Mono-Blue 1+1+1=7

Modern 21


trav1405 says... #4

I often like to use a single Gifts Ungiven main board. It allows you to tutor for any options and combos well with academy ruins, but I guess most of all it's just a fun card.

March 30, 2017 6:06 p.m.

21 says... #5

I like that idea, it's pretty interesting. Not to mention with the new wording it does make it a bit better. I'll definitely take that into consideration, thanks!

March 31, 2017 7:28 p.m.

DonaldFuck says... #6

I really like your deck. I currently run 2 seers and 3 Contortions but i will give it a try and switch the numbers. I used to run the 2 chalice of the voids main deck but i moved them to sideboard. As for Batterskull, i am a wurmcoil player. Batterskull is not searchable unless you run Fabricate. Sure, it comes a turn earlier but i dont really like it. Still very nice deck!

April 1, 2017 2:03 a.m.

21 says... #7

Sorry for the late response. I like running 2 Chalice of the Void in the mainboard. Putting Chalice of the Void on 1 destroys a bunch of decks. If you do, obviously your Expedition Maps will be dead. That's another reason why Thirst for Knowledge fits so well into this deck. Map is dead in your hand? Eh, chuck it! You could also side out the Maps if you need a bit extra firepower.

You do have a good point that it can't be tutored unless by Fabricate, I will have to add that to the maybeboard.

Even when we ignore the cmc and removal its not obvious which card performs better on the board. In a stabilizing/lifelinker role Batterskull can sometimes be better because of vigilance allowing you to attack and block gaining 8 life each turn. In similiar situation its sometimes a real headache whether you want to attack with your Wurmcoil Engine because you might die to your opponents swing if he has Snapcaster Mage + Lightning Bolt in your end step. The advantage for Batterskull only gets bigger if we can equip on another creature. Still there is again also an argument for Wurmcoil Engine being the better stabilizer. Consider a Primeval Titan, 4/5 Tarmogoyf or just any creature that can block a Batterskull for days. The deathtouch on Wurmcoil Engine is very good vs double blocking, stopping your opponent from just swinging with their biggest dude every turn and generally a great thing to have. Trading a Wurmcoil Engine with one of your opponents big dudes is usually a good play considering we get tokens and have Academy Ruins. Compare that to chump blocking with your germ every turn, it may buy you some time but you have to spend 8 mana each turn to keep your board state while your opponent is most likely still developing his board further.

I'm glad you like the deck, I'll always try my best to make it as best as possible!

April 3, 2017 2:06 a.m.

DonaldFuck says... #8

I believe running a card with a lot of percent of being dead (i am looking at you Expedition Map) just because you can discard it with thirst is a little weird. I have my chalices in the sideboard and when i put them in i remove at least 2 of the maps. As for the Batterskull / coil, this is the main topic of argument between u tron players! Have fun with the deck man, it is looking great!

April 3, 2017 2:29 a.m.

21 says... #9

Lol I didn't mean that I'd always make it dead. Just when I would need to. I understand your reasoning for having them in your sideboard. It does seem more like a sideboard card but I like to be a bit more oppressive earlier personally.

With the whole Batterskull vs. Wurmcoil Engine battle I personally wouldn't run Batterskull over Wurmcoil Engine. I believe that Wurmcoil Engine is definitely a staple in Mono-Blue Tron. I like him in this deck because I can equip it to another creature for trades or the usual lifegain. Not to mention that you can pay to bring it back to your hand if they wish to destroy/exile Batterskull. That way you can get more use out of the card.

April 3, 2017 11:52 a.m.

Vinality says... #10

Hi there, I'm considering this deck for my first modern deck. I love playing control and the deck fits into my budget. My question is: Is this deck good enough for LGS play? Thanks.

June 18, 2017 2:35 p.m.

21 says... #12

I would say definitely, I've had pretty good success at my LGS. As long as you tweak your SB to combat your meta then I would say that you'll be successful.

June 21, 2017 5:16 p.m.

It's absolutely good enough to bring to LGS.

Try the deck on MTGO and don't buy the expensive cards yet.

You said you like control decks, blue tron is not an atypical control deck.

