Westvale Vampire Aristocrats

Standard* Hideousgamer


Hideousgamer says... #1

Wizno You got what secondwhiteline said but more importantly this deck can win by T5 with most draws meaning that Bant Company needs answers now not later. Speed is our only friend we don't long games long games we lose hands down. This deck is like Modern Burn in other words 3 on T1 6 on T2 etc etc; But if a deck can get burn to go longer than T6-7 than burn loses more often then not.

April 21, 2016 12:19 a.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #2

Have you tested this at any FNMs yet? If not, I'm going to run a similar deck based on this and I'll let you know my results if you're interested!

April 24, 2016 9:52 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #3

MunkyKnutz Not yet sadly been busy with work and whatnot to even go. So ya if you want to run the deck or deck list close to this by all means share them :D.

April 24, 2016 10:01 p.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #4

Will do, I have everything to run this exact deck so I might just do that and let you know

April 24, 2016 10:32 p.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #5

So I played this in Monday night standard tonight.Went 2-0 against Esper Dragon ControlWent 1-2 against W/R MadnessWent 1-2 against B/U DeliriumWent 2-1 against some Eldrazi Home brew (got seriously mana burned one game)

More or less played like everyone and I thought it would. Totally depends on your first few draws. It either hits really fast and wins, or you have no chance.I found that the Insolent Neonates didn't really do too well. Thinking about taking this and turning into into a really solid aggro deck, maybe a Village Messenger  Flip? Idk. Definitely needs something else big and fast

April 26, 2016 12:24 a.m.

Wizno says... #6

Based on your lastest update I wonder if you would consider going the more burn-related route and throw in Exquisite Firecraft instead? If you run out of steam creature wise, then you'll burn in the form of Exquisite Firecraft, Fiery Temper, and Alms of the Vein to just drain them out.

April 26, 2016 12:34 a.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #7

I like the idea Wizno has here. It could also help keep the game fast if you don't end up getting the draws you need in the order you want.

April 26, 2016 12:37 a.m.

Wizno says... #8

Here's my variant of the deck I'm hoping to try out at Game Day. Let me know how you think it compares with your version.

Olivia & Drana's Double Trouble

April 26, 2016 12:58 a.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #9

Wizno I really like your take on it. Especially with Goldnight Castigator doing damage before it's downside really hurts you too much. I do, however, think Incorrigible Youths is super valuable in this kind of deck. I didn't know how I felt about it at first, but it wound up being so easy to cast

April 26, 2016 9:14 a.m.

Hideousgamer says... #10

MunkyKnutz and Wizno So 2-2 on it's first outing hmmm not bad 50% W/L. I do like the burn route so no matter you can clear the board so you can hit them or just burn them in the face. But I think better than Goldnight Castigator would be Thunderbreak Regent you burn them in the face if they cast a spell on it.

Here is another idea I had while watching PTSOI was Collected Company make this a Jund aggro deck. I mean most of the madness enablers are 3 or less CMC. So you hit the enablers and than next turn you drop Incorrigible Youths etc etc.

April 26, 2016 7:36 p.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #11

Hideousgamer yeah but adding in that Collected Company would mean completely changing the composition of the entire deck. Depends how far you want to stray from your original idea!

April 26, 2016 8:39 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #12

MunkyKnutz True it would need to be rebuilt but I feel that a Jund CoCo deck could be a thing. Although I am going to go the burn path for this deck on game day. Tossing in Alms of the Vein over Insolent Neonate because of your feed back Knutz. That way I have some life gain to help keep me going in the long run although I have to ask where you ever able to sac Neonate into something useful etc etc?

April 26, 2016 9:54 p.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #13

I boarded in Alms of the Vein and it was great. 6 point swing in a game this fast can be really big. I think I'm going to play this on game day as well, so we'll see how it does!

April 26, 2016 10:01 p.m.

Wizno says... #14

So I had to work tonight but a friend took the deck out for a spin at my LGS' Tuesday Standard. Here's what I picked up from him, MunkyKnutz and Hideousgamer:

1) He played some casual games prior to the event and beat out Abzan Control and G/W Tokens. The latter was a big surprise since that just took 1st at the Pro Tour.

2) The mirror match up is tough to beat. The other deck had Incorrigible Youths, Zurgo Bellstriker, Insolent Neonate, and no Lightning Axe in the main board. Things to keep in mind.

3) The deck couldn't get there with Esper control.

So it looks like 2-2 is roughly the record this deck picked up as well. I'll definitely look at Thunderbreak Regent as a sub for the angel. She's quite iffy.

I've also seen a few versions of the deck run a couple of Avaricious Dragons. What do you guys think?

April 26, 2016 11:45 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #15

Wizno I like Avaricious Dragon only because of how powerful he is within a madness shell. Pair him with Asylum Visitor together they would be a powerful card draw engine that is 3 cards per draw step. Also if we go Avaricious route Chandra, Flamecaller may be good as well.

April 27, 2016 12:04 a.m.

