Need to make 6 cuts


  • -Gain lots of life
  • -Deal lots of pain


  • A high density of sweepers means this deck can often recover from behind
  • Can also just win by doing enough burn, a shitty board state isn't the end of the world
  • The thought of playing with Repercussion is too exciting for me
  • Licia, Sanguine Tribune hits 7 power fairly easily and can Voltron if she has to, plus due to her easy cost reduction she's very reliably on the battlefield
  • Reliable mana sinks
  • Best spells don't target, so hexproof and shroud ain't SHIT
  • It uses a shitty buy-a-box promo, Firesong and Sunspeaker, to great effect!!


  • No true beater beyond Anya, Merciless Angel and Licia, Sanguine Tribune, creatures are impactful but can't really take over a game all by themselves
  • No trample beyond Loxodon Warhammer so blocks can stymie this deck quite a bit if it needs to go on the attack without certain cards to back them up
  • Can be a victim of awful topdecks like Authority of the Consuls and Weathered Wayfarer due to relative lack of card draw/filtering
  • Enchantment hate is downright brutal against this deck, without its enchantments this deck just won't work at all and cannot recover from any board state
  • No way to recur the Earthquake effects
  • This deck as a whole feels more synergy-based and doesn't have many cards that are super impactful on their own, but I do think the cards still work on their own to some level
  • Not much this deck can really do against enemy attackers except hope to wipe them or win before Delaying Shield triggers

(there's more flaws than perks listed but I feel like the perks are still stronger than the flaws, I just nitpick a lot)

Most important cards:

Pestilence and Pyrohemia

  • Easily the best two cards at this drain strategy, they're part boardwipe, part group pain, and part mana sink. Everything this deck wants, having functional duplicates is that good. Pestilence is a bit better thanks to Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers, though Pyrohemia could be made better if I included Neheb, the Eternal (Neheb can basically double Pyrohemia's damage output but without Pyrohemia he really isn't that good, so for now he hasn't made the cut).

Mark of Asylum and Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant

  • Basically what makes this deck work fundamentally, without these two enchantments it's very hard for me to keep my other creatures up (and thus they also synergize nicely with Pyrohemia/Pestilence). I'm sure there's a build of this deck that exists where these two enchantments (and a good number of utility creatures) are replaced with cards like Stuffy Doll and Boros Reckoner which seems a bit more consistent but I don't know if it's as good.

Bloodchief Ascension, Spellshock and Manabarbs

  • Not really huge on effects that don't impact the board... but these three are just so good that it's completely worth it.

Delaying Shield

  • This card does a ton of work. The main reason for its inclusion is to mitigate commander damage, a huge weakness of this deck since it doesn't really block that well, but beyond that it also means I can just boardwipe for lethal without having to worry about killing myself as well. Plus, even minor damage mitigation here and there goes a long way. Of course, if Ryan decides to be a bitch and play Doubling Season...

Oops, I win!

Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond

  • They're both good on their own too!

Felidar Sovereign and Teferi's Protection

  • Felidar Sovereign is kinda ass on his own but Teferi's Protection is... you know.

Repercussion, Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant/Mark of Asylum and you pick the boardwipe

  • lol

Also considering Aetherflux Reservoir but I'm not convinced it makes the cut over these other wincons, since it can't kill everyone at once without an obscene amount of life.

Potential cuts

Alhammarret's Archive or Rhox Faithmender

  • Obviously their effects stack and that's great and all but I don't know if that's worth a card slot. Archive also buffs card draw but Faithmender actually impacts the board (which again helps with that commander damage flaw), gains life on its own, and is cheaper so I'm kind of indecisive here. I'd want one, but not both.

Any of the sweepers

  • I'm only interested in cutting one at most, but I kinda feel like 6 sweepers (Pestilence, Pyrohemia, Inferno, Rolling Earthquake, Blasphemous Act, Fault Line) is too much, even though this deck could use them. If I really had to guess I'd say Blasphemous Act is the weakest since it doesn't hit opponents without Repercussion, but then again it hits reeeaaaaaallllyyyyyyy hard with Repercussion. I'm running Rolling Earthquake over Earthquake because I feel like hitting flyers is really important, even if it means hurting my own.

Sunscorch Regent

  • This effect seems... okay. It becomes big, which is useful with all the Earthquake effects, but it doesn't look super impactful (why couldn't it have had lifelink!), starts off below the curve with lousy toughness, and seems like a pretty big target for removal. Then again, I know of people who are big on this card and I don't play much EDH, so I could be grossly misjudging it.

