Bouncy Castle

Modern HeftyUpTop


HeftyUpTop says... #1

I ran a budget version of this deck (more bounces, no Remand/Snapcaster/Cryptic/Vedalken) last night at FNM. It was a lot of fun and all of my opponents, as well as the judge, were excited to see something totally different from the various meta-decks.

Round 1 - Artifact/Combo deck - L/L/-

If I was 'in practice' with this deck, and not coming off of a few months not playing magic, I would have had a chance to disrupt the combo and win. Unfortunately I wasn't on point and my opponent knew what he was doing. Lesson: Aritfact decks with 0 or 1 cost mana drops can be a real pain. Mill it fast, mill it hard.

Round 2 - White Knights - W/T/-

First game took 43 minutes. 1 and 2 drop knights meant I needed to be fending off threats instead of lands. Eventually I stabilized at 5 life with both Elocutors and Aetherling, along with bounce-force discard on handfulls of knights at the same time. Game 2 my opponent said after time and turns I would have won because his hand was looking awful. Overall still a win.

Round 3 - Blue Mill/Control - L/W/L

Just an all around more tuned deck than mine. Game 1 he milled me for 40+ cards in two shots. Game 2 I was beating down but ended up winning to a scoop v. Elocutors time clock. Game 3 lost to mill again. Sanity Grinding is a card I had never seen before, but is definitely going to see some deck theory from me in the future.

April 25, 2015 4:59 p.m.

cmacfaddin says... #2

I like the deck concept - how about some Forced Fruition I think that would work really well!

April 25, 2015 5:22 p.m.

cmacfaddin says... #3

nevermind - i lied - somthing like Kami of the Crescent Moon or Howling Mine would work better. Because then they are just drawing more and can't play anything and this increases the chance of you getting a land bounce spell each turn to fend them off

April 25, 2015 5:29 p.m.

HeftyUpTop says... #4

Thanks for the suggestions. Any thoughts on where they would slip in though? I'm at a point where I can't remove any more Bounce spells, and everything else is fairly vital.

April 25, 2015 11:28 p.m.

cmacfaddin says... #5

Okay so first. If you want to make the deck slightly more economical and in my opinion better here is what you could do. ELIMINATE ALL SNAP CASTERS. This may seem like a suicide statement at first but think about it. Drawing cards will be more efficient because you only need to play one bounce spell per turn. The snapcaster is sort of just a one time use where kami and howling keep the cards coming while not hurting you with opponents drawing good stuff.

I would also get rid of the vedalken shackles - although they are fun they are sort of counterintuitive.

I think jace is an excellent non bounce card. I would also reduce your island count by 2 - I know that is sort of a personal thing about how many land really should be in a deck but overall the casting cost of everything is pretty low

So that frees up 8 spots for draw cards - maybe you could even add 2 Jace's Erasure to make it sort of a quasi mill that hides behind a bouncy castle.

Thats all - sorry I was not very brief

April 26, 2015 8:19 p.m.

cmacfaddin says... #6

So I made the ideal bounce deck on a budget because I was inspired by this one. I tried to get the cost as low as I possibly could. On card kingdoms (real cards) the budget without islands was under 18$ which I think is pretty goodcheck it out if you want Budget Bounce

April 27, 2015 3:31 p.m.

HeftyUpTop says... #7

I really do appreciate the desire to cut costs on a deck like this. The good news is Cryptic Command is getting reprinted! Anyways, in my play testing the snapcasters have really been integral in evening out the deck, along with providing beats. A turn 4 snap flashing back a boomerang is fantastic to put some beats pressure out relatively early.

I'll check out the deck and run some tests though for sure. I'm not stuck on the vedalken shackles, but my replacement would probably be an icecron scepter (Can not find while on phone).

April 28, 2015 10:47 a.m.

sergiodelrio says... #8

Love the concept... I once ran something similar. You might want to consider Temporal Adept or Cephalid Constable. +1!

April 30, 2015 7:40 p.m.

cmacfaddin says... #9

Ya, the constable would be wicked good in this deck - because they won't have anything to block with and you can return something each turn

April 30, 2015 8:55 p.m.

HeftyUpTop says... #10

Wow, those are some great suggestions. I'll definitely be looking to slip in the Constable somehow.

As a mini update I tried to go to a modern event last night with the deck but it didn't fire due to lack of people. Guess I try again next week :(

May 1, 2015 10:58 a.m.

cmacfaddin says... #11

Hypothetically - how sweet would it be if you could put mox sapphires in here (:

May 1, 2015 6:29 p.m.

deo242 says... #12

This deck is sick. If you're just trying to bounce as much as possible, may I suggest: Isochron Scepter???

May 5, 2015 11:44 p.m.

epic_eeyore says... #13

Reality Acid is nasty in a bounce deck.

May 8, 2015 3:17 p.m.

HeftyUpTop says... #14

Isochron Scepter was one of the earliest cards suggested to me by people in my LGS. What I found it testing is that, because it ONLY works with Boomerang or Remand it just isn't consistent enough. I might try it again instead of the shackles, but the danger of it being a dead topdeck draw is huge.

Reality Acid is interesting, but I feel like it's too slow. As a 3 drop I would much rather have an instant bounce than a sac 3 turns away.

As a quick update, I went searching for Vensers, Cephalid Constables and Temporal Adepts before my last event and only found a single Venser :(. Good news is I'm flying back to my home town this week, so I can hit up some of my older haunts and see if any of them, along with the Shackles, are available there. With MM dropping soon, Modern is seeing a lot more play so hopefully I can get in some more testing games too!

May 9, 2015 10:26 p.m.

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