Came for the title; stayed for the deck.
It's a very different build, so I don't know if there's ANYTHING there that would translate to yours, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of Zach Stern's build (#4 at SCG Atlanta last weekend).
May 1, 2017 12:03 p.m.
OminousRex says... #3
Thanks for the heads up clayperce. That RW Humans deck list is too slow to beat Mardu Vehicles. My build beats that deck consistently. :)
May 1, 2017 12:41 p.m.
OminousRex says... #4
I am thinking about adding Aethersphere Harvester to deal with flyers and squeeze in some evasive damage.
May 1, 2017 12:50 p.m.
OminousRex says... #7
Stormy101 - I love the Nahiri's Machinations suggestion! I'm going to test that out.
May 1, 2017 3:23 p.m.
I'm not in love with Insult would you explain how it would/has worked? I'd just rather use Nahiri's Machinations.
May 1, 2017 3:57 p.m.
Also did you ever test out Glorybringer? I was actually contemplating that it would be better than Hazoret the Fervent especially with the possible 2 exerts in one turn with Combat Celebrant and his haste and flying for going around blockers... You might even want to consider Hanweir Battlements since it can also give haste to things and mana isn't really an issue with the low CMC...
May 2, 2017 7:34 a.m.
Glorybringers CMC at 5 is too high for this deck. Even Hazoret the Fervent at 4 is dubious. I would probably ditch it and play 2x mainboard Cast Out since at least you can cycle it for 1 mana to get the cards you need early and then remove problem permanents in the mid-late game if you ever get there. With 21 lands, you're not supposed to hit 5 lands all that often, usually working with 2-4 during the entire game on average.
As for the deck itself, it looks interesting. You've built a more midrange looking human tribal. Mine is more hyperaggro:
I don't like that you only have 7 1 drop creatures to play. In the coming meta you will absolutely be racing against board wipes like Sweltering Suns and Yahenni's Expertise. You're also going to have to combat all the targeted removal in the format and all of it is effective against your deck. In my experience, human tribal is going to have to be so fast that it'll be able to duck under and be able to replenish the board immediately after lots of removal / board wipes happen. This is why in my version of the human tribal I run 12 one drop humans and I would run more if there was another quality 1 drop to play.
Finally, I think you should at the very least run Reckless Bushwhacker in the side so that you can easily come right back into the game after a board wipe. It's more effective with lots of 1 drops of course but even Hanweir Garrison + bushwacker would be an effective way of getting in for 7 damage int he mid-late game.
May 2, 2017 8:40 a.m.
I honestly don't agree that this deck is midrange at all. This is the most aggressive deck out there with haste being spread out there on every turn with combat celebrant allowing for 2 combat phases as well as 2x exerts on all your creatures. Control is strong for a reason as well as removal but this deck has it as well. It is a race but unless the answers are in hand this deck will win.
Also I think your deck is very slow with comparison to this one and would be out paced.
May 2, 2017 9:14 a.m.
The deck I linked is more aggressive than yours so I'm not sure why you would make that claim. I think you're being emotional and aren't actually thinking about what you're saying.
You have 4 haste granting creatures in a 60 card deck. You're not always going to get him every game and most of the time he's going to be removed and/or ignored because he won't be relevant since the other creatures, the ones that will actually attack, will get removed as you play them / get board wiped as early as turn 3. My point was that your deck is more midrange due to lower amount of 1 drops than mine, but because of the haste enabler can still be an early aggressive deck. My point was that this strategy is vulnerable to removal because of these reasons.
You're depending on the opponent doing nothing on turns 1-4 basically. That they won't have a way to deal with celebrant or any of the other creatures you're playing. That you're going to have Bloodlust Inciter in every game and perfectly curve out. I think you're being naive and should actually look at feedback from a positive point of view instead of getting so defensive like you're acting now.
Yes, I critiqued your deck. I also gave you recommendations for changes. You're free to ignore that. But don't make silly claims.
May 2, 2017 9:54 a.m.
Noctem what is the difference between your deck and this deck when faced with removal? What kind of synergy do you have with the small creatures you have other than lieutenant? W/G has a similar strategy but they generate tokens and they are bigger in general than yours. With this deck it has the ability to out pace and quicken up the aggro with combat celebrant. The only real difference between your deck and this deck is that it is slower at its best/worst than this deck. The strategy you have is to out pace with less powerful creatures when G/B constricter can fend off your less powerful early game and win out in the end...
I'm not agreeing with your assessment... That's it...
May 2, 2017 10:11 a.m.
