Bananastormcount20 says... #2
I really like the deck, I do however think that between Samut and Gahji as commanders Samut is better in the 99 since there are several things you can run to give your creatures haste cheaply, and Gahji has a more unique affect that incentivizes people to attack NOT you.I mean there's a ton of haste granters to choose from: Hammer of purphoros Fervor and Fires of Yavimaya and Emblem of the Warmind also Anger give haste to your team pretty cheap and if you didn't care about other people's running haste (cuz you've got lethal plays in your hand.) Mass hysteria and Concordant crossroads give everything haste for one, so when they swing out you drop one of these for 1, dump your hand and win. but that's not for everyone.
Then if you want surprise haste or things that only grant it for a turn there is Sarkhan Vol Flame-kin Zealot and Burst of speedAlso creatures that give you haste but break tribal are Urabrask the hidden and Legion Loyalist
September 28, 2017 7:28 p.m.
Bananastormcount20 says... #3
ANNND none of my card highlights worked... sorry
September 28, 2017 7:29 p.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #4
Pheardemons thank you for the suggestions! I'll definitely consider putting in Mayael's Aria, that sounds like a really fun card. I'll also test out Spidersilk Armor, that was a really good suggestion! If you think of anything else feel free to let me know!
September 28, 2017 7:36 p.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #5
No problem Bananastormcount20! I appreciate the suggestions. I'll be sure to look them up when I have some free time! Thank you so much!!
September 28, 2017 7:38 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #6
Hammer of Purphoros, Fervor, Fires of Yavimaya, Emblem of the Warmind, Anger
Mass Hysteria, Concordant Crossroads
Sarkhan Vol,Flame-Kin Zealot, Burst of Speed
Urabrask the Hidden, Legion Loyalist
Bananastormcount20, I've got you on the tags. Heads up, (not sure if you know and there was just some error) but to tag something you need to put brackets at the beginning and end of the card name. Example: [ [ Mass Hysteria ] ] (without the space between the word and brackets) becomes Mass Hysteria. Also, you can double check yourself when you go to preview comment. You should be able to check if the tags show up there.
September 28, 2017 8:09 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #8
Also AmazingGrace15 you could probably lower the amount of lands you play being that you have rocks and ramp. Maybe 36? that tends to be a decent balance. Also, since you're budget, storage lands could be a good way to build up for something huge in one turn. Fungal Reaches and Saltcrusted Steppe. There is also storage lands of each individual color. I just thought the dual mana ones would be better. I would add in more board wipes and targeted removal for the spots of bringing your lands down. Your deck is going to be relatively slow, so you want to stall everyone as much as possible. Also, Kindred Boon seems like a great card here to keep your dinosaurs on the board. Also helps Pyrohemia as you can deal any amount of damage (that doesn't kill you) to make sure the board stays wipes. What about True Conviction? the lifelink I feel would be relevant, and who isn't scared of an army of powerful dinosaurs with double strike?
September 28, 2017 9:47 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #9
Last suggestion for now, What about Wild Pair? seems like two dinosaurs for the cost of one would be pretty fricken scary.
September 28, 2017 9:50 p.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #10
Bananastormcount20, thank you for your suggestions! I think you're right. I'm going to switch Samut to Gahiji. Getting people to attack someone other than me is good! I was attracted to the fact that having Samut as a commander meant that I could have unlimited access to giving my creatures haste. As in, Samut will always either be on the field or in the command zone so whenever I needed all my creatures to have haste, I could cast her, rather than relying on drawing the card in my deck that give creatures haste. I'll have to do some finagling to find the right balance.
Pheardemons I originally had 36, but after looking at EDHREC I saw similar decks had upwards of 39. Given the fact that this deck has a pretty high average cmc, I'm nervous about moving the lands down to 36, even though I have a lot of ramp. I know this is going to be a slower paced deck, so I wanted to have a good amount of lands and a good amount of ramp to make up for that. I do like your suggestion about the storage lands, and I will definitely consider those! As for Wild Pair, that card is hysterical and I will most definitely buy it and put it on my maybeboard!
