You just have to think in line with the colors.
It could give critters haste, It could force a discard, a sacrifice, it could be something similar to Forked Bolt or maybe 1 damage splashed across the board.
Could be good for sure, But i'm just gonna go ahead and say Atarka's Command is probably the cheapest one outta the lot.
March 7, 2015 1:16 p.m.
grumbledore says... #3
pretty sure Atarka's Command was made for this deck.
March 16, 2015 2:48 p.m.
Rending Volley might be good sideboard tech (especially against Twin). Also Self-Inflicted Wound, but you already have Deathmark, so maybe not.
March 16, 2015 3:04 p.m.
FrydHamstr says... #9
Caligula has eight letters. Caligula also has three favorite formats (Standard, Vintage, Legacy). 8-3=5. Valve has five letters. Caligula = Valve.Valve posted a Half-life deck on tapped out three weeks ago with three colors and three different CMCs. The deck also hit top 10 during march (3rd month of the year).
HL3 confirmed.
March 20, 2015 1:44 p.m.
HarbingerJK says... #11
@FrydHamstr that is without a doubt the best HL3 logic I have yet to hear
March 20, 2015 2:57 p.m.
MillionLittleE says... #12
Rakdos Charm i feel like this destroys the twin match up why you no leave it in
March 21, 2015 9:59 a.m.
Bambicrann123 says... #13
I like the build +1 from me ! Be sure to check out my build lilianas blossoming souls
March 21, 2015 11:59 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #14
You should name it half life 3. it would be all the rage.
March 22, 2015 10:55 p.m.
Dewd... I love this deck. :3 I kinda want to make my own build as Ive always wanted a reason to need a playset of bob.. and I have a playset of Violent Outburst somewhere...
Its not like I can arbitrarily jam Dark Confidant into my dredgevine.. which sucks..
Still hate stinky Bloodghasts though... Atarka's Command is why theyre in aye?
March 28, 2015 3:24 p.m.
@Ryotenchi I went with Atarka's Command for a few reasons
1) It's at instant speed
2) It gives the deck some flexibility with multiple triggers
3) It is 2 CMC which can be cascaded into
and 4) It's got some extra bolts attached =)
And Bloodghast is an all star in the build, He's just so stubborn to remove and you can hit his haste trigger pretty easily in the build which makes him value town with Violent Outburst and Atarka's Command
Thanks for the vote man, It's honestly such a fun deck and not alot of people know what it can do so I feel like it's underrated haha, Dark Confidant helps out so much in the deck and smart players are best to remove him the turn he sticks so he's a bit of a lightning rod in that sense if players are keen on your strategy but alot of players will let him hang around game 1 to see what he does, Which is bad news bears.
March 28, 2015 3:35 p.m.
I wish Bloodghast wasnt a 10$ card... Not that it makes sense.. Id pay 240$ for a Bob Playset all day but I wont pay 40$ for ghasts? Shrug I r iz crazy or sumtin.
Def hot deck. :3 I want to mess with cascade.. doubt Ill find something this good if I do though.
March 28, 2015 3:40 p.m.
@Ryotenchi Honestly this deck is begging for Bloodbraid Elf being unbanned.
Could you imagine dropping one cascading into Violent Outburst into an Atarkas?
That thought makes me very excited haha
I grabbed a playset of ghast at the Vancouver GP and got them signed by Darkken haha <3 So wicked.
March 28, 2015 4:09 p.m.
@Scorprix wrong. Gordon freeman > Morgan freeman.
Hahah Gordon wins that 10/10 times.
A) he has a crowbar
B) he's travelled to other worlds/dimensions (something Morgan can only ramble about)
And c) He's saved the planet from multiple Oppressive forces.
And thanks hateindigital
March 29, 2015 3:13 p.m.
@Jhereg2467 you need the pro white to save your critters from Path to Exile, but I am actually running feast and famine currently as I don't own light and shadow yet
March 29, 2015 3:17 p.m.
Jhereg2467 says... #24
@Caligula I was thinking you would be able to do more shenanigans. Swing for a bunch, and if it's not lethal, utterly destroy the rest of there board with the rest of your mana.
6tennis says... #1
Ah, I see. Well, let's take a moment to speculate.
Kolaghan's Command is probably gonna have something to do with haste.
Since Kolaghan is a lightning dragon, it might have bolts.
Dragonlord Kolaghan has grave hate, so this might also have grave hate.
Honestly, I don't know. I'm just speculating.
March 7, 2015 12:37 p.m.