Tajic's Legion

Standard Brainpolice2


Brainpolice2 says... #1

I believe I've come to a pretty good spot after fiddling with this a bit. I'm open to further suggestions and interested in seeing how this deck fares competitively. This is somewhat similar to Judith’s Sex Show, but with more of a Rakdos flavored aggro spin.

February 21, 2019 7:02 a.m.

Erkmehoff2 says... #2

Tithe Taker is good early but what about Aurelia or Seraph of the Scales for mid and late game? I've also been running Guildmages' Forum in a similar build. Its great for adding extra +1/+1 counters on multicolor creatures to outclass your opponent. Nothings better than getting a 2/2 Vindicator and 4/3 Tajic going by turn 4.

March 2, 2019 4:26 a.m.

Brainpolice2 says... #3

A more mid-game flyer would be nice in a way, though I've been trying my best to keep the mana costs down. Even with having Tajic out, this deck is having a lot of trouble against anyone else running red, especially burn, since pretty much most of the creatures are weenies.

I also feel like this type of deck badly needs a draw engine sometimes or you just wipe out against certain decks and have nothing to replenish your hand with. But it's really hard to fit that in while balancing it with the rest of the deck's needs. I sort of just put some card draw in the sideboard to compensate.

A certain portion of the time, it does pretty well at just putting lots of pressure on your opponent and overrunning them quickly. But it can suffer pretty badly against both control decks and burn, especially without any draw engine.

March 2, 2019 7:39 a.m.

Brainpolice2 says... #4

This deck isn't doing too bad part of the time, but it can still be tightened up. Here are some observations I'm running into:

Dauntless Bodyguard , while it seems like a sensible choice to protect your important combo creatures, often ends up being a dead card that doesn't serve its intended function. It could possibly be swapped out and replaced with a few of the sideboard cards that are more like cards I couldn't fit into the mainboard. Unbreakable Formation , for example, replaces its function in a more powerful way.

It still bothers me that this deck lacks any card advantage. Half of the time when this deck loses a game, it's because my hand has been quickly emptied and either my creatures have been subjected to removal or the board state has turned in the opponent's favor. Without a means to replenish my hand and keep putting stuff out at a rate of more than 1 card a turn, this pretty much guarantees losing within a few turns. Some of the sideboard helps compensate for this, but that's not useful on a 1st match.

I'm a little curious about maybe using cards like Light Up the Stage or Risk Factor to help with this. Though such cards seem to flourish more in a deck with burn in it, as this deck is more dependent on attacking for damage. But I do have Judith, the Scourge Diva and Fireblade Artist to enable them more explicitly.

It also seems like most people put Benalish Marshal in this type of deck but I've veered away from it because of its casting cost and I'm not sure it's essential. It seems like it might help with how weenie the deck otherwise is, but I'm going a little more aggro here and trying to keep the creatures cheap and quick if possible.

March 9, 2019 7:15 p.m.

Brainpolice2 says... #5

I replaced Lava Coil with Response / Resurgence . More versatile and the 2nd side provides an alternate win con or splashy blowout option.

March 31, 2019 2:35 a.m.

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