Zur with a haste enabling effect like Hall of the Bandit Lord occurs far too often. Having them enter tapped often slows the game down enough to make the difference between winning and losing.

Deadeye Navigator is an awesome card in some builds, but all too often he doesn't have a useful target in this deck. Bouncing Derevi is always an option, but unless Bloom Tender is on the field, it doesn't net value beyond squeezing a few extra untap triggers out, which I can already do simply by swinging in with a board of creatures.

I do really like Azami. The deck only has a handful of wizards though. Thus far the four major draw engines of the deck have proved sufficient without needing her. That, and she overlaps Patron Wizard. Still, the synergy with Prophet is nice. I'll put her in the maybeboard for now, and do some testing to see if she's worth a spot.

Seedborn Muse is indeed awesome. She's (almost) strictly worse than Prophet though, and thus far I haven't had any trouble maintaining locks with just Derevi, Brago, Prophet, and other miscellaneous untap effects.

Thanks for the feedback!!!

November 13, 2015 1:36 a.m.

NarejED says... #6

Geez, I should have proof-read that last comment a little more, particularly the first paragraph.

Corrections in caps.

"I already have Brago to negate Stasis. Kiora and Garruk don't quite do enough to merit inclusion, and they suffer because I DON'T have AN easy way to tutor. Brago can be EASILY Podded or Yisan'd for, or put into hand via any number of tutors, so he's really all I need in terms of Stasis / Embergo negation besides Derevi herself."

November 13, 2015 1:40 a.m.

CkajLanoa says... #7

Alas, their parents were somewhat worried about their romance. This might be because ONE OF THEM IS A BIRD, AND THE OTHER HAS BEEN DEAD FOR QUITE SOME TIME.

November 22, 2015 12:19 p.m.

NarejED says... #8



November 22, 2015 5:30 p.m.

Yuki_onna says... #9

January 13, 2016 2:03 a.m.

NarejED says... #10

Cultivate is okay in very casual builds, but it doesn't work here for several reasons. First, I don't run a single basic land, so I would have to severely weaken the deck's mana base just to make the card playable. Second, it's a sorcery, and the deck is all about punishing non-creature spells. The few that are currently being run are too amazing to do without. Cultivate, however, would be worthless if even a single taxer was on the field. Third, the card doesn't help the deck's mains strategy. The goal in the early game is to cast Derevi on turn 1-2. Cultivate has the same CMC as Derevi, so it comes down on the same turn nine times out of ten. It's certainly not worth playing before Derevi, and, after Derevi hits, it still isn't worth casting, since at that point I'm focusing on slowing down my opponent's games as much as possible.

Thanks for the input!

January 13, 2016 11:56 a.m.

NarejED says... #11

Currently being tested: Willbreaker. I'm a bit skeptical of the card, as I fear it will end up either being win-more, or simply a colossal removal magnet. A friend insisted I put one in though. In testing, it's been promising. It replaced Spelltithe Enforcer, which was really only being run to fill the 5-drop Yisan and Birthing Pod chain spot.

March 20, 2016 12:06 a.m.

enpc says... #12

I'd cut Mana Drain IMO. While its a good card, half your abilities make it impractical to cast. Plus running one counterspell seems too hit and miss. You may as well just include a card which is more useful in more circumstances.

A card which you could look into however is Seat of the Synod. While I'm typically not a fan of running artifact lands, it is both fetchable by Tez and can be untapped by him too, allowing you to pay for your Stasis indefinitely. And unlike your other mana rocks, it doesn't need any special conditions to play.

I dont like Jin Gitaxias in this build. at that kind of mana, you should just be winning the game and while the lockdown is nice, Craterhoof Behemoth just feels better.

April 25, 2016 3:19 a.m.

NarejED says... #13

Mana drain is absolutely worth running. It both shuts down a threatening spell and allows for explosive plays the following turn. It's a powerhouse in the early game, and rarely an unwelcome sight at any other point either.

