Thanks man, and yes you can play cards with Narset even if she dies because it is an EOT ability. Yeah Generator Servant has been great in this deck and he gives Narset haste on turn 4 so we can get the action started sooner!
September 23, 2014 1:58 p.m.
I saw the potential in Narset, Enlightened Master during the spoiler seasons too, in fact I like how similar our decks are. The only difference is that I truly chose to focus on Narset with limited creatures to abuse her effect more. If you'd like to check it out and use as a reference my deck is Narset's Freedom Friends. Burn is a huge component to running a successful Narset, Enlightened Master if that's what you're going for. Burn takes down large creatures blocking narset as well as taking down your opponents life total. I would also -2 Mystic Monastery and add some temples. Scrying is a huge advantage with Narset, Enlightened Master .
September 23, 2014 2:46 p.m.
Yeah Narset is great man, your deck looks pretty good too. I think I like having a few more creature spells instead of counter spells but I think that just has to do with the type of player I am. I think both ways work because neither does much when Narset hits them lol, but I do think Sphinx and Narset work great together to make sure you hit more off of Narset.
September 23, 2014 3:56 p.m.
I really like this deck. I went the Temur route instead, but I really like this one.
October 2, 2014 6:16 p.m.
Thanks SLageman. Yeah the entire last Standard I played a Bant deck so I wanted to try something new. It has been a blast to play so far.
October 3, 2014 9:58 a.m.
Diakia1044 says... #7
I think there's too many creatures for a Narset deck. In my opinion, you should be running 8 creatures at maximum. (Those being 4 Narset, Enlightened Master and 4 Generator Servant ) Take out the Prognostic Sphinx and Keranos, God of Storms and put in Stoke the Flames . Drop the Mantis Rider s in favour of Dissolve . Finally, take out Suspension Field and replace with Narset, Enlightened Master .
October 8, 2014 4:46 p.m.
I agree and disagree. I think the only creature I would take out is Keranos because Mantis Rider is just too good in the early turns and hitting a Mantis Rider or a Dissolve off of Narset are basically the same thing since I won't be countering anything. Also Prognostic Sphinx has been amazing in this deck since he is hexproof, has a huge butt on him, and let's me setup the Narset swings better with his scry 3. Stoke the flames is a great suggestion and I might replace my Suspension Fields with them. Thanks for the suggestions!
UpperDeckerTaco says... #1
Your deck seems to be set up as more of a tempo type style. I like your use of Generator Servant . And your mana base seems decent, you definitely shouldn't be fighting for lands. And your curve looks solid. I do have a question...does Narset, Enlightened Master have to stay alive at the end of combat to cast the cards she exiled?
I have a different style for my American deck. Could you check it out? American't Hear You Over All This Freedom
September 23, 2014 1:53 p.m.