

so what's the plan?

Ok so first thing is that you should aim to swarm the battlefield with as many slivers as you can. stuff like Door of Destinies, Descendants' Path or Rhythm of the Wild are very usefull if you cast them asap as they only get more frustrating for your foes the longer they stay on the battlefield.

As for the creatures themselves, the true power comes from the numbers and in this deck it is not less true. And while some slivers are more usefull than others they are all kind of essential in their own way, that said i think you should always try to keep what gives you flying, haste and some form of protection. Cloudshredder Sliver or Crystalline Sliver are a couple of those creatures i would invest my counterspells on.

What do if things just go wrong?

well you can always rely on some of the usual removals (Generous Gift, Putrefy) but if you truly are desperate then Dusk / Dawn is a very good boardwipe in this deck as your slivers base power is often lower than 3 and if you can give them counters then probably it is not necessary to use this boardwipe. following this same logic you can then resurrect most of your creatures from your graveyard for the flashback cost. if you need something more direct instead use Decimate as it is also a land removal!

One card i really like is Curse of Predation if you want to drive the attention to someone else, also Curse of Bounty has a similar effect but i had to cut one out due to space so check what you like the most.

Oh and remember that you should take advantage of all the regeneration that this deck gives you as well as card draw. If you have the money to buy it also go for Sliver Legion

That's it i guess. I could definitely say more but i hope you want to discover it yourself as this deck truly mutate everytime you play it and it is always a fun experience.


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98% Casual


Date added 1 week
Last updated a few seconds

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 0 Rares

35 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.28
Tokens Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Sliver 1/1 C, Sliver Army 0/0 B
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