NegativeRainbow says... #2
In testing I've found the mana with my current landbase to hit Archmage's Charm enough of the time to warrant further testing. I'm only running one copy atm because I think Esper Charm is better, but because of Snapcaster Mage , Search for Azcanta Flip, and Narset, Parter of Veils making it easy to find and double up on singletons, I want to continue testing with one copy just to see how it plays out in more actual matches.
ArchonBlue says... #1
How has Archmage's Charm performed for you? My initial thoughts were that it is too color intensive for this deck, plus you have Esper Charm already as an instant speed draw 2 effect.
June 9, 2019 11:34 p.m.