Dragon whip

Standard Signal Pest


I understand the want to use kolaghan, but the deck seems to not want to actually cast any dragons which puts kolaghan at almost worthless save just a big flying body, but you have enough of those in the others lords. I would suggest taking out kolaghan and adding more early board presence, caryatids or something or maybe more removal. Also the lands seem kind of clunky, I would take out evolving wilds and put in more wooded foothills and some windswept heaths. Mana confluence is good but only if you can guarantee to be able to play an urborg and stop taking damage. Problem with whip decks is making an early impression on the game so as to not get overrun to early. Shaman is only good to a point as your build doesn't seem to actually want to cast the lords as I said previously. However I do love dragon decks so keep working on it. :)

June 4, 2015 10:30 a.m.

CalisSrian says... #2

my initial impression is that splashing red and white for two cards is a high risk, low return strategy. things would be different if you had Sylvan Caryatid or Courser of Kruphix, but as it stands your build lacks consistency. if it were me, i'd go jund dragons, and drop the white. i'd put in something like Boltwing Marauder and Harbinger of the Hunt or even some of the megamorph dragons. also, Swift Warkite isn't bad if they kill your Shaman of Forgotten Ways. i admit it is a heavy six cost 4/4 but in combination with Boltwing Marauder it can pump up your other creatures to game winning levels.

June 4, 2015 10:35 a.m.

Signal Pest says... #3

@cavemannacobmtg Initially, I would have agreed, but I've come to find Kolaghan tends to be the only dragon I actually end up casting, usually for dash after I manage to whip something else back. I've also had to remove the number of fetches I had (I used to run like...9of them)in order to guarantee I get colors,hence the evolving wilds.

@CalisSrianI do have Courser of Kruphix I could theoretically run,though initial testing showed it wasn't useful based on my need to cast coughing satyr and commune with the gods. I'll look at those other cards and see if they fit my playstyle

Thank you both for the comments, each suggestion will be considered

June 4, 2015 10:54 a.m.

Signal Pest says... #4

If I make it to this Friday's FNM at my local game store, I'll try to pick up the cards everyone has suggested. Please playtest the deck and let me know anything else that comes to mind.

June 5, 2015 8:06 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #5

I'd recommend Atarka, World Render. 12 damage flying trampling life gaining with the whip...pretty awesome. Plus ya know, double strike for any dragons you have out there.

June 8, 2015 10:32 a.m.

Signal Pest says... #6

The problem I have with Atarka, World Render is that it's a "win more" type of card. Kolaghan makes all of my little dorks slightly more damaging, Dromoka permanently increase the power/toughness of my board, Atarka simply makes the dragons more relevant. While that is still a good thing to have, I'm not sure how useful it is in the long run. I can put 2 in the sideboard in place of Xenagos, God of Revels and see how it goes next FNM

June 8, 2015 1:59 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #7

Good luck!!!

June 8, 2015 4:27 p.m.

elephantidae says... #8

I love the ideas of dragons, but having them sit in the yard to be exiled brings a tear to my eye.

How about Fearsome Awakening to bring those bad girls back and put some extra counters on them? Is life gain via the whip that important for your play style?
Sarkhan's Triumph also wouldn't hurt, as you're tutoring for a dragon at instant speed, and also thinning your deck in case land clump becomes a problem.

Maybe even a Dragon Whisperer in place of some other creature, so you can get a formidable trigger to start paying for dragons to help synchronize the other dragons. Like probably cut one commune and one murderous cut. You're using commune to fuel your graveyard for one delve spell. So it makes sense to me to take advantage of commune to put some dragons in the yard, and bring them back with fearsome awkaening. Cuts the colors you have to use to hard cast some of them, or if they die, they can be brought back permanently without exile.

June 9, 2015 10:44 a.m.

elephantidae says... #9

In fact, a second look at your list, foul-tongue invocation would probably be a better sub for the whip. Sure, no more lifelink period, but you are revealing possible threats to make a person sacrifice a creature in the event you don't have a crux lying around. idk. If you'd like, you can take a look at my deck "Grixis Dragons." I'm constantly updating it from its original creation, and it's landed me second place FNM two weeks in a row. :)

Hope that may help!

June 9, 2015 10:47 a.m.

Signal Pest says... #10

@elephantidae Life-gain via the whip is super important for how my meta currently is. I find myself up against a lot of aggressive decks that constantly tick away at your life, being able to regain that and stabilize has won me more games than anything. The whip also allows the recursion to be repeatable, as I occasionally need to bring back things such as voyaging satyr in order to get the ETB effect again. Also, I'm using Commune with the Gods in order to grab a dragon I might need, or to grab Whip of Erebos seeing as it grabs an enchantment as well. I could, theoretically, place a few Fearsome Awakening in the side, for those match-ups that bring up artifact/enchantment hate against me. I used to run Sarkhan's Triumph, what I found is that tutoring for the dragon isn't actually that big a deal. The deck runs in such a way that it doesn't need specific dragons at specific times, It just needs A dragon in order to start rolling. And it much prefers the dragons to be in the yard, because the entire deck is built to fuel whip of erebos.

June 9, 2015 3:11 p.m.

Signal Pest says... #11

Taking it to FNM today with some of y'alls suggestions. We'll see how this goes.

June 12, 2015 2:49 a.m.

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