Breya, Etherium Shaper

Commander / EDH mtgThaen


Lilbrudder says... #1

I am very interested in this commander myself. I will timker with your brew and give you some feedback shortly. So far it looks good. I am curious why no Eldrazi Displacer (which goes infinite with altar and ironworks) or Peregrine Drake combo's for redundancy?

October 25, 2016 11:24 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #2

I threw it together hastily, but displacer is a shoe-in, and peregrine Drake will probably be put in as well. I think Breya is better than a lot of people give her credit for.

What do you think of the red draw package? How do you feel about cutting FoF? Since we aren't as good as Sharuum with GY interaction, I felt we could use other draw, but the raw power of FoF is hard to deny. The Worldgorger combo is interesting, and makes intuition/entomb/FoF better, and if I keep it I might run Street Wraith to make it easier to have a second creature in the graveyard. Probe is also going in. I've been thinking of going Doomsday with Thoughtscour or something, to bin the dragon and draw Animate Dead for the win. But it's in the air right now.

When you make a list, id like to see it, to compare to mine (as it gets refined).

October 26, 2016 9:02 a.m.

trorax says... #3

it looks like a good start for also working with breya so ill be back to comment

October 26, 2016 1:47 p.m.

trorax says... #4

at first glance Deep Analysis, Unburial Rites, Faith's Reward seem heavy and too"week"

October 26, 2016 1:56 p.m.

trorax says... #5

is this a control deck?

October 26, 2016 2:04 p.m.

trorax says... #6

Breya eggs combo

Reddit Link

someone in r/cedh has made a rough draft that looks real good this deck uses eggs as an approach check it out all credit goes to him of course.

October 26, 2016 2:46 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #7

Yes, they are heavy and clunky, but each serves a purpose. Deep analysis and Rites facilitate a LabMan combo, and Faith's Reward is easier to cast than Second Sunrise.

This a pure combo deck, which uses as few pieces as possible to go off. The counterspells are there to ensure we don't get disrupted and that our opponents don't get free wins. Eggs is certainly a viable way to go, but I feel like it's too easy to fizzle, and since our win condition is in the Command Zone, the fastest way to arbitrary colored mana is the best way, IMO.

October 26, 2016 4 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #8

I will definitely post a list when I get a chance. I am not a fan off Magmatic Insight and I really don't like eggs for this general. Individually eggs are terrible cards that require a ton of deckslots and this general already has a ton of overlapping combo pieces as well as tons of reanimation tech that will win the game without adding 15 trash artifacts that do nothing but cantrip and mass reanimation spells that are useless except on a combo turn.

To be perfectly frank The hivemind on the cEDH subreddit is a bit ridiculous and I am becoming less impressed with the brewsday builds the more I see them. Running 28 lands is just asking for inconsistency no matter how low your curve is and every build runs the same exact combos even when they don't fit the deck at all. Our general wins at instant speed with infinite etb triggers and mana. There are like 10 cards that can produce this and there are a ton of tutors at our disposal. Why labman or DD? It seems risky and unnecessary.

October 26, 2016 4:28 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #9

Sorry for the double post and for getting carried away on my rant. I like fact or fiction but I prefer Buried Alive + Victimize or Intuition + Scrap Mastery a bit more. I prefer focused tutors over look at the top 5. As you can probably tell I'm probably going to have a reanimator subtheme for my version of the deck since we lack consistent ramp. Maybe build around yawgmoth's will.

October 26, 2016 6:05 p.m.

trorax says... #10

Wow buddy i was jsut giving a suggestion, anyways in my personally build im not playing eggs because i hate the style. Was trying to just help out but anyways the the author of the deck i run buth sunrise andreward for redundancy, have you tried that out?

October 26, 2016 6:28 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #11

I don't run second sunrise anymore. The double white was tough. I may bump out the eggs aspect, but I don't have much there since I already cut codex shredder.

DD is more to set up a George combo, and less so LabMan. I may boot LM and deep analysis if it it too inconsistent. However, Tainted Pact is just so good, and LabMan can give you free wins. Scrap mastery sounds disgusting! It's better than Open the Vaults and Roar of Reclamation, IMO, and with KCI it just gets dumb. It will be nice to have some graveyard recursion here, so I may also run Reanimate, but eh.

