
Creature (2)

Sorcery (2)

Artifact (3)

a curse deck. i have seen many curse decks running around, but i think this one is the closest to being somewhat competitive( I took it 3-0 at a modern tournament in my lgs). the lands are not fetches\shocks\filters due to budget restrictions.

specifications for each card-

Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek- hand attack. really good against combo and control

Curse of Thirst- second finisher, in case cruel reality gets desroyed, isn't fast enough, or life loss isn't effective(ad nauseam)

Cruel Reality- an answer curse for bogles, and many high-going creature based decks, as well as planeswalkers. i obviously don't plan on casting it, but tutoring it with Curse of Misfortunes. usually used as a finisher.

Curse of Death's Hold- incredibly useful against elves/tokens/ any wide-going creature decks. can be cast or tutored using Curse of Misfortunes. usually used as a semi combo with Overwhelming Splendor for a complete creature lock.

Curse of Exhaustion- kills storm and most izzet blitz decks, as well as hurting infect and many other decks. goes well with Cruel Reality.

Curse of Misfortunes- the main center piece of the deck. allows to tutor a curse to the battlefield each upkeep' which is why i run Overwhelming Splendor as a win-con.

Ghostly Prison- buys time. also good against tokens, and pump-based decks.

Overwhelming Splendor- the main win-con of the deck. basically kills every creature based deck that isn't tokens. creates a good lock when paired with Curse of Death's Hold

Assassin's Trophy- removal. very, very good removal.

Path to Exile- removal.

Detection Tower- very good against leyline and bogles( the only way to win game 1)

Avacyn's Pilgrim, Birds of Paradise- ramp. makes the deck get Curse of Misfortunes on turn 4 fairly consistently.

Open the Armory- in the deck to be Curse of Misfortunes numbers 5-7, but can be used to tutor any curse from the deck.


Rest in Peace- graveyard hate. comes in against dredge, vengevine, etc

Leyline of Sanctity or anything that gives hexproof, because then you are unable to attach curses to your opponent.

Pithing Needle- in the deck for planeswalkers mostly, and also some other cards

Dragonlord Dromoka- amazing against control, and with mana dorks+slowing the opponent down it can actually be cast. also a secondary win con against Leyline of Sanctity and mass enchantment removal. also dodges a lot of removal played in modern

Stony Silence- comes in against affinty.

Leyline of Sanctity- comes in against burn, mill, etc


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 6 Mythic Rares

26 - 9 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.44
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