
This is a deck that I built around Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Below is some info about the card choices.

Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire is the newest Jund commander out of the 2019 core set. His abilities have the seemingly obligatory sacrifice/death theme common with commanders in these colors, but he is also good at cheating stuff into play. This leads to making a deck filled with big stuff to cheat in, little stuff to sacrifice, and even some land synergies, where you can sacrifice your lands to cheat in other permanents, and then reclaim them from the graveyard. All of this leads to some very interesting strategies, and a very fun deck.
Archetype of Endurance: This is awesome. It gets around Swiftfoot Boots and naturally hexproof creatures. You can now sac them to your pleasure, and stop your opponent from targeting your own things. Also fun to cheat in.

Avenger of Zendikar: This is the first of many creatures to synergize with lands. He's very powerful, creating an army of tokens and then buffing them all as you bring out more lands, and play old ones from the graveyard, or the top of your deck.

Borborygmos Enraged: A big creature that gets lands from your deck, and sends other things to the graveyard (which is a great interaction with Haunted Crossroads), and also allows you to dump excess lands to recur later.

Brutalizer Exarch: A great big guy to cheat into play, and he tutors something up for the next turn, or (with some topdeck manipulation) for your next Vaevictis trigger.

Courser of Kruphix: He lets you play land off the top of your deck in order to try to get something better, and gains you life. He's just a worse, and budget, Oracle of Mul Daya, honestly.

Demonlord Belzenlok: Sweet card draw effect, and great for cheating in. Plus, why not?

Etali, Primal Storm: He steals your opponent's stuff, and is a good body for cheating in with your commander.

Farhaven Elf: He's good fuel for Vaevictis, and he ramps you when he enters.

Gonti, Lord of Luxury: Sweet ETB trigger that steals from your opponent, and then you sacrifice him to Vaevictis. Easy money.

Grand Warlord Radha: A lot of this deck centers around attacking. He ramps you while you do it, and he's decent to cheat in.

Hanweir Garrison: He creates tokens to sac to Vaevictis, and he melds with the Battlements.

Hua Tuo, Honored Physician: Sweet recursion that sets up your topdeck for when you attack.

It That Betrays: A go-to for any mass sacrifice deck. It's even better with Vaevictis, where you can choose what you want to steal.

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest: This guy makes everything massive quickly, especially in a 4 player game. One trigger from your commander will give all of your guys +4/+4.

Mwonvuli Beast Tracker: Similar to Brutalizer Exarch, but much more limited.

Noxious Gearhulk: A good body to cheat in, and it's removal on ETB.

Omnath, Locus of Rage: Here's a landfall trigger that creates a creature, and then he bolts your opponents when you sacrifice said creature.

Overseer of the Damned: He creates a constant influx of tokens to sacrifice, and he destroys something with his ETB trigger.

Rampaging Baloths: Another creature that generates things to sacrifice, but these things are bigger (and less likely to be sacrificed). A staple in most every deck with any land synergy whatsoever.

Ramunap Excavator: Aka Magus of the crucible.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded: A sac outlet that sets up your topdeck, and tutors for whatever you could possibly need. Sign me up!

Satyr Wayfinder: Similar to Farhaven Elf and Wood Elves, but strictly worse.

Sepulchral Primordial: Fun to cheat in, and it steals stuff from your opponent. Got to love it.

Solemn Simulacrum: A commander staple at this point. He ramps you upon entrance, and draws you a card upon death.

Terastodon: Three-shot Beast Within on a giant creature. Perfect to cheat in with Vaevictis, and gives you political sacrifice fuel for your opponents. (If they want you to be nice, sac one of the tokens instead of something better they have.)

The Gitrog Monster: Who doesn't want to put this in a deck somewhere? My desire to run him is second only to Yargle, Glutton of Urborg. He sacs lands, but gives you extra drops to recur them back with crucible and it's nearly-Magus.

Titania, Protector of Argoth: When your lands die, you get more fuel to sacrifice. Especially fun if your lands died because you sacrificed them.

