
Standard Tirinii


Cirrusdrake says... #1

YES! FINALLY! Everybody said that they hated Narset. I made a deck just like this thinking it was a homebrew. THANK YOU! :) Now I can safely bring this to FNM. YYYAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

November 26, 2014 12:43 p.m.

Tirinii says... #2

It's seriously ridiculously good I'd hate to play against someone that makes very few mistakes

November 26, 2014 1:24 p.m.

kickerv says... #3

Have you tried playing Generator Servant in your deck? You are able to get Narset, Enlightened Master out on turn 5 instead of turn 6. Just a thought.

Also, I was wondering when you play Anger of the Gods? If you have Narset out on the battlefield. Anger of the Gods hits her also. I played a very similiar deck with Narset, Anger of the Gods, and Keranos at my last FNM and I took top 8. But the one thing that kept me from getting top 4 was Anger of the Gods exiling Narset, Enlightened Master. Just wondering how you get around that?

Great deck. +1

November 26, 2014 2:41 p.m.

Tirinii says... #4

I never play Narset as fast as possible. The point of the deck is to clear the way for her with the removal then get way too far ahead with her free spells. There are a few times when you have to End Hostilities or Anger of the Gods with her on board, but I usually see around 40 cards of the deck a game, so I will pretty much 100% see another Narset, Enlightened Master.

November 26, 2014 7:19 p.m.

You said that you burned your opponent from 23 to 0 in one to elaborate?

November 26, 2014 9:12 p.m.

Tirinii says... #6

Narset flipped Master the Way and Divination. I had 7 cards in hand two of them being another Master the Way and Lightning Strike with way more than enough mana to cast both. I regularly burn opponents from 18+ on one turn with turns like this. Master the Way is pretty strong in this deck lol.

November 26, 2014 9:25 p.m.

Tirinii says... #7

The Divination brought me to 9 cards, Master the Way before it deals the damage draws a card bring hand to 10, so both Masters deal 10 and Lightning Strike dealt exactsies.

November 26, 2014 9:27 p.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #8

Exiling is a may effect. So you dont have you use the Anger if its flipped. And with Divination and Master you should be able to stall to find another one.Not to mention Dig Through Time.

November 26, 2014 11:18 p.m.

Tirinii says... #9

I know you don't have to cast Anger of the Gods or End Hostilities off the Narset flop; I'm meant that sometimes you're in a situation where you have to cast one of them with Narset on board or you will lose. Like you said though you see so many cards with this deck every game losing 1 Narset to your own spell isn't super back breaking.

November 26, 2014 11:31 p.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #10

Not at all :)

November 27, 2014 12:01 a.m.

Tirinii says... #11

If y'all could take a look at the 4-color version and tell me what you think that would be pretty cool. Narset 4-Color Control

November 27, 2014 5:31 a.m.

MachineAge says... #12

Check out my build :) Narset is a Beast Have a +1

November 27, 2014 5:59 a.m.

According to me this deck is very cool, and also quite strong.

Nonetheless this deck is not an optimum in terms of efficiency simply because, as you'll notice in every game that Travis Woo played with it, every time he casted Narset he already won that game.He had a huge board control and huge card advantage. Narset, as opposite to Elspeth, Sun's Champion , is only good when you're winning.

Travis Woo played the deck in 2-man queues. If you guys are familiar with MTGO online, the good players don't play in 2-man, because it's terrible value. (you bet 2 $, you win 3$ if you win). It's very easy to win with ANY deck in those. People are bad at playing magic in those kind of queues. Travis Woo plays magic since 20 years, he can easily outplay them with any kind of deck.

Again, the deck is amazing, very fun to play, I loved the flavor, +1, but do this: everytime you're about to cast Narset count the cards in your hand, count the cards in your opponent hand. Guaranteed you can win that game WITHOUT even casting Narset. Just take Narset, put it in your pocket, and I tell you you'll win without it. Any game state where you can cast Narset and win using her effect, is a game state where you have perfect board control, which means you already won that game.

And if you want to prove yourself the same fact, in another way, you can go to a PTQ with this deck: you'll find out Narset is a dead card in every game you're losing, and you'll be unhappy to draw it every time you're behind. If you play on Cockatrice beware: people are as bad as in 2-men queues

Wanted to clarify this, but guys, magic is fun. Just be aware of the limits.

November 27, 2014 12:35 p.m.

Tirinii says... #14

Ya you're right Narset definitely just feels like a win more card. There's been a couple games where I couldn't possibly win without her flipping Master the Way though, but Elspeth in like 99% of cases would be better as it can stabilize.

November 27, 2014 7:10 p.m.

Sure, if you're interested in helping me, I'm playing pure jeskai control, no Narset, but lot of answers: Jeskai Control (best version for tournaments)

November 30, 2014 4:35 p.m.

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