This is a competitive grixis control deck I brewed that has been modified for the current meta. It plays like any other control deck: Kill and counter their stuff until they run out of steam.
CARD DRAW: Our main sources of card draw come from Glimmer of Genius and Hieroglyphic Illumination. Pull from Tomorrow is really powerful late game or in a control v control matchup, like a wannabe Sphinx's Revelation. In the sideboard, Ob Nixilis Reignited provides further card advantage and removal.
REMOVAL: There is a lot of removal in this deck, such asGrasp of Darkness,Harnessed Lightning, and Magma Spray. I chose not to run Fatal Push because the exile from Magma Spray I feel is more relevant due to the horde of zombie decks. Finally, while not technically removal, Dispossess in the sideboard can take out key combo pieces(I.E Aetherworks Marvel
COUNTERS: Disallow, Negate, and Void Shatter are all your typical counterspells, but Censor is a new addition that is really powerful. It is relevant early game but can be cycled late game cheaply. More Negates sit in the sideboard along with Dispel for the control matchup. Commit / Memory is a solid removal and restart card that can act as a counter. The only downside is it's expensive cost, which is usually to slow in the meta and thus is in the sideboard.
BOARDWIPES: Sweltering Suns and Yahenni's Expertise are really powerful, especially because they can both take out a board of zombies with a lord in play.
WIN CONDITIONS: Torrential Gearhulk is such a powerful standard card that can easily be your win condition. Thing in the Ice
, Glorybringer, and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet are all things you can sideboard in if you'd rather have the game end quickly.