Welcome to Modern. I cant state enough. DON'T BUY HUGE MONEY CARDS until you know you enjoy the deck

June 23, 2017 10:17 p.m.

Further, I hate Tron. But I have won with it

June 23, 2017 10:19 p.m.

Zholto says... #15

How is mono blue Tron with Torrential Gearhulk? Is it better than running Snapcaster Mage?


August 21, 2017 1:50 p.m.

I don't see snap being necessary here myself

August 21, 2017 2:21 p.m.

DonaldFuck says... #17

I believe, if i had to choose between snap and the gearhulk, gearhuk is the better choice. He is searchable, has a decent body and of course flashbacks spells. I personally don't run the gearhulk cause i believe we don't really need him. half our spells are dead since they have ''x'' in their casting cost and with the Gearhulk x=0. At 6 mana i prefer to play a wurmcoil. Of course this is my thought on the matter, after many battles online with the card in the deck. If anyone wants, can check my decklist (budget-ish) in my channel.

August 21, 2017 2:36 p.m.

RagingBuddha says... #18

I play this deck as well and like a lot of things about your build. I love 2x Ugin! One area where I have strong opinions: I love Snapcaster and hate T-hulk in mono-U tron. Snapcaster gives a lot of versatility in the late game, and is just such a powerful card in the abstract. It's particularly good in builds with Fabricate. Meanwhile T-hulk has embarrassingly few targets. Remand is usually mediocre in the mid-game when you'll be casting hulk and Spatial Contortion is meh... leaving you four good targets (Thirst) in the entire deck. Also, double U isn't always a given. I've been playing this deck for a while and am a little mystified why T-hulk ends up in so many mainboards.

Another thought: I've really been enjoying Field of Ruin over Ghost Quarter lately, although I'm less sure that's correct.

I have a Wurmcoil/Batterskull split right now. One is soft to Path, the other to Push, so I'm hedging. Also, in a Fabricate build I value the versatility. With only Treasure Mages to tutor, 2x Wurmcoil might just be better.

November 12, 2017 3:12 p.m.

ShiningSpear says... #19

So have you considered trying Karn Liberated?

Jokes aside, this deck looks like a nightmare to play against. If you're going to sideboard The Immortal Sun, I'd personally drop a Chalice of the Void instead of the second Wurmcoil Engine. Kind of a tough call, though.

January 30, 2018 3:05 a.m.

21 says... #20

I actually facepalmed when I read that first part until I realized it was a joke! XD

I didn't think of dropping one of the Chalice of the Voids. Would you please explain a bit further why Chalice of the Void instead of the 2nd Wurmcoil Engine?

January 30, 2018 3:31 a.m.

ShiningSpear says... #21

Well, it might just be because I lack experience in Modern (I stopped playing after Future Sight and didn't pick back up again until Dragons of Tarkir), but I would personally rather have the option of a second big removal-resistant creature than a fourth counterspell engine. It just covers more potential threats that way, but I can see the value of a fourth Chalice as well.

Like I said, though, I'm not super aware of the Modern meta.

January 31, 2018 3:25 a.m.

marowakcity says... #22

Chalice is in a wierd place right now, the meta just got a massive shakeup (unbans) that seems like it will make the format a lot grindier, but I'm not really sure

February 14, 2018 5:41 p.m.

21 says... #23

marowakcity Yeah, I haven't really tuned the deck for the new meta yet. But Jace, the Mind Sculptor means more midrange and control decks, which U Tron likes to prey on.

If things really do get shaken up SO MUCH by Jace, the Mind Sculptor then I might put this (and maybe my other modern decks) in storage until I can get them appropriately tweaked.

February 14, 2018 6:37 p.m.

21 says... #24

I heard that Burn, Dredge, and Bogles are some of the decks to survive the unban. I'll dust off those decks until I can get this deck how I like it.

February 14, 2018 6:42 p.m. Edited.

marowakcity says... #25

yeah, those would be the decks. Or, if you're willing to spend an absurd amount of cash, you could play control or jund, or my creation Temur Moon

February 14, 2018 7:22 p.m.

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