first draft
(taken from channelfireball - personal notes)
In: 3 Deathmark, 3 Engineered Explosives, 2 Sower of Temptation, 1 Batterskull
Out: 2 Thoughtseize, 3 Mana Leak, 4 Cryptic Command
This is likely one of the worst matchups for Faeries. It's possible that some number of Bitterblossoms need to be boarded out but I'm trying out the strategy of Bitterblossoms, Scions, Mistbinds, and Sower of Temptations to try to fly over while controlling the ground critters with the cheap efficient removal. Thoughtseize, Mana Leak, and a Tectonic Edge can likely be cut and outside of that, some combination of Cryptic Command and possibly a Bitterblossom or two can go (perhaps keep Blossoms on the play and board some out on the draw).
Spellstutter Sprite is an excellent almost-hard counter against them, but Mana Leak is less good. The matchup does get much better post-sideboard as you morph into a U/B control deck with 2 Batterskulls as the finishers. The reason why I am keeping the Scions is also to make it so that they need multiple removal spells if they want to kill a Sower of Temptation with Scion in play. Having additional ways to deal with Tarmogoyf seems great, and if unchecked, can win you the game in a hurry.
Scapeshift (Cryptic Version)
In: 2 Jace Beleren, 1 Thoughtseize, 2 Vendilion Clique, 1 Negate
Out: 2 Doom Blade, 1 Smother, 1 Go for the Throat, 1 Batterskull, 1 Scion of Oona
The removal spells are pretty terrible unless they are packing Primeval Titans or possibly Vexing Shusher out of the sideboard (which is only common in the R/G non-Cryptic Command version). Scion of Oona is the last cut here as it's simply the worst card left out of the remaining options. This should theoretically be one of your better options as the combination of hand disruption, counters, and a clock should put you over the top against them. If you are playing against the R/G version then keep in the Doom Blades and possibly even Go for the Throat, and take out all of the Scion of Oonas.
In: 3 Engineered Explosives, 2 Sower of Temptation
Out: Go for the Throat, 2 Mana Leak, 2 Cryptic Command
This matchup actually isn't terrible as Spell Snare is an absolute house against them. Once again, Mana Leak isn't at its best here but everything else is pretty strong. Even a turn 2 Bitterblossom on the play can be good as it blocks their Signal Pests, Vault Skirges, and Blinkmoth Nexuses.
Also, while Etched Champion is generally a trump against most decks, the 4 Mutavaults do a great job of stopping the Champion in its tracks. Just be mindful that they could possibly bring in Blood Moons in the matchup. For that reason alone, I might consider changing up the mana base a bit and add a few more basics. The deck already pushes its mana with 6 colorless lands and Cryptic Command.
I'm not entirely sure that the 2nd Batterskull here is necessary, as Affinity usually kills with a giant flier. I tend to like Thoughtseize in the matchup as there are only a couple of cards that are actually relevant, and if you manage to strip the Cranial Plating or Steel Overseer out of their hand, they end up with an army of do-nothing 1/1s on the board. It is a fairly poor draw outside of the first two turns however, and I can see just bringing in the Batterskull over the Thoughtseize.
In: 2 Jace Beleren, 1 Negate, 2 Vendilion Clique, 1 Thoughtseize
Out: 2 Doom Blade, 1 Go for the Throat, 1 Smother, 1 Batterskull, 1 Scion of Oona
Similar sideboard strategy against most of the non-creature based control or combo decks. Not having any answers to a Wurmcoil Engine might be a bit greedy, but the idea is that Wurmcoil Engine should not resolve. This matchup seems good but is actually quite bad since you have almost no way to put enough pressure on them before they hit Tron. Chain Mistbind Cliques and hope they go all the way. Perhaps some number of Spreading Seas in the sideboard could do the trick.
Not a real deck outside of MTGO, and also we can't possibly win sooo moving on.
(Draw Batterskull)
Birthing Pod
In: 3 Deathmark, 2 Sower of Temptation, 1 Thoughtseize
Out: 3 Spell Snare, 2 Inquisition of Kozilek, 1 Batterskull
This may be a bit aggressive on the removal, but the idea is that you want as many ways to kill their one-mana ramp creatures as possible. Deathmark also does a good job of killing most of the creatures in the deck, including Kitchen Finks, Voice of Resurgence, Melira, etc. Pod has lots of difficulty when its mana creatures get wiped.
While Spell Snare is good against Voice of Resurgence, the Birthing Pod deck has almost no other 2-drops in their deck and I tend to favor not playing them. I also take out Inquisitions as you can Deathmark almost all of the creatures that can get Inquisitioned but more consistently removes the threats.
Thoughtseize is significantly better as it can also get the Birthing Pod out of their hand. This matchup is actually fairly favorable unless a Birthing Pod is actually on the battlefield. Then it is incredibly difficult to win as they just have too many value creatures in the Pod chain. Batterskull might still be fine after sideboard as the matchup does tend to get grindy.
Sideboarding can also change based on whether or not you are playing or drawing. Additional hand disruption might be better on the draw as you cannot Mana Leak their turn 2 play while going second, so a way to disrupt them before they cast a Kitchen Finks or Voice of Resurgence may be necessary.
Splinter Twin
In: 1 Negate, 1 Thoughtseize, 2 Vendilion Clique, 2 Jace Beleren
Out: 1 Batterskull, 4 Scion of Oona, 1 Mistbind Clique
There are many flavors of Splinter Twin, but they all essentially try to do the same thing. Pestermite/Deceiver Exarch/Restoration Angel + Splinter Twin and win the game. We use a fairly straightforward sideboard plan here, as you want as many ways to interact with them as you can get, while also trying to gain some card advantage off of Jace. Be wary of just running out a turn 3 Jace on the draw as they can just combo off. He's still probably worth playing as you can set up a turn where you drop him after resolving a hand disruption spell to see if the coast is clear.
In: 2 Jace Beleren, 1 Negate, 1 Thoughtseize, 2 Vendilion Clique, 1 Batterskull
Out: 4 Scion of Oona, 2 Mistbind Clique, 1 Smother
I feel UWR control or midrange is positioned fairly well right now as the core of Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Path to Exile, and Snapcaster Mage seem excellent in a field full of 3/3 and 2/3 monsters. That being said, this is probably one of the better matchups for Faeries as it is a relatively fair deck. All your cards are fairly strong against them and as long as you are mindful not to get burned out, you should be favored here. Most UWR lists are shaving Electrolyzes as well, since they do nothing against the Zoo decks which only help the matchup for Faeries.
Doom Blade and Go For the Throat are both reasonable as it kills Restoration Angels and Celestial Colonnades, but going down to 2 and keeping a Mistbind Clique is fine. Batterskulls are actually fairly strong here as the matchup tends to be very grindy and having an unkillable threat in Batterskull is pretty awesome.