I don't like Avaricious Dragon in general, even with Madness enabling. But I especially don't like it in current standard, since he dies to Languish and a flashed-in Archangel Avacyn  Flip blocker, and by then you probably lost your hand the previous turn.

April 27, 2016 9:51 a.m.

Hideousgamer says... #17

secondwhiteline I get your point but Languish is a spell we have to play around nothing more nothing less.

Avacyn is the real problem

April 27, 2016 10:42 a.m.

I think Languish is the bigger issue there. Spending 4 mana, wasting a turn, and losing your hand to end up with a wiped board and no extra card draw is just about the worst-case tempo loss scenario I can think of. Especially since Languish is such a big deal right now in the wake of Bant Company and Humans. Choosing a creature with such a major downside that plays right into the most effective sweeper in the format is unnecessary when better options are available.

A flashed Avacyn trades favorably against Avaricious Dragon, but you can still Grasp, Ultimate Price, or Axe her before she wipes your board. Plus you've at least still drawn your extra card on the turn you attack.

I'd still shoot for Goldnight Castigator or even Thunderbreak (due to Bolting when targeted) in a 4-mana slot in this deck. Haste is one of the two things that separates Vamps from the more flexible, more reliable Humans/CoCo decks ruling Standard right now. Plus Goldnight dodges Languish and Grasp.

April 27, 2016 12:27 p.m.

Hideousgamer says... #19

secondwhiteline There are two things here that need to be looked at. Firstly if I have an board state in which they need to Languish I am ahead 9 times out of 10. So if I cast Avaricious Dragon turn 4 as we would want then they in turn Languish on their turn 4 maybe 5 if I am on draw. They also would be losing what board state they have ( now if this is super late game where they can Languish and cast Archangel Avacyn  Flip then I am die no matter the build. ) But if this happens on normal turns 4-7 then I should be fine or have time to rebuild if I didn't out race the Languish in the first place.

Secondly the reason I like Avaricious Dragon is like I said the power it can give the deck. 3 cards per draw step with Asylum Visitor + Avaricious Dragon on top of all this it lets me dump my mana into Avacyn's Judgment if I hit. That is in my mind worth the risk of playing into an Languish

April 28, 2016 2:39 a.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #20

Hideousgamer I tend to agree with secondwhiteline. I think Goldnight Castigator and Thunderbreak Regent would be a better fit for it just for safety's sake. That 4 haste in the air can be brutal, plus it survives those widely used removal spells. Even if you keep it for a turn or two it is an enormous difference. Not to mention Thunderbreaks burn. Cast it after a few hits with other creatures/burns and they can't afford to remove it.

April 28, 2016 10:25 a.m.

Tybalt says... #21

I must say i love this deck style, the way madness and vampires come together is just marvelous. A few things i think i should mention; ravenous bloodseeker is overrated, have you considered Call of the Bloodline instead? though that is better when running more 1 drops (ie. Indulgent Aristocrat and Insolent Neonate ). these allow you to pump out 1/1 vampire tokens with lifelink (which can become sac fodder for Indulgent Aristocrat or even Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet, an amazing addition to any standard vampire deck). Thiss will give you far more life gain, easily making up for dropping Alms of the Vein, which is admittedly cool... but does't really do anything to help the deck. +1 from me (i love me some Madness Vampires).I hope you will check out my version of the deck, i would appreciate any feedback :) http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sanguinsanity/

April 29, 2016 11:49 a.m.

Hideousgamer says... #22

Tybalt I was going to use Call of the Bloodline and make a Vamp token deck with Westvale Abbey  Flip as one of the win cons. But in the end I don't feel like Call of the Bloodline is fast enough to get you a win by turn 5-6. Where as my deck is now can win by turn 5 ( true it won't happen every game nor super commonly) but not from bad draws per say but from the decks you're playing against gumming up the board state. But that is when my deck can move from ground board state win cons to burn in the face wins.

April 29, 2016 12:49 p.m.

Tybalt says... #23

I have been playtesting my deck alot (i run 3x Call of the Bloodline ) and it seems to get lethal by turn 5 or overkill by turn 6. If your fear of losing pace is all that is holding you back, feel free to check mine out and use a few ideas :)

April 29, 2016 1:03 p.m.

Venersis says... #24

How much does this deck cost?

April 29, 2016 2:11 p.m.

Wizno says... #25

Okay here's what I picked up from going 0-4 today at game day:

1) Burn definitely helps a lot.

2) The deck ran out of gas even faster than I thought which has me looking at adding at least one more Tormenting Voice or even Magmatic Insight in those games where you mana flood.

3) Mana flooding is devastating and has me really thinking about my curve and overall land count.

4) Never saw Thunderbreak Regent so I can't say what his value is really but he may need a re-evaluation.

5) Since losing gas is such a huge issue, I am thinking (god help me) that Inverter of Truth could be a thing. He dodges a lot of removal, is a huge flier, and makes all of the burn you discard get a second run.

I'd be curious to hear how you all are doing/did with this archetype.

April 30, 2016 5:46 p.m.

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