BW Tokens

Modern diateone


hunkers says... #1

Suggestion: Take out raise the alarm and put in Bitterblossom.

January 14, 2017 12:07 p.m.

diateone says... #2

hunkers I am considering that. But I feel raise gives the deck a push... I might add -2 RtA and +2 BB, I have to try?

January 14, 2017 2:04 p.m.

MisterMuffin21 says... #3

I will contradict hunkers and say keep the two Raise the Alarm, especially since you run Leyline of the Meek. I have more of an issue with Hidden Stockpile personally. I still have to test it though. Does it perform okay?

January 25, 2017 11:28 a.m.

diateone says... #4


I havent tried it yet. They take the spot to be taken by Bitterblossom, only that I dont have them yet. I think they could work out somehow okay, giving some card advantage in dead turns (as I have recently taken 2 Smuggler's Copters out, they take their place).

If I dont feel they work, I will just run 2 more Raise the Alarm or even 2 Selfless Spirit main.

And yeah, I like Leyline of the Meek but once I get 1 or even 2 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, they will be gone.

January 26, 2017 2:30 a.m.

acemandm says... #5

I have been playing tokens for around 4 years now and have always loved it. However I have to say lately I have gotten increasingly frustrated with the deck. The Eldrazi tron matchup is jut down right awful (Very popular meta deck at my store). But none the less i have found your rationalizing and seeing the comments in this feed have reinvigorated my interest in trying to push forward with my favorite deck in modern

July 6, 2017 5:12 p.m.

diateone says... #6

acemandm very happy to hear that! I am sure you will find the new update on my deck really interesting for your needs ;)

July 7, 2017 4:17 a.m.

WingedCrusader says... #7

hey, liking this decklist and the breakdown, I'm building a deck too, however with a bit of a significant budget. My meta has control decks like lantern and smallpox, then some coco and elves and burn. What are your thoughts on my deck?

Im wondering on your thoughts on start/finish. I've found myself never using the 2nd half, since I either can't afford to kill my own creature, or I'm flooded with creatures and don't need to kill theirs. 2nd is why the runed halo? and then finally your landbase seems to suggest sundering growth would be better than disenchant, unless they're running bloodmoon (unlikely in your meta). also doesnt push struggle against the likes of delve creatures and reality smasher? Thanks!

August 22, 2017 3:57 a.m.

diateone says... #8


Well thanks a lot! happy to hear that. I think your build is perfectly legit. I dont think blessed alliance is good anough to be maindecked, unless your meta is crowded with eldrazi and burn, though. I would go for the push, because is great against elves, burn, and coco decks (as well as many others, Death's shadow, for instance). I like the entreat the angels spiciness as a flavour play, but I doubt it has the consistency needed for a more "professional" version. I would like to know your opinion on this, though. Also, ghost quarter in the SB is not something I like. Feels terrible to me to take 2 SB spots with lands. Even fulminator mage is not good enough, I believe.

Start//Finish has been great since I play it. It has given me tokens when needed, and I have used the finish part in a somewhat regular basis. Feels great to trade junk from your gy and a token for a thought-not seer or a endbringer, without using any card in your hand. It has gotten a solid 2-of in my deck and many others.

Runed halo is a fringe selection. It is superpowerful against most combo strategies, but also numbs threats like reality smasher, TNS, deaths shadow, valakut, infect creatures, bogles... It is sort of a catch all. But I could see myself replacing it for something else. Wide cards are nice in midrange decks like ours (there you see collective brutality), but the SB might not be the place for them...

The extra 1 token we get from growth is not worth the reliability than disenchant gives you. I play 4 colorless sources, and blood moon is a thing in my meta sometimes. We literally shit tokens every turn, one more is not worth the risk of someone blood mooning you out of the game.

push is just excellent. I have tried a version without pushes and with blessed alliances, similar to yours, and I missed my pushes at every match I played. It is rediculouslz good when you can use it. So much, it is worth the dead card against tron or eldrazi (you can still get the TNS). In some matchups (like elves) is just an extra copy of inquisition of kozilek, which is a lot to say.

August 22, 2017 5:21 p.m.

Tethys says... #9

How are you liking Liliana of the Veil? I run two copies as well in my build and I am a huge fan of how she performs.

On another note, do you have any plans do deal with the fact that we can't cast her when Blood Moon is on the battlefield? That and her underperformance against tribal aggro decks are basically the only issues I have had with her. She is fantastic against most other aggro decks, as well as Midrange, most Control, Big Mana, and Combo decks. Absolutely a worthwhile addition IMO.

September 21, 2017 1:29 p.m.

