Competitive Fate Reforged U/B Control
I'm ok with the 2 vaults. you don't always want them, but when you do you can always dig for them, or hope to draw them. it feels a little dirty having to use a vault just to 1-for-1 someone and having extra vaults available to you can get awkward like holding Doom Blade against a monoblack deck.
having a Divination in the MB is okay because missing that early land drop sucks, and 3cmc for a draw-2 late game doesn't hurt, but can help. I've seen a Top-8 deck with 4 in MB before, which I think is too much, but just a pair is probably okay.
again, i think having at least 1 Drown in Sorrow in MB is necessary right now because it potentially slows down that aggro and wipes out rabble, weenie soldiers, hornets, mana dorks, early heroes, and all the other small stuff that cause us so much grief, and can be the difference in G1. At worst, you could always play it just for the scry, lol, maybe even trigger prowess on the PLA.
the mix of vault and crux would depend on your meta and wincons. i would rather play vault in most cases (because of how many things it removes, and exiles at that) and have crux in the side. Either way, you're using them potentially on T5... but Vault allows you the versatility of being able to cast spells on your opp's turn, versus being tapped out to cast Crux. In other words, you tap out for Crux, then they drop 5-6cmc worth of threats you can't counter.
January 8, 2015 7:47 p.m.
gingergimli says... #3
Monastery Siege is gonna be invaluable in the next meta, btu generally looks pretty nice, im pretty worried about decks like this for next set
January 8, 2015 8:34 p.m.
I'm not sure about Monastery Siege yet, especially for decks running Perilous Vault since we'd probably rather not hit our own stuff. And while it clearly does things control decks like, I wonder where it might fit into our removal/counterspell control suite. There's also a lot of enchantment hate, especially in white, which appears to be gaining strength next set. Like Nullify i think it's a flavor card that some will run and some won't, based on their overall strategy... but that's IMO.
January 8, 2015 10:05 p.m.
Standard91 says... #5
I agree with thewyzman that you would hit it your self.
January 9, 2015 6:31 p.m.
Standard91 says... #6
Hey Guy's can you leave comment's on my U/W fate Reforged control Deck.
January 10, 2015 3:40 p.m.
This got me thinking again: so perilous vault goes to the sideboard with crux of fate coming to standard.In case of needing the vault, you need 9 mana to activate it at once. Why not play Ugin than? You pay 8 mana for the same effect and you have a sweet planeswalker on the field. Ok it will be very sour IF he gets countered but so will it be with the vault when you need the effect
January 10, 2015 5:14 p.m.
The difference is if they couter Vault being cast you're only down 4 mana, or if they Unravel the Aether it in response to you activating it, that sucks, but oh well. Ugin's ability is also limited to using it on your turn, meaning you can use Vault to force your opponent to play around it.
The advantage to Ugin is that there are fewer ways to remove walkers and far more to remove artifacts.
I still would run Vault in main and Crux in the side, but if you wanna debate with me more on that, bring it to my list: Bruise Control - C-c-combo Breaker!.
January 10, 2015 8:21 p.m.
i would play one ugin and one pearl lake. this only makes your mirror match worse but enchances every other matchup. so if you choose to do this u could put another pearl lake in the board for the mirror
January 10, 2015 9:05 p.m.
notamardybum says... #11
looks solid. i suppose theres not much else to improve on until the set is released and the meta shifts once again.
I do see Silumgar, the Drifting Death becoming something you might want in the future. hates on elspeth so good, as well as other tokens, and makes it difficult for your opponent to block. only problem with him is he is a slow clock with 3 power.
January 12, 2015 12:58 p.m.
liquidjaguar says... #12
I'm not sure I agree with your breakdown of removal spells:4 Bile Blight2 Drown in Sorrow3 Crux of Fate4 Hero's Downfall0 Murderous Cut
I know you need your graveyard to delve Dig Through Time, but it feels to me like your removal is too token/aggro-focused and not geared enough toward midrange/Abzan aggro. For instance, the build of Abzan that can curve Fleecemane Lion into Anafenza, the Foremost into Siege Rhino into Wingmate Roc. I know that there are individual spells that can deal with each of these, and I also just gave a sort of nut draw, but your deck seems pretty fragile to Abzan or R/G Monsters-style decks based on your removal choices.
It's a metagame call, though. I fully expect to see decks that play Monastery Mentor, Jeskai Ascendancy, and Hordeling Outburst alongside each other, so maybe lining up against tokens is the way to go.
