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The Enchanted Forest - Five-Color Mono-Green

Pauper* Enchantment



I've been brewing really hard to try to get Brine Giant to work and I think I may have finally found a shell that shows promise.

The key engine piece is an obscure card from Legends: Remove Enchantments. The text is really complicated but for this deck, it basically boils down to "W: pop all enchantments back to our hand." (It also completely demolishes Bogles but that's just incidental.) Pair that with a pile of Abundant Growth-like cards and it has us drawing through our deck at lightning speed. We also use Kor Skyfisher as a redraw engine. It's a little clunky but it helps keep our threat density high.

(I should note that Remove Enchantments is not available on MTGO yet. Please send an email to [email protected] asking them to add it so we can play with this deck online!)

For acceleration, we're running the Arbor Elf / Rime Tender + Utopia Sprawl package. Since this ramps us so efficiently and since we draw so many cards off our enchantments, we can drop to a ridiculously low number of lands: just 14 Snow-Covered Forest. Since 15 of our cards fix our mana by accident, we almost never have color issues even when just running basics. Five-color Mono-green! What's not to love?

To slow our opponents down, we have Journey to Nowhere and Omen of the Forge. Having to pick up Journey isn't always ideal but we can pull the Oblivion Ring flicker trick with it by casting Remove Enchantments in response to Journey's ETB trigger, exiling the creature forever.

I wanted more threats to stress our opponent's removal suite so we're trying out Grim Guardian. It's an Enchantment itself (reducing the cost of Brine Giant) and it pings our opponent, so it's great against Tron Foglocks while also giving us a nice-sized butt for blocking Aggro. Aura Gnarlid may ultimately be the better choice as it can get even bigger than the Giant, but we want to go up and down on our Enchantment count so it's less good than it might be in other Enchantment decks.

I also managed to find room for a single copy of Rolling Thunder as a final way to win. This deck can generate a lot of mana with just a few Utopia Sprawls and untappers so by the time we've drawn into Rolling Thunder, we could very easily be capable of sending 20+ damage to the dome.

Finally, we have a little more card advantage in Omen of the Sea and Omen of the Dead. I'm really liking these. Once the deck gets going, the Sea omen is often what I want to cast the most, and I can crack either in a pinch to dig for more action.

This deck is still very much experimental. As COVID-19 has kept the shops closed and Remove Enchantment isn't available on MTGO, I've only been able to goldfish it so far but the level of card draw and resilience it's shown even just in testing has made me really excited to try it out someday.


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94% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Folders Pauper Enchantments
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