Whettingstone says... #2
Thanks. It is a fun deck. Last time I played it I had 40ish mana per turn and when I cast All is Dust with It That Betrays on the board the table conceded.
It's not a degenerate deck though and it doesn't win out of nowhere.
I'm working on getting A Karn Liberated and a Ugin, the Spirit Dragon . Both are kinda costly though.
October 11, 2018 4:09 p.m.
MeganticSliver says... #3
Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith = Infinite mana. So one infinite combo...
December 6, 2018 7:29 p.m.
Whettingstone says... #4
Yes, this is true. I need to update the description as rings are a late addition.
December 7, 2018 6:48 a.m.
Whettingstone says... #8
Back after a hiatus.
Looking to make the deck quicker and more consistent.
March 23, 2021 12:58 p.m.
Got you, just saw your update. Reading your description, I see you don't want combos (you actually have a couple not listed), but I understand. The reason your deck feels slow without 4-5 mana at least is because your avg cmc is over 5.
I would swap out some of the less impactful and higher costed cards in favor of more ramp to speed up the deck and lower the avg cmc. Let me know if you want suggestions for cuts and additions.
Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username says... #1
looks flipping awesome! Would love to play a deck like this :) stay frosty!
October 11, 2018 3:07 p.m.