Competitive Fate Reforged U/B Control
CapitonMurfish says... #2
Iscariot I took out my white and went straight u/b for fnm. In my version game 1s once you see the hand with despise you can pretty much create a game plan off that first spot check. I've torn jeskai a new one with my build. Also I've ran into whip as well, you simply have to play to the players weakness an stablize by 8 life. Meaning anything they want to do let them and snatch it away. Which is easy, but make sure you remove the whip and hornet queen from the game before they do. I put Thoughtseize to sideboard for control and extra card hate if I can get away with it. No lie my is a tad on the expensive side just for variety.
December 28, 2014 12:33 a.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #3
December 28, 2014 12:34 a.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #4
For u/b it's always a surprise to the player when you've destroyed 70% of their woncons and they think your out of gas when your not.
December 28, 2014 12:41 a.m.
@ 1scariot
This is why I run Negate mainboard instead of Disdainful Stroke. Everything that Despise cannot hit can be negated! Thoughtseize is part of a huge debate these days, I think that running any set of the two (Despise or Thoughtseize) has its own advantages and disadvantages. What matters is that you adapt your deck, playstyle and game plan according to that.
If you need help with your deck or sideboard post the deck and let me know!
December 28, 2014 10:54 p.m.
No love for AEtherspouts or Silence the Believers? I've got my own brew, Bruise Control - C-c-combo Breaker!, that I play. Negate is something I pack in the sideboard, simply because of how creature-dependent the meta is, and I used to runa couple Disdainful Strokes in the main because of the popularity of Abzan MR decks, but I recently moved them to the side, but I'll drop all 4 in if I see that Abzan since Courser of Kruphix is pretty much their only under-4-drop.
I also used to run the 4x Despise, but moved them out when I got my Vaults (3x, and 1x Dig). I love the value Despise brings, but everything else just seemed more consistent and I couldn't take anything else out. I've never played with Interpret the Signs, but tapping out seems risky, even for the draw power, especially if it gets countered (which seems awful likely against a mirror match).
+1 for fellow UB player
January 1, 2015 8:17 p.m.
Hey thewyzman thanks for the comment.
I do not like AEtherspouts at all. Against aggro decks they just put their threats back on top and start recasting them. There's a lot of creatures in the meta that you want to completely remove from the game like Siege Rhino, Goblin Rabblemaster, Stormbreath Dragon. AEtherspouts can be surprising game one but game two it's simply played around. I don't know, it just seems like a weak wrath to me. I will certainly run 4 Crux of Fate once it gets released though!
On Despise, I totally think any U/B control decks should run at least 4 of Despise or Thoughtseize. With these cards you start controlling the board as soon as turn 1 letting you breath till midgame. More importantly, you usually take out their earliest threat which lets you set up your ''play on their end turn game''. Your Dissolve is ready on their turn, your Hero's Downfall too.
You're actually right about Interpret the Signs... I've been considering taking it out lately and your comment just confirms my doubts. Any thoughts on what to replace it with? Still, here's a lil story about it :P. I was heavily struggling against an abzan midrange deck and we were transitioning from mid to late game. I was completely out of juice with 2 lands and Interpret the Signs in hand and was thinking to myself ''if he lands a threat I'm dead''. I landed my 6th land and tapped out for Interpret the Signs revealing Jace's Ingenuity to draw 5 cards. You should've seen the look of despair in his face!
January 1, 2015 11:31 p.m.
At worst AEtherspouts is a 1-for-1, at best it's a 1-for-Many. If it hits a nontoken creature, at worst it costs them a turn or two's draws and buys you time to find answers.
I've used Despise to great length and had HUGE success with it, I'm just not sure where to fit it back into my own deck... but with FNM tonight I'll do something, somehow, and try it.
Interpret the Signs can be amazing, but it could suck too. You could draw seven cards and make your opp cry, or you could draw zero and cry yourself. Not only does it potentially cost you a mid-game turn (which we know can be the game), but it's highly inconsistent and relatively unpredictable. I mean, you can sorta pre-judge by dropping a scry land to see what's on top to help decide when to use it. You know the meta, so picking your sideboard card is your call. Because of the number of Rabblemasters and tokens out there I run 3x Jorubai Murk Lurkers, but 3x Disdainful Strokes wouldn't hurt either against the swarm of Whip and Midrange (Abzan & Mardu) decks out there.
January 2, 2015 6:59 a.m.
Ohh something I actually forgot to mention... In a perfect situation Interpret the Signs goes on top of my deck with Liliana Vess -2, then I do the -2 again to get Dig Through Time or Pearl Lake Ancient.
January 2, 2015 10:35 a.m.
You may have covered it in previous posts and I missed, but how does this deck do against Mono-White Heroic decks? They are very strong in our area and the Gods Willing and other protection spells are cheap. I have seen 16 damage from one creature by turn 3.
January 3, 2015 7:21 p.m.