I can flood the board earlier and easier than you. So targeted removal is less effective. Tokens are 0/1 plants or 1/1's. My creatures will generally always be bigger except if we get to the late game with lots of counters being placed and if I have no removal. If you're talking about actual creatures being bigger like Tireless Tracker, again, I flood the board faster and can recover better than they can. They usually depend on a few creatures that they buff in order to win in the early-mid game, because they are a midrange strategy. See the difference? I also have exile removal in the main to deal with problem permanents.
The only way you can outpace and quicken up the aggro with combat celebrant as you say is to have your haste granter in play and other creatures alive to get a benefit while also having nothing removed. Basically, your opponent not interacting with you at all. In this meta, that doesn't make sense.
I don't think you know what you're talking about when you say my deck is slower at its best/worst. What does that even mean? Let's say we both curve out, you play 1 drop (haste granter) -> 2 drop (glory-bound) -> 3 drop (hanweir garrison). I play 1 drop -> double 1 drop -> 2 drop + 1 drop (or always watching). I have on average 3-5 creatures to your 3. If we played shot for shot up to this point, I'm winning or on par. In fact, in the best case scenario (as above), after your 3rd turn you may have done right around 8 damage to me (exert glory-bound turn 2 with haste, play either celebrant or garrison turn 3 with haste). Meanwhile, I've either done the same amount or more depending on what I've played. Always Watching will allow me to deal right around the same amount of damage while not tapping my guys so I can defend against attack or I'll have done more by flooding the board and going wider than you.
Anyway maybe we can't agree on this but I think you should at the very least look at running Cast Out in the main over hazoret so that you have cycling available in the early game and that you should look into putting the bushwhacker in the side so that you can more easily recover vs decks that run board wipes and/or heavy removal.
May 2, 2017 10:40 a.m.
As another point of reference. Here's the R/W boros humans list that made the top 8 at the SCG Atlanta Open just this past weekend. It's like a mix of our two decks which admittedly might be better than either one. Food for thought.
May 2, 2017 10:53 a.m.
Oops, lost the link when I posted. Here:
May 2, 2017 10:54 a.m.
You have no Hemweir Garrison list has 4. No Honored Crop Captain list has 4 No metallic mimic list has 2 missing 2 declaration of stone. You are missing a lot of the strongest cards on the list. This is the furthest from your deck. You are playing 2 different decks... Are you serious?
May 2, 2017 11:05 a.m.
Wow, I guess you didn't understand what I was saying. I'll explain again. The list I linked is a mix of both of our decks.
In the sense that it runs 12 one drops, runs always watching, uses Gideon in the side, uses needle spires in the side like I do. Doesn't use the problem creatures like Hazoret and Celebrant like I don't.
While at the same time.
Uses Garrisson, uses more dec in stones, uses Honored-crop, uses mimic, doesn't run cast out in the main like yours.
The deck I linked from the top 8 of the event is effectively a MIX of both of our decks. And the fact that it made top 4 probably means that it's better than both of our lists. I was trying to show you that by combining our ideas we could make a better deck. Also, the use of Glorybringer in the side is interesting for example if it was useful in some matchups like vs planeswalker heavy decks but I'm not convinced.
May 2, 2017 11:20 a.m.
Noctem The only real difference between this deck and the top 8 deck was that the list relied more of a slow play with always watching... Which I can sideboard for. With Gideon and put in Glorybringer if I need to. Replacing the combat celebrant and bloodlust incitor. This deck would be capable of both. Even still, combat celebrant with excert is super powerful when you can do it twice.
May 2, 2017 11:33 a.m.
like70bunnies says... #23
My friend runs a similar deck but he abuses the synergy between Selfless Spirit and Devoted Crop-Mate. I think it could be a good idea here. Even if you don't take the spirit, exerting the crop mate could bring back Thalia's Lieutenant and buff everything again.
May 2, 2017 12:39 p.m.
Noctem Exert twice with everything but celebrant... 4 attacking tokens with hemweir, glory bound initiate becomes 5/7 and lifelink almost 8 life you get if it makes it 2nd time, glorybringer hits for 4 twice on 2 different creatures. If you have 2 celebrats you can have 3 combat phases and Exert 3 times...
May 2, 2017 1:02 p.m.
I know it's not a human but have you considered Glorybringer it's just so good, all exert decks should play its
Jbay113 says... #1
im making a deck similar to this with Odric, Lunarch Marshal and Trueheart Twins so everyone gets pumped and gains each other's keywords
May 1, 2017 8:17 a.m.