Junk beatdown strategy with versatile toolbox of spells.
Deck Breakdown:
Llanowar Elves & Elvish Mystic - standard ramp toward the dream: T2 Smiter into T3 Rhino.
Scavenging Ooze - recycles my graveyard and yours, and can deny opponents from taking anything back.Huge beater mid to late game. Life gain matters, too.
Voice of Resurgence - early threat that makes opponent make choices. Great against burn and control, as they both do a lot on your end step.
Courser of Kruphix - life gain, draw filter, and a big butt for blocking.
Loxodon Smiter - good against control and discard decks. 4/4 is a good beater body, too.
Anafenza, the Foremost another 3cmc beater that grows my creatures. Also relevant against Uro decks.
Siege Rhino - life gain. Life drain. Significant body with trample.
Archangel Avacyn
- protection from a board wipe. Surprise blocker. Flips for a bird wipe that most of my creatures survive.
Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves - Life gain. Removal. 6 power to the board.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - the plants are less relevant, but can be blockers and good fodder against edicts. The -2 is nice in a pick him. She is really here to restock my hand and life.
Nissa, Vital Force - +1 is a great finisher or to hold up a blocker. -3 is good to grab a rhino back from the yard. Ultimate is honestly meh in my play experience so far.
Fatal Push - nice cheap removal for most of what I’ll see.
Abrupt Decay - great removal, also hit Teferi, Time Raveler and Rest in Peace.
Thoughtseize - you know what this is.
Abzan Charm - Nice removal, especially against Hazoret decks. Draw two is relevant. The counters can help at times, too.
Authority of the Consuls - in against fast aggro like Spirits, RDW, etc. slows them down a bit and the life gain is very relevant.
Duress - against the control match to grab those digs and counter spells out of their hands.
Golgari Charm - mostly here against control the hose a board wipe.
Kambal, Consul of Allocation - more control tech to stop them from drawing me out of the game.
Knight of Autumn - in against burn for life gain and in against anything else as needed, pretty clutch against Detention Sphere and Doom Foretold.
Languish - wipe against the aggro match where one for one removal is too slow.
Shifting Ceratops - wins the UW control match.
Witch's Vengeance - in here almost exclusively against Spirits. Actually really good against mono blue and mono black as well.