January 12, 2015 4:59 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #13
Nice work. I agree that Pearl Lake Ancient is the way to go.
January 12, 2015 5:04 p.m.
liquidjaguar: it's the opposite. In similar builds to this one Disdainful Stroke paired with Dissolves and plenty of spot removal makes this deck nearly the perfect counter to Abzan midrange decks. Fleecemane Lion? Bile Blight, and if he's allowed to go monstrous Perilous Vault.
Tokens are hugely popular right now, especially in Mardu and Jeskai, which are challenging decks for UBC. If tokens aren't cleared early we'll never even get to Pearl Lake Ancient, and if we do we need to not have to get thru a swarm of chump block tokens.
Thus, not only is it important to have weenie removal in the meta, but in general for us to be able to do what we do. UBC is really a midrange control deck.
January 12, 2015 7:28 p.m.
Standard91 says... #15
Great job I just want to keep +1.Can you check out my deck.
January 12, 2015 7:32 p.m.
liquidjaguar Thanks for the comment!
If you take a look at my teammate's abzan aggro deck, you can have a good idea what abzan aggro will be in the next meta (his deck is based on Mike Sigrist's deck but with the addition of Warden of the First Tree). Against that matchup I really do want Bile Blight early game. If I do not manage to leave mana open for counters, I still have 7 cards (4 downfall and 3 crux) to take care of his end curve.
Against Abzan midrange it's another story. Drawing Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow game 1 gets annoying, but I've won games with them dead in my hand. What sometimes happened is that I would let Sorin, Solemn Visitor or Elspeth, Sun's Champion resolve, use Bile Blight or Drown in Sorrow on the tokens and Hero's Downfall on the planeswalker. Inefective use of cards you might say, but it was awesome graveyard fuel for a Dig Through Time I had in hand!
I might consider removing one Bile Blight, but Murderous Cut won't be the replacement. Playtesting showed that I need all the cards in my graveyard for Dig Through Time. Silence the Believers is a good one of I'm thinking of.
notamardybum: I see how Silumgar, the Drifting Death can be good to stabilize against tokens, but I don't see him being good against anything else. I think putting one in my sideboard to face Jeskai can be a good thing?
Standard91 I'll check this out!
January 13, 2015 10:48 a.m.
liquidjaguar says... #17
I don't think Silumgar, the Drifting Death would be a good use of a sideboard slot, particularly if Shaman of the Great Hunt and Monastery Mentor start seeing play in the tokens decks.
January 13, 2015 10:55 a.m.
liquidjaguar Shaman of the Great Hunt is Temur :p
Don't you think Monastery Mentor IS a reason to use Silumgar, the Drifting Death? I mean, yeah he could wait for my attack and cast a non creature spell after, but Silumgar's use would be to cockblock token flooding.
I'm thinking about removing 1 Prognostic Sphinx for 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death.
January 13, 2015 11:24 a.m.
Just made some sideboard changes. Took out Disdainful Stroke and replaced it with Silence the Believers since I already have 8 counter spells mainboard. This will help against midrange when I'm on the draw (counter spells are weaker on the draw).
Took out 1 Prognostic Sphinx for 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death. Although the sphinx is better against mono-red/heroic, Silumgar, the Drifting Death will be way better against jeskai.
Thanks for the comments guys, it greatly helped refine the deck even more!
January 13, 2015 11:41 a.m.
liquidjaguar says... #20
I'm fully aware of Shaman of the Great Hunt's color identity, but it's a mono-red casting cost and its activated ability takes only blue OR green. Honestly, I'd be happy to play it in a Jeskai tokens deck or even maybe R/W. Putting +1/+1 counters on tokens is big game.
I think responding to the attack trigger with a noncreature spell is exactly what would happen. Every turn. Though I guess that's a pretty inefficient use of mana...
January 13, 2015 11:43 a.m.
Polymorphist's Jest and Silumgar, the Drifting Death.. MY GOD
January 13, 2015 12:49 p.m.
Yeah but Polymorphist's Jest without Silumgar, the Drifting Death is just plain bad in a control deck :P Could be seen in some sultai builds though!
January 13, 2015 1:01 p.m.
notamardybum says... #24
I had the same suggested. although the combo is both hilarious and amazing, it's far too conditional.
also, with Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Bile Blights become better, killing Stormbreath Dragon, Courser of Kruphix, (other 4 power toughness creature)
chuckles2000 says... #1
I'd play Siege way before I played Divination at least in the MD. If they bring in enchantment hate (unlikely) then it's an easy SB out.
January 8, 2015 7:33 p.m.