alexandrebrunelledaigle says... #2
Hi, any room for Mana Severance ? I am planing to upraged this deck and play it, so thx for your work :D (sorry for my poor english)
July 27, 2020 7:17 a.m.
Hi alexandrebrunelledaigle, thank you for taking the time to comment.
Mana Severance is an interesting card, I hadn't really thought about the value of thinning the deck that much. Usually if I'm getting a chance to activate Urza I do it before I make my land drop for the turn. I'll consider it; thanks again.
Matso says... #1
Hey Wicker! If the list you're running is working then stick with it; I just really like Swan Song . Holding up a single blue mana for the chance to counter a lot of threats is nice. Urza is probably the most competitive deck in my playgroup, so I avoid trying to streamline as much as you might.
October 31, 2019 6:15 a.m.