Boros Heroic!

Standard* Zhane23

SCORE: 11 | 31 COMMENTS | 2689 VIEWS

DannyG says... #1

You might want to see this

September 16, 2013 6:19 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #2

This is the boros I have with my actual cards. The other one is what I want my boros to look like once I'm finished. I still need about six dollars though and I'm broke. Haha.

September 16, 2013 6:51 a.m.

DannyG says... #3

Yea, but I kind explained of how should the deck look like, if you're short on money, just put of what fits the overall plan, and you should be fine as for now, later on you will fit the slots with more expensive cards, that's all.No reason to put on the same things twice.

September 16, 2013 7:10 a.m.

Ti22_HipHero says... #4

You want to streamline your deck a bit, dont have so many random one-of and such.

September 28, 2013 1:44 p.m.

Zhane23 says... #5

It's like that because my card selection is very limited. To be honest I was thinking of taking out Firedrinker Satyr because I think he hurts more than helps. I was also thinking of adding in 4x Mugging maybe in the sideboard but, I'm not sure. I also think I want to take out some 3 drops for some more 2 drops or 1 drops but I'm not sure which. I do have some Sunhome Guildmage lying around I believe though. Maybe even one more Truefire Paladin

September 29, 2013 2:41 a.m.

hydraliskking says... #6

Daring Skyjek and Chandra's Phoenix do not fit your theme. next i would use 4 Legion Loyalist have you thought about using 4 Boros Elite instead, Precinct Captain would also fit your theme pretty well Legion's Initiative is a must have for your side board, its anti control decks Fiendslayer Paladin is another possible 3 drop you could use, for a boros theme i would try to stay aggro,

-Keep tweaking and testing and seeing what works for you

September 29, 2013 3:03 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #7

I actually have thought of and do want all the cards you mentioned but this is my deck with what I have. What I really want is two more Boros Charm s probably one more Firemane Avenger . 4 Boros Elite s, or I suppose Dryad Militant would suffice over the Foundry Street Denizen s in place of the elites. For the side board I'd really like Elixir of Immortality or Rest in Peace x4. Just because mill has hurt me bad, and so has flash back, what mill hurt me with though was mainly the power that Consuming Aberration and Wight of Precinct Six got. I do want more cards to side against control, any suggestions? Legion's Initiative x2 is a must once I can get them. Also I'd rather play Banisher Priest x4 over Fiendslayer Paladin then again it's an expensive card I never got to play test so I could be wrong. Once the deck is way later in staging and I have money Boros Reckoner will fit nicely, but where?

September 30, 2013 1:41 a.m.

ownageban says... #8

i think that Viashino Firstblade is in most cases better then Minotaur Skullcleaver and that Anax and Cymede is quite good although so is Boros Reckoner

October 5, 2013 1:48 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #9

Boros Reckoner Is WAY out of my Budget range. As soon as I get copies of Viashino Firstblade they will definitely replace the Minotaur Skullcleaver although as it is now it's only a minor difference. I haven't seen many issues with either the mana nor the extra two toughness. Actually the mana might be a tad bit better because there were slightly more issues with that, I was always able to cast the Minotaur Skullcleaver because my lands are not always ideal. (Such is the problem of a budget.)Anax and Cymede is nice, except I personally like Mindsparker Better which I run two of in the sideboard. I don't care about Vigilance for the blocking so much because I'm smashing to the face over and over. I also don't care for the heroic as much because I have so few triggers it's not worth it.

October 5, 2013 2:14 a.m.

nijomemo says... #10

December 1, 2013 8:43 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #11

I don't have the budget to do that yet though. That's just a given if I had the money.

December 1, 2013 4:41 p.m.

nijomemo says... #12

More of a budget option would be also Temple of Triumph . It's less expensive but still very good.

December 1, 2013 6:59 p.m.

Zhane23 says... #13

It still eats more than half of my budget alone, however I think it will be incredibly useful. I'm definitely looking into it, as stated in my land drop section. Personally I was also debating on Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Boros Reckoner but that's for much later in my budget. 24 dollar budget is tough. 2 more Boros Charm is so good. To be honest I actually have only 2 Boros Elite so I definitely need them.

