Westvale Vampire Aristocrats

Standard* Hideousgamer


Hideousgamer says... #1

Wizno Sorry for the mana flood :/ sadly not much you do over it at times.

So my questions are; if say you didn't lose gas or became flooded wold you been able to win? Or was the deck getting out pace on top of these problems?

April 30, 2016 7:11 p.m.

Wizno says... #2

It's always tough to say how it would have gone had "that one thing gone right". Here's what I'll say Hideousgamer, the deck can definitely compete with some of the big boys. One of my match ups today was against G/W tokens (the 1st place Pro Tour build), and I almost had it 2-1 if not for a poor misplay on my part. That gave me some hope and really confirmed how helpful burn can be.

It does get outpaced against ramp decks if you let them get to their target. I played against a Jund ramp deck and had the player sweating a bit but ran out of steam, started to mana flood, and then he played World Breaker and the deck just couldn't compete with that.

The other two decks were interesting homebrew. One was a U/B deck centered around Brain in a Jar and filling the grave to abuse Rise from the Tides. The match up should have been easy to beat (I did win one game) but being able to use Languish at instant speed really hurt.

The final match was against a R/B deck centered around Triskadecaphobia. It was essentially a mirror match with the added pressure of outpacing that enchantment. Alms of the Vein saved me a ton but, again, I just didn't get there as the match dragged on.

I'm not sure if that answered your question but I hope it gives some helpful insight into what to tweak along the way.

April 30, 2016 7:26 p.m.

MunkyKnutz says... #3

So I added in the Exquisite Firecrafts, Thunderbreak Regents, Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip, and Kolaghan's Commands, and I boarded in some removal in Ruinous Path and To the Slaughter and I won game day with this.

May 2, 2016 11:35 a.m.

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