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Teysa, the Martyr Queen

Commander / EDH*


Teysa Stax 1.0 I threw this together trying to get a rough idea of what I want to do for this. It's my first attempt at a stax style deck, so any input on cards that I might have missed would be awesome, or cards you think don't help out the deck.


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Revision 15 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Emeria, the Sky Ruin maybe
+1 Liliana of the Veil main
-1 Necrotic Sliver main
-1 Phyrexian Altar maybe
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.87
Tokens Copy Clone, Demon X/X B, Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Snake 1/1 B, Soldier 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Thrull 1/1 B, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink, Vampire 2/2 B, Zombie 2/2 B
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