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Commander / EDH Doom_of_Valyria


Junqueira says... #1

I have some extraordinary results using Birthing Pod . Huge fat thing ma come out when combined with Wild Pair .Try change Explore by adding Cultivate .


May 14, 2014 4:58 p.m.

Casey4321 says... #2

Plus one dude! I am such a Timmy. Could you check out my deck. Great Her Again... its a Kaalia edh

May 14, 2014 6:21 p.m.

Jaysully747 says... #3

Unfortunately, Sylvan primordial is banned in commander, so thats gotta be replaced. Having a nova blast wurm with avacyn, blight steel, or ulamog seems like something hilarious. Also, I would definitely add the green hideaway land since its pretty easy to get active and it could replace the contested cliffs since it doesn't seem incredibly useful in this deck. Otherwise, Sweet deck! I run her as a general and she does wonders, even if I don't use her half the time :)

May 29, 2014 10:42 p.m.

amarmehta says... #4

Everything seems good except for the Sylvan Primordial . you may want to put Molten Primordial in there as well.

June 1, 2014 6:18 p.m.

murp says... #5

looks like you could use some protection cards. I suggest Spearbreaker Behemoth , Paleoloth , Vagrant Plowbeasts just to protect the big stuff that already is not protected

I'd consider dropping Giant Adephage because the ability can be stopped by blockers and fog effects so a little less reliable then Utvara Hellkite and Thundermaw Hellkite as well just because he is really only good for that one meh etb trigger in commander.

June 3, 2014 10:53 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #6

This is an edh I have spent countless hours working on, so check it out and ask me if you have any questions :)

My mayael edh :)

June 3, 2014 7:06 p.m.

Thanks for the offer! I looked your deck over and read through the comments. I was wondering what your thoughts on the Cultivate /Kodama's Reach ? I currently have both, and while I understand land grab is nice, I feel like I could replace one with a fatty.

How do the planes walkers work with this deck? I have a Domri Rade en route, but I also have a Garruk, Caller of Beasts in another deck that I briefly toyed with moving to this deck. Just wondering if you ever feel like more fatty and fetch cards would be better. Ajani Vengeant is also on my radar.

What about the Illusionist's Bracers and Rings of Brighthearth cards? Those are very similar, so I feel like one or both could be replaced. I understand what a mana ability is, but I don't feel like any of the "non-mana abilities" in this deck warrant both of these cards. Are Inferno Titan 's 2nd ability, and Utvara Hellkite 's ability "activated abilities" that can be copied?

How's Green Sun's Zenith been working for you? I thought about that awhile ago along with Tempt with Discovery . Also, Wurmcoil Engine worth the money, I can't convince myself to drop that kind of loot while being unsure.

Lastly, have you run into a problem with the Blood Moon screwing with your mana? I too have a lot of nonbasic land in this deck.

June 3, 2014 9:57 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #8

I prefer cultivate, far wanderings, farseek for mana ramping, as well as Mana Reflection

I love domri rade and especially Xenagos, The Reveler , definitely get ajani vengeant

I personally love illusionists and it works better than rings does. Illusionists doesn't work for triggered abilities, only activated ones(abilities you have to tap for or pay mana for)

GSZ works amazingly well :) I love it for getting out Seedborn Muse or Elvish Piper

I don't like the "tempt" cards personally.

Wurmcoil is a great card for this edh.

I never have run into a bloodmoon deck actually so I don't know.

June 3, 2014 10:03 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #9

This deck seems pretty well put together I like it.

As far as your comments regarding your maybeboard...From my experience Birthing Pod , Xenagod and Windbrisk Raptor are all great choices.

For cuts, Moonveil Dragon is underwhelming unless you've got Chromatic Lantern out, Sylvan Primordial is banned unless your local group allows it, and Thundermaw Hellkite is never as good as you want it to be.

Take a look at my deck Mayael and Garruk's Wild Pair-ty if you want some ideas...your deck looks pretty similar though.

Keep the bracers and the rings, Mayael gets way better when they're out. You maye want to work in more draw power like Regal Force and Knollspine Dragon to make the most of Wild Pair . Anyway +1!

June 3, 2014 11:37 p.m.

Ok, so proposed changes:

Incoming-Domri Rade ,Garruk, Caller of Beasts ,Ajani Vengeant or Windbrisk Raptor ,Wurmcoil Engine ,Godsire ,Paleoloth ,Spearbreaker Behemoth ,Birthing Pod ,Green Sun's Zenith

Outgoing-Moonveil Dragon ,Sylvan Primordial ,Giant Adephage ,Artisan of Kozilek ,Yavimaya Elder ,Soul of the Harvest ,Bow of Nylea ,Reap and Sow Kodama's Reach

Does that seem reasonable? I'm having trouble taking out Yavimaya Elder because he can grab 2 lands and draw a card for cheap. Speaking of land fetch, does this deck have enough mana or mana fetch? I hope so, because the cuts are only going to get more difficult after this...

I also was considering taking out Thundermaw Hellkite but can't make myself do it since it was a $12 card and would just sit in my binder forever.

June 4, 2014 6:07 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #11

Yeah use Thundermaw. Unfortunately, I just sold my EDH. Something came up and I had to sell it quick :(

June 4, 2014 6:31 p.m.

Aw man, that stinks. Mayael is such a fun commander to cheat the best creatures out. So what do you think of the proposed changes?