December 1, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Zhane23 says... #14

I can get every card I need within my budget except for the Boros Reckoner s the Sacred Foundry and the Temple of Triumph so I'm trying to trade for what I can and ultimately get these cards as well. There was some debate for a while but in the end I decided against Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx because I empty my hand quick already, it does little to mana ramp with my current deck and even if it does my average casting cost is so low it hardly matters. If I made it more red and included cards like Burning-Tree Emissary it could act as mana fixing for Boros Reckoner and nice ramp, but, well, I don't so yeah.

December 2, 2013 12:08 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #15

Mutavault is the only one escaping my budget atm. This is frustrating to say the least.

December 9, 2013 7:25 p.m.

Zhane23 says... #16

So any suggestions on any changes? I'm thinking Imposing Sovereign could replace the Azorius Arrester

January 6, 2014 7:06 p.m.

DannyG says... #17

Cut down 1 Land, 1 Frontline Medic , 1 Boros Reckoner for 3 Imposing Sovereign . Consider moving 1-2 Boros Charm to sideboard, you don't really need and want to stay with 4 mainboard. When you find the budget, swap Guildgates for Sacred Foundry , 4 Plains for Mutavault and your deck is really nice.The only downside is, Wb and Wu Humans seem to work better now.

January 7, 2014 2:32 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #18

Imposing Sovereign Huh, I was just thinking of that card too. The swaps for the lands will be done once I get the budget and imposing sovereigns are hard near impossible with my zero budget but thanks. I will definitely test that out.

January 7, 2014 4:56 a.m.

Arorsthrar says... #19

Like most heroic decks I see, this deck makes the mistake of running Phalanx Leader . Here's why that card is bad. First off, on turn 2, you might be spending mana to cast him instead of buffing your T1 Favored Hoplite (which, if you play right, should win you the most games), costing you a turn of doing nothing. Secondly, even if you do turn 2 Phalanx Leader without a turn 1 play, then on turn 3, if you cast a heroic trigger, all you get is a single +1/+1 counter on a 1/1. In addition, once you get Fabled Hero out there, you won't want to waste enchantments such as Gift of Orzhova on Phalanx Leader because because the extra +1/+1 of the gift makes it much more powerful with double strike. You never will have enough creatures to truly reap the benefits of Phalanx Leader , as the most you'll have 2-3 creatures out when you trigger his heroic, which is not a good number (you'd want at least 5). I definitely see Hero of Iroas as possibly the best heroic creature once it comes out.

As far as your heroic triggers go: Boros Charm is great, possibly a four-of; Gods Willing is completely awesome and must be a four-of. Making your creatures unblockable by a certain color and the power to protect your buffed up creatures is insanely valuable. Ethereal Armor and Gift of Orzhova are awesome, but your other two aren't. Spear of Heliod buffs all your creatures, and in effective heroic decks, you won't have more than 2-3 creatures on the field (mainly to help against sacrifice spells). Ordeal of Heliod is a decent enchantment, but the fact that it doesn't provide immediate power makes it slightly worse than other enchantment picks. If you are splashing red, then Madcap Skills is a must. A two-drop (one drop with Hero of Iroas ) for +3/0 and a heroic trigger while giving a form of evasion is extremely powerful. Another good enchantment is Pursuit of Flight . While most people overlook it, +2/+2 for 2 mana is quite powerful, though not as great as Madcap Skills , but landing this can also help get your creature out of reach from burn removal. I find 16 enchantments to be a good number in heroic decks, and I usually run 4 Gods Willing as my only instant, but because Boros Charm is so good, it deserves a spot as well. I feel like 20 creatures is too many for a heroic deck; once you land a creature you will definitely want to start landing enchantments on it, not more creatures. So, all that being said, here are the changes I would make to make this deck much faster and more effective as a heroic deck, versus trying to generate a bunch of somewhat strong creatures. Remember that most heroic creatures are weak creatures on their own and need quite a bit of buffing to make them strong. This is why having one insanely buffed creature and one other creature on the battlefield (only for sacrifice purposes against Celestial Flare and Devour Flesh ) is better than having 3 3/3s.