I have too much artifact hate for Seat of the Synod to be beneficial. Kataki, War's Wage, Null Rod, and Stony Silence all hit it hard. It also dies to the many other incidental artifact hate spells. Tezzeret is currently under performing, so putting in a card that's otherwise bad that had synergy with him isn't a great idea. Since he's the only card in the deck with good synergy with artifacts, Seat would be almost strictly worse than a basic land.

Jin-Gitaxias is almost never hard-cast. He's an out to Fauna Shaman/Survival of the Fittest. Pitching him to grab Loyal Retainers is the normal strategy. He typically wins the following turn.

Craterhoof Behemoth is not good in Derevi. The deck wins through preventing opponents from interacting with the game and either forcing scoops via unbreakable locks or grinding out life totals. Swinging a few big beaters once isn't necessary. It's a win-more card in the deck. It also has no impact on a small board, unlike Jin, who can cause a colossal tempo swing by himself.

Thanks for the input though!

April 25, 2016 3:49 a.m.

enpc says... #14

That's fair then. If Tez is underperforming, have you considered the new Sigarda, Heron's Grace? She provides a flying beater as a means of turning graveyarded cards into extra value. She also is another 5 drop. Not sure how she'd go, but worth a mention.

April 25, 2016 4:13 a.m.

epajula says... #15

How fun is this deck to play? Your decks are very smartly built. I like the description, and responses to suggestions. I built a Tron version of Derevi, and I was hoping you could take a look at it. The Armored Bird. If not it's all good. Keep building, man.

April 27, 2016 4:55 a.m.

Tesmata says... #16

Hey man, love the deck list. Sucks that Prophet was banned! What are you using to trigger Willbreaker? The only options that really stand out are Sakashima, Quirion and Derevi actives, which I would think would be better served for some other purpose. Doesn't seem like you can make much use out of him, unless there's something I didn't see.

May 1, 2016 8:10 p.m.

NarejED says... #17

I utilize Derevi's tap/untap ability to grab key creatures with Willbreaker. It diverts resources from locking down lands and untapping my own permanents, true, but it's well worth the trade off depending on what's on the field.

Depending on how many creatures I have on the field prior to casting Breaker, I can easily snag upwards of five creatures in a single turn.

May 1, 2016 9:23 p.m.

Van9750 says... #18

Your alter game is on point. 10/10 would steal your alters for proxies again.

May 3, 2016 4:39 p.m.

NarejED says... #19


May 3, 2016 6:44 p.m.

helll says... #20

Is it not worth to have some counters in there

June 22, 2016 4:42 a.m.

NarejED says... #21

Not really. The deck aims to make spells uncastable, which is more efficient than outright countering spells. Countermagic dilutes the deck.

June 25, 2016 10:26 p.m.

DVLuca says... #22

Hi NarejED, I realy like the build and is a +1 from me! I see the Seedborn Muse was already mentioned in comments and without Prophet of Kruphix I will repropose it with Opposition becouse you have Willbreaker, is a synergy with 3 cards where if you miss one of them they will go without a problem. Let me know what you think.

July 5, 2016 7:30 a.m.

helll says... #23

What are your thoughts on the new tamiyo

July 24, 2016 6:40 p.m.

NarejED says... #24

She's been working out pretty well so far. Casting her isn't always the optimal line of play, but she's relevant enough in both the mid and late game that she's managed to hold onto her spot up to this point.

July 25, 2016 12:10 a.m.

Sovarius says... #25

Digital proxies? I was excited to see someone else who alters obscene amounts of stuff and was let down by fakes :( poo.

You don't like Kismet/Frozen AEther/Loxodon Gatekeeper? Stuff like Orb of Dreams and Blind Obedience?

Is Extract ever good? It seems incredibly narrow and I can't think of a deck it actually ruins, since every deck should have more than one win con.

August 4, 2016 12:28 a.m.

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