September 29, 2017 11:20 a.m.
Kinpa6Ansatsu says... #13
To be honest, Mirror Entity is the best dino. 8/8 it is my m8 and is quite gr8
October 9, 2017 6:31 p.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #15
Haha I feel you Kinpa6Ansatsu. I have one of those around, so I'll probably throw it in there!
Wiggyman I know it's kind of silly that I don't have Path to Exile in this deck, but that's really because I don't own one. Since this is a budget deck, I try to put cards in that I either already own, which is why there's Swords to Plowshares instead. Additionally, I'm not used to making creature-based decks, so I'm still trying to find the right balance between instants and creatures. If anything, I'll probably put in Condemn or something similar, since I already own one of those. However, if I happen to pick up a Path, I'll be sure to put it in!
October 11, 2017 12:37 p.m.
wellhistranger says... #16
Star of Extinction for flavor... get it? it tastes like dead dinosaurs... heh
October 14, 2017 6:15 p.m.
Hey I have most of these cards! I guess I am obligated to build this deck now.
Kindred Charge looks brutal with dinos in play. I personally might add a bit more ramp because dinos are super expensive, and I think Dinosaur Stampede would be pretty impactful as well. It's always fun to play an Imperial Aerosaur and give Carnage Tyrant or Ripjaw Raptor flying for a turn.
November 8, 2017 9:26 p.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #19
spempy definitely build it!!! It is super fun to play. I'm currently working my way up to this deck--I don't have all the cards yet, but I do have the majority of the deck. Even so, it is so much fun to play. I agree about the ramp, but so far it seems to be doing well. Thanks for the +1!
November 9, 2017 3:07 p.m.
I play Mayael the Anima and love Naya builds.Maybe cut the human mana dorks for low drop ramp spells? Green has the best.Mirri's Guile Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist and Sylvan Library come to mind.
December 1, 2017 12:04 a.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #21
Thanks for the suggestions TupaCuba! I appreciate it. I do like Mirri's Guile a lot, and of course Sylvan Library. I'll see if I can fit them in--but they are a little on the expensive side for my current budget. Thank you!
December 1, 2017 1:36 p.m.
Please help me understand why Belligerent Brontodon is in here? It does not seem to make sense when one uses a commander that imbues creatures with strength (instead of toughness).
December 15, 2017 8:18 a.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #23
To be honest NV_1980, he's just a cool dino that I enjoy having in the deck. I understand your concern, but to be honest, a lot of times I don't even get around to playing Gahiji.
December 15, 2017 11:33 a.m.
Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor says... #24
+1 for the name AND for using the true dinosaur master Gahiji, Honored One (I'll be honest, I totally thought he/she would be errat'd to a dinosaur. I mean come on, that card just screams The Sun Empire).
I know you are avoiding mana dorks, but I feel Selvala, Heart of the Wilds is an exception for this deck. Most of your creatures are massive so you will often trigger her card draw, plus her ramp is ridiculously powerful even when not abusing her with Umbral Mantle or Sword of the Paruns.
Magmasaur and Fungusaur (both dinosaurs now) might also be some considerations with Enrage.
December 29, 2017 11:10 a.m.
AmazingGrace15 says... #25
Thank you for the +1 and for you suggestions, Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor! I really appreciate it. I think you're right, I think Selvala would be a great addition to the deck!
Pheardemons says... #1
You may want to include stuff like Spidersilk Armor so that you have a way to deal with flying. That seems to be a problem here. Mayael's Aria seems like a decent alternate win con. Another way to draw here could be Greater Good. I feel like you'll always be drawing more than you're discarding, plus it's a way for your opponent's board wipes to mean less.
September 28, 2017 5:14 p.m.