

Bant spirits deck using collected company to get out any answers i need at instant speed. This deck has been modified from an Esper spirits build in order to run Collected Company and it is still a work in progress. Any suggestion would be very much appreciated as I'm built about as far as I can without a bit of help to optimize it 100%.

Things that are still up in the air for main board:

What I want to add:

  • Land: I'd feel much more comfortable with 22 lands, with the ability to sideboard out 1 in game 2 or 3 if needed against a more aggressive deck. Having 22 would also allow me to mulligan more aggressively for a strong hand over just mulliganing until I have enough to play.

  • Geist of Saint Traft: Having a 3rd geist in the main board would allow me to get it out more consistently, since I've found that while geist win's games, I don't draw it all that often.

  • x2 Phantasmal Images: Essentially having 2 more copies of any of my creatures would be valuable, but I don't think there's the space for these.

What I'm considering to cut:

  • x1 Thalia Guardian of Thraben: I havn't actually used her in a game yet, so I'm not too use how valuble she is to justify any of her, let alone 3.

  • Drogskul Captain: If I was to cut one of them I would just cut them all. It's amazing when I can get 2 or more out onto the battlefield, just not as good as other cards when only 1 is in play, so only running 1-3 in the main deck isn't really an option in my opinion.

Sideboard options that are being considered:

Cards to add to the sideboard:

  • Destainful Stroke: I already run 1 copy of Distainful Stoke, but against tron match ups, I think having two past board would be very useful

  • Dispel: Having the ability to sideboard in a dispel against decks that run a lot of counter spells would be nice, just not sure how impactful having a single dispel would be post board considering there isn't a great chance that I will pick it up.

  • Kataki, War's Wage: Being able to hose artifact decks at instant speed with coco, as well as all the synergies it has with the rest of my spirits. However it only really hurts tron, since afinity decks will gladly sacrifice their artifacts themselves since it's already part of their game plan. So I think running stony silence covers a wider variety of decks. Could replace Qasali Pridemage, but having the enchantment hate is nice as well.

  • Spirit of the Labyrinth: This card hoses decks that win by drawing a lot of cards like storm, but I already have a card that does that in Eidolon of Rhetoric, and Eidolon also hoses nearly every deck besides ones that play a single big fatty or control decks that are fine with playing one spell a turn. Spirit of the Labyrinth also hoses my own card draw, so it could be detrimental to my own strategy.

  • Eidolon of Rhetoric: As stated before this card does a fantastic job in being a pain for a large variety of decks. I already run one, but having a second to double the chance of drawing it seems worth the slot when it can be such an all star.

Cards that are on the side board chopping block:

  • Blessed Alliance: This is a super versatile card that can be used in multiple situations, but it's mostly here for it's 3rd ability. This card will do work against decks that attack with 1 big fatty such as death's shadow, tron, or tarmagoyf; but path to exile already does that, and I run hate for each of these decks already in the forms of artifact hate and celestial purge.

  • Rhox War Mage: Honestly not too sure why he is included in every single Bant coco sideboard, but since he is I added 2 copies to my sideboard. I might be willing to cut one of him, but considering how powerful he is, I can't justify cutting him completely


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97% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 3 Mythic Rares

45 - 5 Rares

9 - 6 Uncommons

0 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.21
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Elemental */* GW, Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher, Spirit 1/1 W
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