RW Humans (Exert... Stage Left)

Standard* OminousRex


Dutchboy1982 says... #1

Always Watching seems a bit better than the throne because then they don't tap so you can exert all you want with no penalty.

April 27, 2017 12:44 p.m.

Struyk says... #2

Would go 4x Throne of the God-Pharaoh as main win condition ( 4 dmg per tapped exert creature = OP )

What about the white god?

April 27, 2017 12:51 p.m. Edited.

OminousRex says... #3

Dutchboy1982 My 1st build of this deck included Always Watching because I wanted to fully exploit the exert mechanic, but it slowed down the deck too much. I might even cut Throne of the God-Pharaoh to mainboard Insult. This deck is incredibly fast and explosive and I always want to be on the offensive with every play.

April 27, 2017 2:21 p.m. Edited.

stewa238 says... #4

I have to agree with Dutchboy1982 that Always Watching is a key card for this concept. In my own R/W Humans deck I run three of them and it is amazing. Not to mention it is perfect with Combat Celebrant as it allows him to stay untaped and swing again on the second combat step.

April 27, 2017 2:33 p.m.

OminousRex says... #5

stewa238 Go ahead and try the deck with Always Watching as it's still a great card to have in this deck. As I've said, I already tested with it and the current list is just so much faster. T3 is just too important in my meta to not play a body that is attacking. Thanks for suggestions :)

April 27, 2017 3:11 p.m.

Didolysquat says... #6

So my question for you is, what happens when your Inciter gets Fatal Pushed/Magma Sprayed?

April 27, 2017 7:02 p.m.

OminousRex says... #7

Didolysquat - The deck still runs very well without Bloodlust Inciter, just at a slightly slower pace. On the first game your opponents will save there removal instead of hitting a 1/1 weenie, that is, until they realize what a threat he is in this deck. Still, I have been testing against many top tier net decks with a friend that now knows exactly what's coming and he still can't stop it on time.

April 27, 2017 7:16 p.m.

Didolysquat says... #8

Or you don't start with him?

Also, some notes:

Eerie Interlude knocks any counters off your creatures and kills your garrison tokens. I prefer something like Repel the Abominable? The only thing is your creatures still die to -x/-x abilities but what can you do. Also, it is only 2 mana and you could use it to trade creatures with your opponent and it protects from Fling decks.

I really like Insult/Injury in this deck because it can be cast from the grave as well. Double damage and you can cast it from the grave for 2 more and kill a creature potentially.

Why not play Cast Out? It is such a good card in this deck.

I also think Combat Celebrant is a good card but only if he sticks on the board. I think we will see a lot of Walking Ballista still and the 2nd/3rd game they will side removal and he just will never get to work UNLESS your opponent is tapped out, really unlucky, AND you have a way to give him haste. He just doesn't make the cut for me, but that is theory craft on my end.

And question for you, why the God?

April 27, 2017 7:21 p.m.

Didolysquat says... #9

If you like you can check out my deck, I took a little different route not going all in on the exert. Let me know what you think!

April 27, 2017 7:24 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #10

I love your deck!!! +1! Curious to see if you've tested Metallic Mimic at all.

April 27, 2017 7:46 p.m.

OminousRex says... #11

Homura_Akemi - Yes, I have tested with Mimic and its a very good card in this deck. I will likely swap out the Throne of the God-Pharaohs with Metallic Mimics. I just have to do a little more testing and see what consistently delivers more damage by turn 4.

Didolysquat - The original RW Humans deck that I started testing with looks just like what you have. I have tweaked it for maximum aggro damage by turn 5 so I opted for the Stitcher's Graft over Always Watching . Also, with Eerie Interlude, your board state actually gets better when you have cards like Thalia's Lieutenant or Metallic Mimic out because they all see each other when they return and ETB counters get even better. It's worth sacrificing a couple tokens. I do think I'll add Cast Out to the SB to get rid of Gideon though.

April 27, 2017 11:11 p.m.

+1 for the title! ;)

April 28, 2017 11:03 a.m.

stewa238 says... #13

I think that you are totally right that Always Watching will slow down your deck in the early game, but have you tried it for more of a turn 5 or 6 move to help in the mid game? I have found that if a game is running longer this really gives extra boosts in later runs that you weren't expecting.

April 28, 2017 1 p.m.

stewa238 says... #14

Here is my Boros humans deck let me know what you think.

Human's on Speed (Amonkhet)

Standard* stewa238


April 28, 2017 1:48 p.m.

OminousRex says... #15

stewa238 - This deck does so much damage by turn 5 that if the game isn't done, you only need to squeeze in a bit more. The God Hazoret the Fervent is a great finisher, and by that time we should have a Stitcher's Graft on the field to help the little guys get 'er done.

I like your list, but I think you need some 1 drop spot removal for the beginning of the game to keep your opponents field clear while still being able to play creatures on that turn.

April 28, 2017 2:15 p.m. Edited.

stewa238 says... #16

Thanks, I agree. I am adding in a couple Magma Spray's in the mainboard and 2 Shock's in the sideboard. I appreciate the feedback, and if you like it feel free to upvote it. Thanks.

April 28, 2017 2:30 p.m.

Argy says... #17

Exit ... stage left, even.

+1 for the reference.

April 29, 2017 noon

Argy says... #18

I get mana/colour screwed quite a lot with this.

An extra land would help.

April 29, 2017 12:39 p.m.

OminousRex says... #19

Argeaux - Average mana cost is 2.0 and nothing requires double color mana. 21 lands is actually higher than what this deck should be running but I wanted to ensure I can cast multiple spells per turn. Test it a bit more. This deck really only needs 3 mana to win. You can put an extra land in, but I haven't had a mana problem with testing over the last 2 weeks.

April 29, 2017 12:48 p.m.

DeckDestroyer says... #20

Love the deck keep up the good work! I was wondering about some of your match-ups and how they have been going so far. What decks do you find yourself going even with and what decks are you crushing/getting crushed by? Thanks!

April 29, 2017 5:16 p.m.

OminousRex says... #21

DeckDestroyer - Heavy red burn or black/white control are my toughest match ups. I still have an edge against the red burn decks as most have to trade 1 for 1 and that is a losing battle for them. B/W control is a beast against this deck with Fatal Push, Grasp of Darkness and Yahenni's Expertise in their arsenal. You have to bring in Eerie Interlude to prevent board wipes and Cast Out to deal with their planeswalkers and try hard as hell to end the game as soon as possible.

I've been crushing everything else. Mardu Vehicles, BW Zombies, GB Delirium, and other net decks.

April 29, 2017 5:40 p.m. Edited.

OminousRex says... #22

I think I'm going to try and squeeze in 2 of the new Gideons. I'll post to say how it tests out.

April 29, 2017 8:40 p.m.

OminousRex says... #23

Well, this was a budget deck until I just added 2 Gideon of the Trials. He tested extremely well so I cut Stitcher's Graft to make room.

April 30, 2017 4:23 a.m.

Argy says... #24

I hear you about upping your budget.

My Sideboard went through the roof when I had to throw Collective Brutality in, to deal with all the Control decks.

If you want to test against any of the decks I am talking about, you'll find them in my "2. Amonkhet" folder.

April 30, 2017 7:36 a.m.

elifosl says... #25

I think it would definitely worth it to try Blessed Alliance here, especially when you've opted not to use Always Watching. It's sac option often hits great targets in my experience and the ability to 2-for-1 by killing a swinging creature while also untapping your exert guys is great value.

April 30, 2017 2 p.m.

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