This deck is 100% home brew, and I think that it is the absolute best deck for long, ragey games. The only apparent wincon in this deck is Pearl Lake Ancient, and despite there only bieng 2, you need to get to 7 mana, which only usually happens by about turn 10. Ok. To dissect the deck, were looking at a pretty regular mana base, running 4 Polluted Delta to compensate if we have only 1 kind of mana in an opening hand. There are only 2 creatures, let me say that again, 2 creatures. It was originally a creatureless build, but without red to supply burn, there were no plausible wincons except maybe Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. So Pearl lake ancients pretty much win you the game here. Next, instants and ssorceries. This is a pretty removal-heavy deck, 1- because there are really not much counters in standard at this time, but also because there are many jeskai and temur decks out there that run a LOT of stuff like Goblin Rabblemaster and Hordeling Outburst and Raise the Alarm. Even though those sound like petty threats, if we don't get out Bile Blight to take care of the tokens, we waste 3 separate removal spells on 1/1 tokens. Then, we have enchantments. This deck runs most of it's enchantments because there are cards like Butcher of the Horde that just have to be dealt with, or stuff like khans and those excellent 2/3s that are just asking for a Stab Wound. So then we have the usual, Thoughtseize, Polymorphist's Jest, Dig Through Time, and Perilous Vault, which I don't really think need an explanation. I hope you use this deck at home, as it can usually be built out of spare cards aside from fetches and Thoughtseizes, and have fun with it on MTGO, home, or wherever you play magic.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.30
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