Last but not least, here are the changes I would make:

-4x Phalanx Leader =+4 Hero of Iroas (once it is released)-4x Hopeful Eidolon or Fencing Ace both creatures are really good for this deck, but you should try to go down to 16. Hopeful Eidolon is never a dead draw, but Fencing Ace can get crazy due to double strike. If you plan on using this before Born is released, then I suggest using both and only losing Phalanx Leader .+1x Gods Willing -3x Spear of Heliod ,-2x Ordeal of Heliod =+4x Madcap Skills , +4x Pursuit of Flight -2x Ajani, Caller of the Pride =+2 Boros Charm (this is completely up to you-in my heroic decks, Ajani usually ends up being a double strike spell instead of a true planes walker, and the fact that Boros Charm has tons of good effects including a cheaper double strike cost can actually make it better than Ajani).

I know my description is really long; I just really like heroic decks and have been playing them since theros came out. With my selesnya heroic, I get consistent 3-1 and 4-0 FNMs. Anyway, good luck with this deck!

January 27, 2014 2:17 a.m.

Arorsthrar says... #20

And I forgot to mention sideboard cards. I'm not sure if you need Rootborn Defenses because you have Boros Charm , but its something to consider against control. I don't really see the point of one Boros Reckoner and I think you're better off with more Wear / Tear to get rid of Detention Sphere . Since you are mostly white, Celestial Flare is a great way to get rid of an attacking or blocking Stormbreath Dragon , which could be a big obstacle to victory. For me, my toughest match up is control, and anything that runs sacrifice spells. With indestructibility spells and protection and enchantment destruction, you can be quite resilient to most of controls responses. In my selesnya heroic, I find it paramount to make sure to keep at least 2 creatures on the field and attack with at least two creatures to get around Celestial Flare and Devour Flesh .

January 27, 2014 2:29 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #21

Oh wow thank you so much for this. That was actually very helpful. Although I do still like Ajani, Caller of the Pride inside of the deck, partially because I have him but because the constant buff is quite nice as well as the double strike. I actually found myself buffing creatures and found ajani relevant. About the Phalanx Leader that is actually a really good point, although I have used him to close games other cards are simply better. Also Ordeal of Heliod has won me many games because of the lifegain, however I can definitely see playing Madcap Skills over it, then there becomes the issue of using too much red for me though. I will definitely test out these suggestions, thanks a lot for taking the time and having such a nice and heft paragraph for me to read and benefit from.

January 28, 2014 3:20 a.m.

Zhane23 says... #22

Also Pursuit of Flight isn't worth it for me without the blue to be honest. I'd rather run something else, like 2 ajani and 2 spear or 4 instants or 4 seperate enchantments. I just don't like it, so I think I will run the Ordeal of Heliod in it's place possibly.

January 28, 2014 3:22 a.m.

slowpoke12 says... #23

Cards I will not play: Gift of Orzhova, Ordeal of Heliod, Hopeful Eidolon, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx,Temple of Triumph.

Cards I will consider: Nyxborn Rolliker, Nyxborn Shieldmate, Eidolon of Countless Battles, Akoran Crusader, Spear of Heliod, Hammer of Purphoros, Anax and Cymede, Rackdos Cackler, Fencing Ace, Boros Elite, Ordeal of Purphoros.

Sideboard: Assemble the Legion. Spirit of Labyrinth, Imposing Sovereign, Chain to Rocks, Scouring Sands.

January 31, 2014 2:39 a.m.

slowpoke12 says... #24

Group pump route: Akoran Crusader + Anax and Cymede + Sunhome Guildmage + Dauntless Onslaught/Coordinated Assault/Martial glory/Dynacharge/Boros Charm + Young Pyromancer + Foundry Street Denizen/Boros Elite/Favoured Hoplite (maybe Spear of Heliod and Vanguard of Brimaz)

Pros: good against premium removal. Cons: weak against sweepers

January 31, 2014 2:54 a.m.

slowpoke12 says... #25

1 Big beat stick route: Fencing Ace/Favoured Hoplite/Hero of Iroas/Fabled Hero + Madcap skills + Aethreal Armor + Nyxborn Rolliker/Everflame Eidolon + Eidolon of Countless Battles + Boros Charm

January 31, 2014 3:25 a.m.

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