Treasury Thrull

  • It's my only way for me to bring back artifacts, which is nice, but the attacking clause hurts just a little when it's otherwise a vanilla 4/4. Extort is wonderful in a deck like this but I do also have Replenish (more on that in a bit) and Phyrexian Reclamation (which can bring back Rune-Tail, who like I said is super critical for this deck to function) so I don't know how useful this is, especially if I cut Alhammerret's archive.

Vizkopa Guildmage

  • It's a backup Sanguine Bond, and it also gives some of my (relatively few) beaters like Anya, Merciless Angel lifelink which is super great, because a 13/13 flying indestructible beater is just not enough! I'd prefer not to cut this, but I could see this being low impact, especially if I'm behind (also an issue with this deck).

Furnace of Rath or Dictate of the Twin Gods

  • Unlike with Alhammerret's Archive vs. Rhox Faithmender these are effects that I do want to double up on. But I already have Gisela, and I don't know if I need three of these effects (and obviously I'm not cutting Gisela), so I could consider cutting one of these (I'd probably cut Furnace due to its mana restrictions).

Sun Droplet

  • This card is just busted with Archangel of Thune and Crested Sunmare but actually beyond that and its minor synergy with Sanguine Bond I'm not sure if it's doing a lot. I think how much it breaks those two cards means it's still worthwhile, but I could be talked out of this.

Beacon of Immortality

  • It gains an obscene amount of life and it's also the only white life gain instant/sorcery I have for Firesong and Sunspeaker (incidentally, what I'd give if I could actually play Soulfire Grand Master). But since I don't have Aetherflux Reservoir (yet, I could reconsider) part of me wonders if this is just too shitty otherwise. Pure lifegain is rarely good enough, or even good at all, and outside of gaining triple digit amounts of life (I mean in fairness, gaining 150 life off one card is a very exciting prospect) I don't know if this makes the cut.

Shattered Angel

  • This card can easily gain a ridiculous amount of life, but only triggering with opponent's lands kinda makes this feel a bit worse. It will most likely come down turn 4 at (realistic) earliest, is that early enough to make an impact? Unlike Zo-Zu the Punisher (more on him later) she's not exactly gonna scare anyone off from playing lands which is a good thing, but she's a mediocre body herself even with evasion and has an effect that, while powerful, doesn't seem that consistent, but I could be wrong. She's not the best topdeck late but since she can go in the red zone or chump a flyer pretty easily she isn't the worst either I guess.

Cards on the bubble

Greater Auramancy

  • Replenish is really good due to how critical enchantments are, but it's the one expensive card I'd actually have to buy (I have all the other expensive cards) and beyond that it's basically a one-and-done in this deck, since I can't recur it. Greater Auramancy protects these cards from spot removal much more effectively, but not from wipes. I don't play enough EDH to know which kind of protection is better (or if I should actually play both) but I don't think this tops Replenish.

Neheb, the Eternal

  • I've said this before but Neheb makes Pyrohemia downright brutal, especially if he's protected with Mark of Asylum. However, beyond that he seems kind of situational as there's nothing else I really need a mass of red mana for. I'd consider him if I had Exsanguinate/Debt to the Deathless type cards as well but those cards feel too low impact for what this deck wants to do.

Crypt Ghast

  • The black version of Neheb, but since I have Urborg I actually feel like this card is just downright better. It creates a ton of mana to sink into Pestilence, which is amazing, but it also can sink that mana into Phyrexian Reclamation or Erebos, God of the Dead too, and extort is great! Honestly, I feel like this is the second best card that's on the bubble, and I could very easily be talked into including it. Only issue is that without Urborg, he's painfully mediocre.

Debt to the Deathless

  • That being said, this card is a massacre in this kind of deck (I feel like Exsanguinate is just too low impact). But no board impact doesn't seem like the best use of a slot, even if this can just downright win games. This might be better in that Stuffy Doll build I was mentioning earlier but I don't know.

Tainted Sigil

  • If I could reliably recur this, I'd include this. But it's an abysmal top deck, and it doesn't do much with just one activation except in Magic Christmas land circumstances.

Zo-Zu the Punisher/Ankh of Mishra/Price of Progress

  • None of the first two effects seem really that great unless played super early, given that opponents are more likely to just play rocks (or not need to play lands at all) at a certain point. I do think there is an Armageddon based variant of this deck that Zo-Zu and Ankh fit in, but I kinda like the idea of being welcomed into a playgroup. Price of Progress is one of my favorite cards ever printed but a one shot that doesn't hit every deck evenly seems situational at best.

Elixir of Immortality

  • I guess it solves some of the recursion problems I mentioned earlier, but this feels like the worst way possible to do it. It does also gain life so I guess it's worth mentioning.


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Revision 3 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Strip Mine main
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.50
Tokens Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Horse 5/5 W
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