Any ways, I'll test it sans LabMan/eggs, and hardcore slam for combo. Let you know how it goes!

October 26, 2016 7:04 p.m.

trorax says... #12

from what people are saying and from waht i expirenced myself and have noticed its really looking like breya will be at most tier two...might be sad might not be...but either way most people are finding it hard to have the whole combo package and do things such as control the board because shes fast but other commanders are just faster then here.

October 26, 2016 7:13 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #13

We shall see, I suppose :)

October 26, 2016 7:16 p.m.

trorax says... #14

have you tried playtesting yet?

October 26, 2016 7:18 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #15

trorax: My comment wasn't directed towards you in anyway. I was just venting my frustration at the brew crew on reddit. They try to force combos that fit poorly into decks because they have success with them on cockatrice for other generals. I apologize if I was offensive.

October 26, 2016 7:19 p.m. Edited.

trorax says... #16

lol no no its fine i understand the concern...i think the whole eggs things comes from sharuum since breya is esper with the addition of red.That seems like the first route most people would go too...and if anything else build your own deck and make that the new standard show them that there are other builds.Im personally going the stacks route now with a combo finisher because i personally found here to be too slow so now im just trying to work on that list.

October 26, 2016 7:24 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #17

Oh I definitely will :-)

mtgThaen: Ah I see what your doing now. Laboratory Maniac + Tainted Pact is great. I really like that it can win even if your gravyard gets shut down and DD for george makes sense.

October 26, 2016 7:42 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #18

I'll see if I can fit them in. I dislike trying to make a DD pile with LabMan, but Sir George makes it pretty easy. Loot, reanimate, win.

October 26, 2016 8:06 p.m.

mtgThaen says... #19

The way it is now, I'm getting consistent T3-4 wins. I did a couple of games against Yisan, and it was a toss-up, but I lost the match 1-2 (this was 1v1). He was just one turn faster (although one game a T2 Root Maze didn't help my case lol). One problem I have with the Displacer+Drake combo is that we need lands that produce colorless and less than 1/3 of our lands our colorless producing (in my list). Ancient Tomb doesn't really count, since it would kill us (unless we had Angel's Grace at the time). George is a pretty easy wincon, and as long as I have the right mana-producing permanents it's our game. T1 Twister is a solid play. That was a T3 win, I think. I haven't gotten our T1 win yet (Dark Ritual into Entomb and Animate Dead for George with a command tower out). I really like the deck, and half the times I go off it's like "Oh, I have infinite mana, I don't have to dig for anything...I just win here. Cool." I think I definitely want LED in here. I often wanted to pitch my hand (usually because I wanted to reanimate a creature or set up a sweet Mastery) but couldn't. But Faithless looking is so good! Also, what do you think of running Simian Spirit Guide for an extra boost? I'm not convinced.

October 26, 2016 10:47 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #20

That sounds promising. George appears to be the best way to go however, displacer probably needs all the filter lands and pain lands to be viable.

October 27, 2016 8:12 a.m.

mtgThaen says... #21

Yeah, we can drop the fastlands/checklands for the Filtwrs and painlands.

I find myself searching out the George combo most times. It's just so convenient. I wish we had a regrowth effect so that way our intuition piles with AD were better.

October 27, 2016 9:37 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #22

Thats why I was thinking Yawgmoth's Will and Scrap Mastery with a bunch of rituals. and wheels to get all the pieces. and accelerate into wins a little quicker. I was also thinking Recruiter of the Guard and Imperial Recruiter to grab Goblin Welder and Heliod's Pilgrim would be nice. I'll obviously need to test it a bit but I have high hopes.

October 27, 2016 11:02 a.m.

mtgThaen says... #23

I think cutting welder is then right move. Summoning sickness just makes things unfortunate. Pilgrim seems great, and having the recruiters (or one) seems fine.

October 28, 2016 8:34 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #24

Being a one drop I feel more than compensates for summoning sickness. It can be put into play before your combo turn. Trash for Treasure would be the spell alternative. And would be more mana efficient than scrap mastery.

October 28, 2016 8:48 a.m.

mtgThaen says... #25

Eh, I'll give him another shot. Should we run lotus bloom, then?

October 28, 2016 9:21 a.m.

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