Woot woot, so yeah this deck went 3-0 at my local FNM, small place so sue me.
Round one I face Red Deck wins... it was a total blowout and I destroyed them 2-0.
My lifegain was just too good... and I happened to be more aggro than him. Hey what do ya know, boros deck wins, now featuring lifelink!
Round two was facing Mono Blue, this was Peter's deck list. game one I mulligan to five without lands and just couldn't get there. However game two after sideboarding switching my Fabled Heros for Banisher Priest was crucial. Both games I attacked with one huge attack and got him down to two life, afterwards I had Boros Charm
like five turns later for game, It was really tough.
Round 3 I faced Azorius Enchantment Control Pacifism Sphere of Safety Sphinx's Revelations Oh my. Game one stuck on one land most of the time... eventually I got more land and swung for more damage. After he sphere of safetyed it was pretty tough but a top deck of nykthos,shrine to nyx like six turns later let me attack and that was game, I swing for over 20 damage in one hit. Game two he Pithing Needled my nykthos and I got him down to 1 then he used Elixir of Immortality into him wiping my board over the course of a few annoying Azorius Charming turns into counter spell. I Boros Charm
ed him to one life. Later On I had Boros Charm
but knew he had Syncopate. He tried using elixir to gain life so in response I Boros Charm
ed him, he Syncopated, I payed four mana and ended up winning a very tough fight. Overall they were tough matches but I only lost one game out of everything so I'm happy. Also Boros Charm
was the obvious all star of the night. Relevant in two out of 3 games.