When first I saw Thing in the Ice
, I fell in love. It was a blue Tarmogoyf! Sure you had to work a bit to get there, but you have to work a bit for the Goyf too, and it wasn't completely dead. On top of that, it came with a built-in Evacuation, and didn't cost $150. Score! The only thing was to find a deck that he went in.
Fortunately, I had a lot of the components for a Grixis control deck from a previous deck I made. The main interaction there was Thought Scour and Gurmag Angler, but I wasn't a big fan of that since Thought Scour is such a mediocre card. I do however like the interaction of Snapcaster Mage and Kolaghan's Command, which is the main draw for this kind of deck.
The game plan here is to survive early aggression with the classics Lightning Bolt and Terminate while smoothing out draws with Serum Visions. As we get past turn four, we start navigating to find two for ones with Kolaghan's Command and Cryptic Command. Finally, we close out the game quickly with a Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Awoken Horror
The main difference from a typical deck is that, if you have a turn two Thing in the Ice
, you'll want to play it in most matchups. In can block profitably against many of the aggressive creatures in Modern, and the sooner it flips the better. Since we don't have access to white, life gain is very hard to come by and we almost always want to end the game as quickly as possible. Awoken Horror
fits this spot well since it ends the game quickly while still being decent early.
I hope you enjoyed taking a look at my deck! Suggestions are appreciated!