American standard, with a focus on utility and a very transformative sideboard. The idea is for the deck to be able to shift from almost pseudo burn to aggro to control to midrange, or any combination thereof. There is a decent mix of both creature and non-creature spells, with an emphasis on instants as both burn and control.
Keranos, God of Storms
is one of the key players here, as his free land/bolt is almost always beneficial to whatever board state I'm in. Additionally, Thassa, God of the Sea allows for unblockable damage from any active gods I have, as well as providing a very important scry mechanic to sift through non-essential draws. She and Keranos generally combo very well together.
I've also worked in a bit of non-conditional removal with Turn / Burn, Supreme Verdict, and Detention Sphere (which I chose over Banishing Light for the slight blue devotion it provides). This lets me keep my board clear of any bigger creatures, which are one of the only real issues for this deck, as they are outside of bolt range.
Finally, I've tried to make it so that my creature base is very hard to get rid of, or at least works in tandem with other creatures (i.e.
Frostburn Weird
for devotion towards both gods; Master of Waves buffing Young Pyromancer's elementals; etc.).
The big perk of this deck, however, is actually found in the sideboard. The intention is to allow for an almost complete 180 if need be:
Chandra, Pyromaster
and Aurelia's Fury can be brought in for additional burn and increased aggro; Soldier of the Pantheon can slow the game down in my favor against most dual or tri-color decks; Supreme Verdict or Anger of the Gods can be brought in against creature-heavy decks; and Wear / Tear +
give a decent amount of enchantment hate for those niche aura or god-heavy decks. Hopefully, this allows me to be very prepared for multiple match-ups and minimize my weak points in the long run.
This is, however, only my first time building such an ambitious "hybrid" deck, and any help is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to leave a comment and/or rating, as well as any advice/critique/concerns below!