And MindAblaze!, I currently have a Chromatic Lantern in this deck, I'll continue to consider the other two... Also, and this is kind awkward... you said +1, but seem to have forgotten the +1 :D and how do you find my potential changes above? The ideas are becoming clearer as this conversation continues

June 4, 2014 6:42 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #13

The first thing I thought as it was loading was "I said I'd plus one, but I don't remember if I did." Fixed.

I like Soul of the Harvest and Yavimaya Elder more for this deck than Ajani Vengeant and Domri Rade .

Neither of Ajani's abilities really contribute to the gameplan very much, his minus ability might let you burn some small commanders and utility dorks but that's about it. His plus just doesn't contribute to the gameplan very much because it doesn't tap, it just keeps things tapped. Otherwise it would be great for reducing potential blockers.

Domri's fight ability could be good, but I feel like even with the higher density of creatures you'll be whiffing more times than you like.

Ultimates are both ridiculous but I wouldn't count on them.

June 4, 2014 9:36 p.m.

It's all good, thanks for the +1! A couple other cards I'm lukewarm to are Greater Good and Bogardan Hellkite , the more so the former. I get why it's good, especially since it's an enchantment; however, I never really want to sacrifice creatures. Do you guys think this should have a place in the deck?

I also ended up taking out Flameblast Dragon . I really like his ability to send direct burn damage at things, but it's a cut throat world out there. Not sure I made the right call, but the list of stuff I want in this deck keeps growing.

June 5, 2014 4:14 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #15

Trust me...Greater Good is invaluable. Blue players like to run stuff like Mind Control , Empress Galina and Control Magic . Stuff like Insurrection combined with a sac engine does a number on you too, and better you get the benefit than them.

I've had my Vorinclex stolen more than I'm happy to report, and having a way to get rid of him in response would have been great.

June 5, 2014 4:19 p.m.

Now does that ability trigger first? If someone casts Mind Control , in response can I sac the creature they're targeting after they declare who they're targeting? If so, I tend to agree it's a smart card to have.

And I get what you mean about blue trolls, as they always love to steal my Avacyn or Eldrazi. And when they do, my day is just ruined... like there's-no-Santa-Claus ruined.

I'm still tempted to try out Domri and Ajani. I already bought a Domri last week, so he will definitely get a trial (even if everyone does try to crush him upon arrival). I think Ajani's ultimate is ridiculous, and people may not commit their entire offense to removing him, since they don't know who I'd target. Do you think Ajani, Mentor of Heroes would work better in this deck at all? I'm loathe to spend that much now, but I foresee that card dropping a bit as time goes on.

Alright, to make room for either Birthing Pod , Windbrisk Raptor , or Ajani Vengeant one (or more of these cards have to go now: Rampaging Baloths , Inferno Titan , Reap and Sow , or Bogardan Hellkite ... Aaaand GO!

June 5, 2014 4:57 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #17

Bogardan Hellkite is nice to flip into, but really expensive otherwise. Reap and Sow is really expensive for one land, and blowing up other people's land tends to make them mad.

I like both Inferno Titan and Rampaging Baloths but they're both expendable. Rampaging Baloths at least pushes your board advantage.

June 5, 2014 5:04 p.m.

Yeah I think Reap and Sow is coming out, I make players mad enough with the other cards. Usually my early game turns end with, "and because we're friends, that's the end of my turn." I liked it because it wasn't restricted to basic lands, but 4 mana is expensive.

Windbrisk Raptor is going in for now, since I currently have that card. Again, do you think Mentor of Heroes has more upside in this deck?

And thanks for all the help, I certainly appreciate it. It's nice to be able to bounce ideas off people and have them open my eyes to different combos!

June 5, 2014 5:35 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #19

I think he'd be good when you have Wild Pair out since he lets you "draw" a creature from the top 4 but you don't run any Auras and only have 2 other Planeswalkers so that ability is a little less relevant. His +1/+1 counters are just kind of unnecessary most of the time too due to the already increased size of most of your dudes. I don't think this is the deck for him.

Have you considered Garruk, Primal Hunter ?

June 5, 2014 5:51 p.m.

I have, and I actually have a few kicking around. However, each of his abilities are good, not great in my opinion. And even if I hit his ultimate, I'd immediately have to watch out for board wipes. Most of my friends always keep at least one in their hands until someone upsets the balance too suddenly.

I suppose I'll keep Mr kitty cat on the sideline for now, I'll keep an eye on primal Hunter and continue to consider him and weigh him against whatever card I have in that slot. I really like the way this deck looks after the tweaks, only one spot really could replace I think, but as I said windbrisk will do for now I think.

June 5, 2014 6:09 p.m.

Magiclover318 in your own deck it looks like you used to use Elspeth, Knight-Errant . Was she worth it, or did you fare better without her? Her ultimate is just brutal!

June 5, 2014 9:16 p.m.

arleighj says... #22

This deck is scary..and scary awesome...I'm not sure if my knowledge could improve upon it. So instead I'll just +1 and stand back to admire.

July 5, 2014 4:32 p.m.

kaulin says... #23

If you have have Orim's Chant then Isochron Sceptor is a must. You have your choice of locking someone out with it, or saving yourself. It's easy control and protection and the best part is either one is still usable without the other.

July 9, 2014 5:01 p.m.

kaulin says... #24

July 9, 2014 5:11 p.m.

TrevHulkC says... #25

I run Lurking Predators in my Mayael EDH: Mayael's Big Stompy Beasts. The hate it draws it staggering.

Mayael's best friend is Sensei's Divining Top , letting you see what creatures Mayael will hook. It also synergises well with Lurking Predators

July 13, 2014 10:23 a.m.

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