U/R Rabble Robots

Standard* SolidOak


alliek93 says... #1

I love this deck combo. I ran it at an FNM when Ravnica and M14 were legal and always got my ass beat to Jace and Vraska decks. How are you ranking at FNM's?

November 27, 2014 3:35 a.m.

SolidOak says... #2

I haven't got to run it face to face yet. This build has about a 65% win rate during my play testing on Cockatrice. Those are just the games that have played through to completion. It doesn't count the 10 or so matches where I dropped turn 2 Ensoul Artifact + Ornithopter and my opponent just exited the game.

This deck can really punish any Abzan or Mardu mid-range strategy that stumbles early. I would call those matches in our favor game 1. It get's tougher post-board as they can go very dense on removal. I've found Hammer of Purphoros to be an all star in those matches by giving us a constant board state and making the Shrapnel Blast to the face threat ever present for our opponent. (I'm considering uping to 3 in the sideboard)

I haven't ran into much Jeskai Tempo with it yet but I imagine we are close to even with it most matches as we are on a similar game plan.

The deck's biggest strength I think is that not everyone is familiar with it so it catches a lot of players by surprise. Some of the drawbacks are the lack of card draw and that you get two for oned to removal with Ensoul Artifact.

I've seen some deck lists that solved this and some consistency issues by dipping into Jeskai colors. Honestly, if you are doing that you might as well just run Jeskai Tempo and call it a day.

November 27, 2014 12:16 p.m.

alliek93 says... #3

Hmmm.. I think in my deck i was also running Generator Servant to get out Scuttling Doom Engine turn 4 and wreck. Thoughts?

November 27, 2014 4:53 p.m.

SolidOak says... #4

Absolutely. I was able to get a turn 4 win with the budgety version of the deck running Generator Servant + Scuttling Doom Engine . I basically removed the Servants and replaced them with Rabblemasters. It was amazing when you drew Servant, Doom Engine, and Shrapnel Blast but if you didn't it Generator Servant was a lackluster 2/1 that didn't do much.

Goblin Rabblemaster can be cast as early as turn 2 thanks to Ornithopter + Springleaf Drum and the tokens can even help the convoke from Chief Engineer to cast Scuttling Doom Engine a turn or two early. It's also a must answer threat by itself and often times opponents have a hard time choosing between it and your ensouled Ornithopter for a spot removal target. I've even won a game on the back of a Ghostfire Blade equipped Rabblemaster

I originally thought I would hate cutting Generator Servant but once replaced it with the Goblin Rabblemaster the deck runs much more consistently.

November 27, 2014 6:15 p.m.

thewyzman says... #5

I played against this deck in Cockatrice (was that you?). This deck has some serious power when left unchecked.

February 27, 2015 1:52 p.m.

I love this deck. Any ideas on what changes or additions you might make after DTK drops?

March 15, 2015 3:59 a.m.

Techmage45 says... #7

I once played a standard artifact deck and my opening hand was: 2x ornithopter, 2x ensoul artifact, 1x island, 1x plains, 1x renowned weaponsmith. I was playing against control :P

July 18, 2015 2:07 p.m.

SolidOak says... #8

I've been crushing the control matchup on Cockatrice with this deck. They can seldom beat a hand like yours, Techmage45. Dragonlord Ojutai can be problematic but most of the time when it comes down it's on defense and can be overrun fairly easily. I haven't had too many issues with aggressive decks either as most of the time I can go over the top of them. Abzan Mid-Range is a bit trickier though...

July 18, 2015 2:23 p.m.

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