Heroic has always been the worst matchup for control. My experience is this: if you don't Bile Blight or Drown in Sorrow on curve you're dead. Post sideboard Thoughtseize helps, chances of drawing bile blight or DIS increases, but still... The best you can do is keep the 4 Despise and with the 3 Thoughtseize hope for very early disruption. I sometimes nickname heroic decks mulligan decks, with so many enchantments and spells that need creatures to be relevant they a lot of times draw 1 or less creature. Disruption is the key to victory, a rusted old key though.
January 3, 2015 7:40 p.m.
Thanks for the comment Warmonger. I do not play a lot against heroic decks appart from playtesting on tappedout but here's my experience with it.
Heroic has always been the worst matchup for control. If you don't Bile Blight or Drown in Sorrow on curve you're dead, and even then they might pull off a Gods Willing. Post sideboard Thoughtseize helps, chances of drawing bile blight or DIS increases, but still... The best you can do is keep the 4 Despise and with the 3 Thoughtseize hope for very early disruption. I sometimes nickname heroic decks mulligan decks, with so many enchantments and spells that need creatures to be relevant they a lot of times draw 1 or less creature. Disruption is your best bet. Crux of Fate on january 23rd will certainly help U/B control stabilize at low life against these kind of decks
January 3, 2015 7:46 p.m.
WU Heroic is definitely one of my worst matchups playing with my UB Control. Like EssTea said, they need creatures early, so snatching them with hand disrupt and killing them before they get bigger is key, and stalling them buys time. Perilous Vault and AEtherspouts are nice if we lose control and they start getting protection spells. Also, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is super-clutch in milling those spells out and gaining blockers for myself, and snagging a Seeker of the Way is just a bonus letting us lifelink :)
As far as sideboards, this is what Jorubai Murk Lurker and Negate are for.
January 4, 2015 9:01 a.m.
Do you think Silumgar, the Drifting Death will see play in standard UB control? Do you think you will run it?
January 4, 2015 9:15 p.m.
I'm not sure... Prognostic Sphinx costs 1 less mana and scrying 3 is in my opinion better than giving -1/-1... The only thing it has better is the permanent hexproof. If I ever decide to run it I would probably do a 1 Prognostic Sphinx, 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death and 1 Pearl Lake Ancient win con package.
Relevance of the -1/-1: Stormbreath Dragon, Wingmate Roc and Butcher of the Horde cannot block anymore. He also puts those cards to Bile Blight range, as well as Courser of Kruphix and Savage Knuckleblade.
He kills Jeskai Tokens, mardu tokens, Hornet Queen tokens, Elspeth, Sun's Champion tokens.
January 4, 2015 9:37 p.m.
Personally, i hate Prognostic Sphinx. No rhyme or reason as to why, i just think the scry three is irrelevant and redundant that late of game with new cards like Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise. Also, his hexproof ability means you cannot attack with it, unless you have an untap enginge, which makes the scry 3 not even happen. I will be happy to see that card rotate, and when it does, i can imagine that Silumgar, the Drifting Death will be a much better fit.
January 4, 2015 9:51 p.m.
@ JPODS0717, you're kind of right about Prognostic Sphinx rarely being able to attack. Once you start scrying 3 though it's OP as f*ck. Plus it has always been a wonderful stabilizer against aggro. Just to make sure, I hope you know that you can tap prognostic sphinx when it's tapped? Meaning that you can attack with it and still tap it later to give it hexproof. Don't forget that Ivan Floch made it top 8 with 4 Prognostic Sphinx MB.
I think Silumgar, the Drifting Death has a place in U/B control for all the reasons I mentionned. Plus when it's on the board you do not need to counter Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Hornet Queen, Hordeling Outburst and Raise the Alarm.
I'm gonna update my deck to Fate Reforged very soon (maybe tonight), in order to get some feedback before it's released! I think a counter spell will be spoiled soon though!
January 4, 2015 10:03 p.m.
Actually, i was just looking at the power. It deals the same damage as Prognostic Sphinx, has the same evasion (without setbacks), and it can either clean the board with X/1's, it has the potential to keep them from blocking if they don't want to lose their creature, AND (you might not have thought of this) it turns off ferocious. Goodbye, "In response, Feed the Clan/Dragon Grip/Crater's Claws". Granted, those may not seem very relevant (since none see much play), but it does stop them from happening when they do have it. (Not to mention that dragon control is going to be a thing in standard when theros rotates)
January 4, 2015 10:04 p.m.
I also agree with everything you said above. I was typing, so sorry about some of the redundancy.
January 4, 2015 10:06 p.m.
Hummm... Well it's -1/-1 until end of turn, so once it's their turn the ferocious is back. The only instant ferocious card I can think of that would be great to turn off is Stubborn Denial :)
January 4, 2015 10:27 p.m.
What do you think of maybe running an Ugin as a different win condition??
Also, nice deck :)
January 5, 2015 12:47 a.m.
Without hexproof or a bounce back effect I don't think it's viable. Relying on a planeswalker ultimate to win is never a good idea... Finally his + ability leaves nothing on the board, after eating a Hero's Downfall to the face you've just spent 8 mana and a turn for no board presence. The key concept in control is inevitability to win the long game, Ugin gives none of that.
SpaderAce says... #1
As long as you had Despise it should be fine
December 27, 2014 10:45 p.m.