Competitive Fate Reforged U/B Control
But then Nullify would not counter the burn spells you're pointing out, planeswalkers, Whip of Erebos, Jeskai Ascendancy, Hordeling Outburst...
On the win con point... It's kind of situational. Usually when I had games locked up, meaning I had card advantage big time and 7+ mana available, I would stock up on counter spells when playing against a deck with burn (using Dig Through Time). It did happen sometimes that they would top deck a burn spell without me having a counter spell though... But that was when I was running Disdainful Stroke, which explains a bit more my decision of running Dissipate. I could add 1 or two Prognostic Sphinx, but I'll playtest it this way first to see how it goes (going to fnm this week). A good amount of top 8's have been running the 2 Pearl Lake Ancient only win con lately! Thanks for the comment!
December 15, 2014 1:56 p.m.
I feel that 4x Silence the Believers may be a little high honestly. I mean, it is great to knock out 2+ creatures (at 7-10 mana respectively). The only issue really is getting to that point with mana.
Also, what you said about Thoughtseize - I feel you on that BUT, you could just run Despise MB (which gets rid of most of anything you want to get rid of anyway) for the sam CC and w/o loss of life 8D
December 15, 2014 11:41 p.m.
But about Thoughtseize, I would run it because losing 2 life and removing their Goblin Rabblemaster or Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Polukranos, World Eater is so much nicer than NOT losing that life and then losing a bunch more trying to deal with any of those once they hit the field. As a midrange player, the one card I hate THE MOST is Thoughtseize because it is the only thing that efficiently nullifies my Hornet Queens or Doomwake Giants (if they're aggro based).
Please use Thoughtseize if you have access to it, OR AT LEAST Despise because it still can take out creatures and planeswalkers which is good even against control. You either burn a counterspell from them, or you get their win condition allowing you more time to dig and set up for your own win condition.
December 16, 2014 1:41 a.m.
Thanks for the comments guys! I've decided to play a mix of the two :)
December 17, 2014 10:29 p.m.
SWAT_nude_in_dark says... #8
looks great. +1
I have a few control decks in my profile as well
December 22, 2014 5:06 p.m.
So I've been wanting to build a Grixis control for awhile, do you think a deck similar to yours but with some red for Keranos, God of Storms and possibly Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker could work ok?
December 24, 2014 4:57 p.m.
Well... The problem would be the mana. The reason we see so many U/B top 8's and not esper is because U/B has a way better mana base. The reason to splash white is for End Hostilities. Same would apply to grixis, the reason to sacrifice mana efficiency would be for Anger of the Gods. In no way am I saying grixis control would be bad, but it wouldn't be optimal. If you only go to FNM you can have a great time with grixis control I'm sure :) I love Keranos as a win con!
December 24, 2014 5:31 p.m.
Tell me when you've built the deck I'd love to have a look. SpaderAce
December 24, 2014 5:36 p.m.
Alright I will. Also, I've been working on getting the lands already so I have 3 of each fetch in those colors. I'm just waiting for the U/R to be released
I'll start brewing this week for sure!
December 24, 2014 5:39 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #14
Ess tea I play a similar version to you u/b that so happen to turnout very well as a u/b control with splash white. At first I tried to force too many wincons into the deck but in the end made it lean enough for white to step in. After experiencing the splash I have to disagree and say that the base can be pushed efficiently for grixis. It would come down to a matter of what wincons work the best. I went white because my main can handle all the versions of jeskai except the fireworks deck do to huge lumps of damage it can push out without slowing down. I'm not a grixis expert but I can only imagine spader ace put in the k storm as a mean to prolong to the win con or make it the win with sutle changes of the creature control
December 24, 2014 10:41 p.m.
Yeah I would keep the base the same and probably not use Anger of the Gods because Drown in Sorrow fits the job nicely. I'll have to test it though, and I'm hoping for Grixis love in Fate Reforged
December 24, 2014 11:08 p.m.
If you start from bottom here's the reasoning. Control needs card draw, so control has to have blue. Control needs removal, black red and white provide that. Now which one of those colors provide the best removal? I'd say black by a small bit. As for the splash, why splash for a win con when you already have some in blue? If you splash it's for something U/B doesn't have which is a good wrath, like End Hostilities. Then remember that by splashing you go up to 12 ETB tapped lands and have no more life gain lands. Finally, if you've taken a look at Fate reforged spoilers, a black wrath has been announced. For splashing to be relevent they will have to put either a crazy U/B/x card or a crazy non U/B control oriented card.
December 25, 2014 1:12 a.m.
I want Grixis because I like the colors haha so I'll definitely consider just U/B, but fate is supposed to have some for the other clans too, right?
December 25, 2014 1:22 a.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #20
EssTea has some good points. Even without Fate, he has point about removal. So it comes down to a choice of the builder. Will there be a splash or a solid color as a stir towards grixis? In my build I use white as a utility for aggro burn. I haven't looked at the new set but have left my options widely open as to what white has to offer that will allow me to make for a more potent splash.
December 25, 2014 4:58 a.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #21
Just looked at some of the spoilers for fate. Got to say theres' some good stuff coming out. Most definitely if your building grixis by the time the set comes out, shove the Ugin plainswalker into the deck. Its the its last ability is a steroid shot up version of the cruel ultimatium with a nicabolas flare.
December 25, 2014 5:09 a.m.
Haha yeah he's only two turns away from his ult and he doesn't die from ulting! However I do not see him get any standard play except MAYBE in crazy ramp decks... 8 mana is too much, in a control deck it means 10-11 mana (2-3 to protect it). Some cards are made for other formats and this is one :p
December 25, 2014 10:07 a.m.
Look at what I just brewed haha :P
December 25, 2014 11:46 a.m.
Idk if you know this, but to add a deck link just do [ [deck:temur-revealed-control-temur-what] ] without the spaces between the brackets to make this Temur Revealed Control (Temur what!?)
December 25, 2014 9:31 p.m.
How do you think this would work without Thoughtseize? (I don't have enough spendable money for a playset right now) Obviously the match-up against jeskai and whip decks would be hurt, but if I was just trying to be competitive at my local FNM, would taking out the thoughseizes be alright?
Hider1120 says... #3
Nullify might be a bit better than Dissipate. Not sure though. I think you need a few more win-cons in the main deck. Sometimes you have a game locked up and you're just searching for a win-con and the opponent rips a few burn spells before PLA can get there. Again, not super sure on this.
December 15, 2014 1:41 p.m.