Here’s a deck I’ve been working on. It’s an Ojutai/Scorn based control deck, but rather than playing esper for Silumgars to increase the consistency of turning on scorn, I use green for OUaT.
I’d like to start by acknowledging what is lost by switching from black to green. The big losses are thoughtseize and fatal push. Thoughtseize is the best disruption in the format and push really helps versus aggro. My bant list is looking to play a long game draw-go control. Thoughtseize loses a lot of its luster in the later game, unless you have an active Teferi and even then it’s not that great. Counters are better and this deck looks to abuse spell queller with Teferi/Oko in the late game. The lack of push makes it harder to keep up with aggro, but green has a nice trick in Oko. I probably don’t need to go over him. Dude does everything. Hopefully the life gain and stream of blockers makes up for the lack of push.
The heart of the deck is it’s cantrip package (like any good control deck). Opt is the best one in frontier. I’d argue that OUaT is maybe second. Both do the important work of letting you hit your land drops early. A turn one consisting of both is the dream. OUaT is also used for enabling scorn by grabbing Ojutai. Both cantrips are also decent at preventing you from drawing multiple copies of the same legendaries.
White had access to great sweepers, but lacks a bit in the targeted removal department. I ended up going with declaration, but I am not convinced it’s correct. I hate the sorcery speed and clues, but I’d say the best possible replacement is seal away. Declaration has slightly more synergy with the deck, but not much. It works better with dig and Jace, which gave it the nod for me.
The goal of the deck is to survive until the late game and eventually win the Ojutai. Once you have one active, with counter backup, it’s hard to lose. Scorn is obviously great in this situation, but queller with Teferi is a ridiculous end game.
The sideboard is stacked against the various combo decks, including phoenix. There are blessed alliance and more sweepers for aggro. Veil is great versus decks leaning on thoughtseize.
Brewing for pioneer has been a blast. Please, let me know what you think of the deck idea.
EDIT 10/28: Decided to go with sky tether. Another cool interaction is bouncing a tether with Teferi before a wrath. This way you can answer the follow up and be up an additional card. Looking to get rid of jace too. Thinking of replacing him with Field of the Dead, for the 25th land as well as a passive wincon that doesn’t require a tap out. I’ll have to rework the mana base a little in this case.