Vigor: Why not? A big body to cheat in, and he makes your creatures better instead of letting them die.

Viscera Seer: A free sac outlet that can help set up your topdeck. Scry is really OP in this deck.

Vizier of the Menagerie: You can now cast whatever you can't cheat in, and it lets you see your topdeck.

Void Winnower: Another card that I haven't been able to fit in anywhere else. However, it makes it slightly easier to attack with Vaevictis, and can lock out some of the best cards in the game.

Wasitora, Nekoru Queen: Fun to cheat in, and it makes your opponents sacrifice if it hits. If they don't have anything, than you can also get fuel for your commander out of it.

Wood Elves: Gets you a forest upon ETB, and then sacs to your commander.

Damnation: The one and only boardwipe in the deck. Make the most of it.

Demonic Tutor: Need I say anything at all?

Harmonize: I love drawing three cards!

Mastermind's Acquisition: A strictly better Diabolic Tutor. Make sure you bring your entire collection so you have the right answer to anything that could possibly happen. Or just bring a few and be lame like that...

See the Unwritten: A good way to cheat in big stuff, especially if you've been manipulating your top three.

Shamanic Revelation: Easily the best card draw in the deck, and it gains you life.

Skyshroud Claim: Ramp, ramp, ramp!

Traverse the Ulvenwald: One mana creature tutor/mana fixer.

Vandalblast: Go-to artifact removal.

Yawgmoth's Vile Offering: It removes one threat, and then steals another from your graveyard. Definitely a top-notch black removal spell, especially in Commander, when you almost always have a legendary out (unless you're playing Progenitus or something similar).

Crop Rotation: Land tutor that synergizes with sacrificing. Seems kind of weak, though. Might be destined for the axe.
Evolutionary Leap: Another great chaotic card that cheats stuff in. If you're sacrificing anyway, why not run this just for the hell of it?

Fecundity: A great source of card draw. Picture this: You swing with Vaevictis, and sacrifice a Wood Elves. You cheat in an Etali, Primal Storm and then draw a card. Not only does this refuel your hand, but it does this after you abuse your commander.

From Beyond: This is wonderfully synergistic ramp. You have to sacrifice the creatures you create to ramp you, or you can sac them to your commander.

Haunted Crossroads: Easily an MVP of the deck. It recurs all of your creatures, and does this to the top of your deck so you can cheat them in with your commander.

Journey to Eternity  : A good source of recursion and mana fixing.

Lurking Predators: With all the topdeck manipulation we can use, having a way to cheat in more big creatures off the top never hurts.

Sylvan Library: Classic topdeck manipulation, and also has a somewhat off-color ability that exchanges life for cards.

The Mending of Dominaria: Provides some valuable recursion of both creatures and lands.

Chromatic Lantern: A go-to mana fixer for any deck with three or more colors. (And a bit of ramp, too).

Commander's Sphere: A bit of ramp, and when you don't need it, you can get some draw out of it.

Crucible of Worlds: A great card that will help recur all of your lands. The recent reprint will bring the price down to a more affordable level for most people.

Darksteel Ingot: Mana ramp on an indestructible artifact. Easy commander staple.

Lightning Greaves: One of a few ways to protect your commander. Haste is also very valuable.

Sensei's Divining Top: Classic (annoying) topdeck manipulation. Try to be a nice guy when you use this, though.

Swiftfoot Boots: A worse/better Lightning Greaves, depending on how much you value Hexproof over Shroud.

Garruk, Caller of Beasts: One last way to cheat big stuff into play from your hand/deck.

Liliana Vess: A tutor to the top of your deck that also offers valuable recursion.

I would really appreciate any suggestions you guys have for this deck. I hope you enjoy it.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Mythic Rares

55 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.45
Tokens Beast 4/4 G, Cat Dragon 3/3 BRG, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Elephant 3-3 G, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Human 1/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Zombie 2/2 B
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