
This deck is about putting the board in a favorable position, and setting a lock with standstill.

Scryb Ranger is pro-clique, pro-snapcaster, and pro-delver, allows for some solid combat tricks, and, my favorite, protects your precious duals from wastelands. Ranger also lets your spellstutters catch an extra spell or two coming down. Tarmogoyf and flyer beats is the major win-con, and tamiyo gets them through, locks the opponents mana, or generates card advantage (IMHO) that is as strong, if not stronger than Jace. Deathrite tapping twice with a scryb ranger strengthens your graveyard hate, and increases your reach-being able to come in for 4 damage is very strong.

A choice of note is the missing Stoneforge package. I felt having Goyfs+Ranger gave the deck better options, as goyf can do it all by itself, and Ranger gives a great deal of versatility to the deck. This choice is dfinitely arguable, and I'd like to hear some opinions.

The Counterspell Suite, I am comfortable with, but I would also like to hear some feedback on that! Are there any changes you all would make, main or in the side?

Also, Library can be incredible for fishing into those wastelands and mutavaults under a Standstill, and I like that Loam makes our mana and taxing all the more durable, but these choices could change as well. Would be glad to hear other's thoughts!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors B

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 3 Mythic Rares

27 - 5 Rares

11 - 6 Uncommons

8 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.16
Tokens Emblem Tamiyo, Field Researcher
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