Narset, Enlightened Voltron

Commander / EDH TDemers


DreadedMemes says... #1

You’re running too much land and not enough mana rocks in my opinion. Perhaps switching up your mana base could result in a much faster narset. The mox’s and mana crypt could really help. Also check out simian spirit guide. I apologize but I don’t know how to link the cards into my comment. Turn 7 is really much too slow to try to swing narset.

April 4, 2020 10:12 a.m.

DreadedMemes says... #2

Also definitely in my opinion not an 8 out of 10... my narset deck that you commented on has the ability to play narset as fast as turn 0... very suboptimal here running too many 3 drop artifacts and a very excessive amount of land. I wouldn’t even run 37 lands in a lands matter deck.

April 4, 2020 10:16 a.m.

TDemers says... #3


I agree with the point that adding mox's and mana crypt would improve the mana base but that would be true for any deck and I just don't want to or need to fork out for the money for them.

However I will respectfully disagree with your comment on the number of lands, 36-38 is a typical land count in a non cEDH meta. Also, you are untitled to your own opinion for power ranking obviously, 8 out of 10 is my assessment based on the power ranking scale created by The Command Zone.

How to Determine Your Deck’s Power Level I The Command Zone #295 I Magic: the Gathering EDH

April 4, 2020 10:33 a.m.

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