It's Krenko. It's Goblins.

I know I'm missing a fair bit of things that are considered more or less standard issue for Krenko Goblin Decks. Otherwise, it's the game plan you expect: Produce an absurd amount of Goblins and overwhelm my opponents with numbers. There are a handful of potential wincons in the deck, though they all more or less rely on the same basic resource of "having as many little dudes to throw into the meat grinder as possible".

I can win through combat, with Raid Bombardment and Cavalcade of Calamities dealing damage when I swing in, and/or with my army of Goblins being buffed by my Battle Cry effects, Quest for the Goblin Lord, or my Lords.

Or I can win via non-combat damage means, with Pashalik Mons, Boggart Shenanigans, and one of my handful of sac outlets, ideally Goblin Bombardment. Impact Tremors, General Kreat, the Boltbringer, and the ETB effect of Purphoros, God of the Forge are all also in this category, but aren't tied to a sacrifice effect.

There's also a couple of infinite combos in the deck, only one of which technically has a handful of potential enablers: Krenko, Mob Boss + Thornbite Staff in conjunction with any of my "free" sac outlets - Skirk Prospector, Goblin Sledder, or Goblin Bombardment - can result in an infinite number of Goblin Tokens. If Bombardment is my enabler, it also turns it into a wincon by virtue of Bombardment dealing damage each time I use it. Krenko can also go infinite if he's wearing Umbral Mantle or Sword of the Paruns, though those require a smidgen more work since they require the Skirk Prospector and need me generating at least four tokens with the first activation in order to continue generating an infinite number.


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96% Casual


Date added 8 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Goblin 1/1 R
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