
Creature (4)

Enchantment (4)

My Modern deck. Don't touch! It's hot. Permission is how this deck really gets people, beyond the formidable straight burn and the lighting-fast creatures. There are so many people who hate permission, they will actively opt to hurt themselves to get the "worse" options out of my cards. Now combine that with hurting themselves to fetch and fix all their mana, and you have a very good (and hopefully cheap?) Modern deck. The opponents essentially kill themselves with their own arrogance, it's fun.

The only two possible problems are Leyline of Sanctity and Blood Moon, which is making me reconsider Swamps in the deck to keep things going. The Leyline is slightly harder to deal with, and requires a creature-sideboard-switch for the targeted burn spells in the deck. That is the only thing that prevents this deck from being literally the best, and few people run both of them. Maybe you could run a second basic Swamp in case of Blood Moon. That would be advisable.


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Went over the deck with a few Modern players and added and swapped out a few things. Fixed up the mana base, added in some creatures that outright kill most decks, which make many a deck squirm in their grip of eggs and minions.

Fixed up the sideboard, as this deck already kills Affinity, so more uncounterable stuff was added for finishing power. Less Blightning, less Browbeat, more contemporary effective stuff, experimenting with Kolaghans, deck runs out of cards more easily with only two Browbeat.

What should I do?


Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

29 - 6 Rares

4 - 4 Uncommons

20 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.82
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