Aye-Aye Cap'n

Commander / EDH RamaLama


Grahamatica says... #1

Captain Sisay is my favorite (and first) commander deck I built. Some of my favorite cards for sure are Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Mindslaver, and Umbral Mantle. One of my new favorite cards has to be Paradox Engine. Tap Captain Sisay and tutor. Then play your card. Untap sisay and mana rocks/dorks and repeat till you cant!

Temple Garden for a great green white land you can tutor for with Farseek Nature's Lore and Skyshroud Claim.

With all of your good enchantments, you should put Enlightened Tutor to get them since they are non-legendary.

Hope this helps!

February 3, 2017 4:28 p.m.

RamaLama says... #2

Thanks for the suggestions, Grahamatica.

I've been tuning up a couple of other EDH decks of mine, and have mostly ignored this one lately. I've played a couple of dual Commander games with it in the last couple of weeks and it's done well. I do think it needs some fine tuning though.

I like Selvala, Heart of the Wilds and Skyshroud Claim and run them in my Omnath, Locus of Mana deck. I agree that Paradox Engine would be great in this deck and all my other decks, but I've held off buying a bunch of them because I think there is a fair chance it will be banned. I don't want to end up paying out a lot of money for cards that will end up in my binder along side my copies of Prophet of Kruphix.

Temple Garden is probably a good idea too, although mana fixing hasn't really been a problem with this two color deck.

Anyway, thanks again for your suggestions.

February 3, 2017 8:12 p.m.

PartyJ says... #3

Paradox Engine is a card I do not see being banned pretty soon. Usually the board wants to take more time with a card before they ban it. And it's just so much fun to play xD

And a normal copy you already have for a few bucks.

Go for it I would suggest. My own Sisay deck went nuts because of it...

March 5, 2017 5:34 p.m.

RamaLama says... #4

I agree that it's a great card PartyJ, and this deck would benefit from it, but the fact is I have 11 EDH decks and all of them would benefit from a copy.

I actually obtained one copy for my Phenax, God of Deception mill deck, where it is needed way more than here, but at almost ten bucks a copy, I have to think of how ridiculous an entire nine pocket page full of these cards would look in my rares binder if it does get banned.

March 5, 2017 7:53 p.m.

PartyJ says... #5

That copy has a carpool function between 11 decks then :p

March 5, 2017 8:21 p.m.

DarkSepho says... #6

With the new rule you could add some planeswalkers

September 25, 2017 5 p.m.

RamaLama says... #7

You are absolutely correct DarkSepho, I do need some Planeswalkers in the deck.

Truth is, I've been concentrating on a couple of my other EDH decks lately, and haven't been giving this deck any attention. If you have any suggestions on which Walkers I should add, I'm all ears, or I guess I could go to EDHREC and see what's been added to Captain Sisay decks since the change.

September 25, 2017 5:38 p.m.

DarkSepho says... #8

No planeswalkers on EDHREC for Sisay yet, probably it's too soon..

I'm not used to selesnya in edh, so I don't know exactly what to advice, but you could give a look at the top played Planeswalkers.Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Garruk Wildspeaker look good, for starters

September 26, 2017 3:25 a.m.

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