

A Mono Blue () built deck based on something put together for a friend in our playgroup.

As a precedent, I'll refuse to add any other color besides Blue!

This deck utilizes the Disturb mechanic, and some unblockable tactics.

" ..'Part a the Ship, 'Part a the Crew."

After a discussion with Balaam__ about older cards and building around them, this one too easily fits Ghost Ship.

that's lucky for me, because I LOVE Ghost Ship!

If I had any other kind of subtheme lined up to use, I'd like Ghost-Pirates so I can use:


I chose to create this like I was aiming to stomp.. but with Spirits.

For this, I include some super cool lords.

Patrician Geist also helps cast all of our disturb spells.

Why is this special?

It isn't! I mention in my description bits that anybody can construct a decent spirits deck, much less if they wanted to include white.

if I had a bit of flavor that I'd use even if it's bad, I'd say Wandering Ones is one of my favorite spirits.

it embodies the Mischief and fun that the deck upholds, so I'll take a few less consistent turn 1's for my flavor.

As a personal note, I'd one day like to have the art as a tattoo.

The collaboration project that lead me to slot Ghost Ship into the deck is a great opportunity for me to say this deck is "special"

The 'Ship had always been a random box filler card that I saw, liked, wanted to use.. and never found a deck where it mattered enough.

that is.. until I realized I'd made Stompy Spirits (gonna change the deck name now thats fire tbh)

This deck capitalizes on two main mechanics interacting with the Spirits.


Disturb seems to be a mechanic that mainly operates as a creature on one side and an enchantment on the other side.

that said, some spells turn into more interesting creatures after hitting the grave


I chose to leave the Surveil mechanic detailed in the sideboard because building this Archetype is similar to Goblins or Merfolk, and everyone has their own style!

That said, Surveil helps with:

By putting more spells in your grave, you're increasing your arsenal of Disturb spells


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Revision 2 See all

(2 years ago)

+2 Back to Basics main
+1 Ghost Ship main
+1 Gutter Skulker  Flip main
-1 Malevolent Hermit  Flip main
-1 Mausoleum Wanderer main
-1 Patrician Geist main
-1 Supreme Phantom main
+3 Wandering Ones main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors WBRG
Splash colors U

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 3 Rares

19 - 5 Uncommons

7 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.35
Folders budget decks, ideas
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