Tethys says... #10

Oh, just saw you.are running two swamps lol. Never mind that question about Blood Moon decks.

September 21, 2017 1:42 p.m.

diateone says... #11

Tethys yeah. I have tested quite a bit against a goblin deck that I have and she really struggles against little hasty creatures. She is horrible in the mirror, clearly. And has to be handled with care against any deck making use of GY in any way.

However, and only after some own testing (no real competitive work), I agree with you. She could be backbreaking for slower decks from midrange to control (including M*f tron variants). A concern that I had is the combination of her with Collective Brutality, since they seem to overlap functionalities. The latter, nonetheless, lets us deal better with these tribal decks we mentioned above and cash dead cards like Thoughtseize or the same Liliana of the Veil for extra value.

And about Blood Moon... I hope with my recently acquired Marsh Flats it becomes much easier to deal with. I really hate playing under the moon...

September 22, 2017 3:19 a.m.

Tethys says... #12

After thinking about it for a while, I actually just changed my land base around a little today with the addition of a second Swamp and two Polluted Deltas for six opportunities to fetch it. And I have had similar feelings as you regarding running Collective Brutality and Liliana of the Veil together. Ultimately, I preferred her performance and versatility even though CB is strong in our decks.

Any issues with four colorless lands? I'm liking three at the moment, but I'm also running one Fetid Heath, so I would have a little additional potential for conflict than you do with four.

I see you are set up pretty nicely for the DraziTron matchup (even though I'm sure it's still a pain in the ass). Literally every card in your sideboard is at least potentially useful. What do you typically move in/out? Any speculation (or data) on what your overall favorability odds are?

Lastly, are you going to any larger competitive events in the near future? I'm about to take B/W Tokens out to an IQ. I have been running a win rate consistently over 70% for months, so I am feeling optimistic. I think Tokens is well positioned overall right now, so it's only a matter of time before someone with a highly refined build like you, DHamlin, or myself tops a big event.

September 22, 2017 4:36 a.m. Edited.

diateone says... #13

This is a report of a matchup I lost (sorry for the lack of formatting):

I mulled to 6 in every single game of this match. Game one was close because I could race a bit but he was just faster. Game 2, I was able to throw a Stony Silence on turn 2 that literally won me the game, along with fast pressure using Spectral Procession. Hate is as important as racing in this matchup. The third game, I had the stony as well so I could resist the early game. Then I had a Start // Finish in the GY ready to get a Reality Smasher and also had a Runed Halo in hand. He played nothing when he had 4 mana, so there was no Thought-knot Seer in his hand. I had the feeling he could have another Reality Smasher in his hand, but I decided to go with the spot removal. I turned out to be the wrong play and he cast the second fattie. Misplay number 1. At some point, I could have Ghost Quartered his Eldrazi Temple because he was about to get to 7 mana for All is Dust and I just didn't realise. He wiped my whole board and swung for lethal. I feel like I could have won otherwise with the help of a Sorin, Solemn Visitor I was holding.

In: 2 Wrath of God, 2 Runed Halo, 2 Pithing Needle, 3 Stony Silence.Out: 4 Inquisition of Kozilek, 2 Collective Brutality, 3 Fatal Push.

I think my rates are around 50-50, but only assisted by focus and good decisions. The MU is very tough, even with the perfect SB, if you dont play very cautiously and take the right decisions. In the report I left, I decided to path a smasher instead of playing a runed halo and protect myself from the second smasher that he had in hand (it seemed he had it, but I couldn't know). A couple turn later, I lost focus and forgot to GQ his eldrazi temple, so he could resolve an All is dust, that won him the game. Focus and practice given, the MU is 50-50 (they dont have so many decisions to make other than "do I smash you? or maybe I get a kebap tonight?").

At that point, I didn't have Lilianas, but I believe I would keep the same tech now. I am going to hold to CB+Lili because it helps a LOT against burn game 1, letting us discard useless thoughtseizes and the like. Versatile cards are huge in value for midrange decks (and tokens is probably the best midrange deck of them all).

The colourless sources are super fixed in my deck. They do give you some situations sometimes, but to me, they add a ton of value and are totally worth it. I would not go over 4 sources, however.

I am considering that, but I have been a bit busy with studies lately (also $$). Hopefully I will have the chance sometime this year. In Europe, the tournament schedule is not so frequent, so I will have to check. Thanks for the trust! We will do for sure!

September 24, 2017 6:34 a.m.

ParadoxRift says... #14

Nice Build! And awesome work on the sideboard guide, very comprehensive :D

November 26, 2018 6:14 p.m.

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