Pure_Insanity I agree that Engineered Explosives is an amazing card and I wish I had the money for it right now but I recently invested in some Ancestral Vision and it's going to be a little bit before i'm able to get anything new for the deck, I plan on getting a play set of Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet as soon as it rotates out of standard and its price deflates a bit. The list you commented on is going to be changed shortly and upgraded, but thank you for your comment. The help is very much appreciated :)
December 5, 2016 8:34 a.m.
I would definitely be playing a couple Anger of the Gods to help with aggro and dredge matchups for when they come around. Spellskite also does work against infect and bogles which, in your apparent meta, could make skite maindeckable in the event that they're that popular around you.
December 5, 2016 10:38 a.m.
Scouty Thanks for the comment :) I'm going to try out main boarding the Spellskite and see how it goes!
December 5, 2016 11:05 a.m.
verynice47 says... #5
If your meta consists of a lot of aggro, I would consider mainboarding an Anger of the Gods in addition to the sideboarded copies, which is great against aggro, and especially Dredge.
I agree with Pure_Insanity over the Gurmag Angler < Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet swap. Kalitas is fantastic against aggro (with the exception of infect) if you can get him to stick.
Lastly, you should get rid of Snapcaster Mage, and add in Storm Crow, the superior blue two-drop by a long run. Don't know how you didn't have this change implemented before :)
Pure_Insanity says... #1
I also run Grixis Control. Hopefully it can give you some ideas. (I pretty much always place at my LGS)
I would highly recommend Engineered Explosives as it really messes with Bogles, Tokens, Weenie Decks. Pyroclasm is a budget way to deal with early game.
Consider Mana Leak for early game counter.
I would replace Gurmag Angler with Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet as it has more versatilitly.
Side note in Grixis Control, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Flip doesn't fit the playstyle too well.
December 5, 2016 1:30 a.m.