Mono-Black Aggro is only getting better. It's time to go to the dark side.
Mono-Black aggro uses cheap, efficient creatures such as
Herald of Torment
Gnarled Scarhide
, disruption such as Thoughtseize and Lifebane Zombie, and cheap, efficient removal to clear the way and get in for tons of damage quick. With Thoughtseize and tons of bestow creatures this deck is very resilient to control, it can race other aggro decks quite well, and it's removal combined with Mogis's Marauders can beat mid range decks.
1 Drops
Tormented Hero
: A 2/1 for 1 is the big thing, though heroic is relevant with all the bestow creatures.
Gnarled Scarhide
: Also a 2/1 for 1, bestow can pump one of my creatures or act as pseudo removal by making an opponents creature unable to block.
Rakdos Cackler
: A 2/2 for 1. Not much else.
2 Drops
Spiteful Returned
: Essentially a 3/1 bestow that can only kill x/1s. Though the fact it deals 2 no matter what is nice.
Pain Seer: Generates card advantage and is a
Grizzly Bears
, which is the 3rd best card in the game (behind Lord
Storm Crow
Chimney Imp
3 Drops
Herald of Torment
: Aggressively costed as a 3/3 flying for 3, it's drawback barely matters, and it can be bestowed late game to get than Pain Seer in the air to get some extra card advantage.
Mogis's Marauders: Breaks board stalls, gives haste, yep.
Lifebane Zombie: Hits lots of things, gives information, nice evasiveness, but isn't good in quite a few match ups so only a 2 of.
Hero's Downfall: Great removal. Unconditional and can hit walkers. Expensive mana wise though, so only a 2 of.
Bile Blight
: Hurts other aggro decks that run lots of 4 ofs with <3 toughness. Also has lots of tricks.
Ultimate Price: Nice, cheap removal, hits a lot of cards. What else is there to say?
Thoughtseize: Awesome card.
The... Others
Hall of Triumph
: +1/+1 to everything is nice.
+1 if you feel like it.