I have always been a fan of Stuffy Doll. While some managed to come up with some crazy combos to try and break the card, it had seemed as though it couldn't quite be constructed quality. On your turn 5, when the opponents are casting their Baneslayer Angels and Batterskulls, cards that impact the game the second they hit the field, Stuffy Doll looks like it just cant compete.
When Stuffy Doll was in standard, some nasty decks were made featuring it. Here is deck tech video I was particularly fond of:
But that's standard, with a small card pool.
With the addition of several sets since its time in standard, can we find a way to "break" it??
Stuffy Doll - at 5 mana, it is a huge drop for us to hit. Getting this out is a big step forward
Boros Reckoner - Gatecrash gave us a powerful 3 drop, a second copy of Stuffy doll as well as a great attacker/blocker
Spitemare - Another stuffy doll to us. Notice the repetition? It's important to play as many of these, and have more in case of removal.
Swans of Bryn Argoll - Our final damage acceptor -- this time on drawing steroids. When your hand starts to dwindle, hitting these guys with burn removal will help refill.
Soulfire Grand Master - The addition of this card is what I believe makes this deck viable. Look down.
With any 2 of our Stuffy Dolls on the field, we can cast Blasphemous Act for lethal. That's it. Not so hard, eh?
In addition, lets say we have a Soulfire Grand Master. Once an Act hits, the amount of lifegain is ridiculous. 13 life per creature. Kitchen Finks has nothing on this!
With 1 stuffy doll and 1 soulfire, and lets say 4 other creatures on the field, regardless of whose control, we gain 78 life and deal 13 to the opponents face, as well as a board clear that Stuffy doll will live through. Through burn, we can ping down the rest of the way, if they havent with their lands yet.
You want to stall the game as long as possible to get your combo off. Don't be afraid to be aggressive with the Boros Reckoners, they are very good early, and will often stall the board out.
In the mana-base, we see we have a rare land from Champions of Kamigawa, one that doesn't usually see play. Forbidden Orchard is an all-star in this deck. Since our main wincon is Blasphemous Act, we want as high of a creature count on board as possible. AND they are mana fixers of the best kind - all colors and doesnt enter tapped.
In order to keep the board state in check while you set up your combo, we need good and efficient removal to last us.
Lightning Helix
Lightning Bolt
Blasphemous Act
Kolaghan's Command
Boros Charm is a great addition, as we can push the final amount of damage through with its first ability, or save our creatures when we finally pop the act with the second ability. The double strike clause will certainly be the least used, but a powerful option in some cases.
Chandra, the Firebrand fills our 4 drop, and does a good job at that. Dealing 1 more point of damage can be critical to set up, but the minus 2 is the bread and butter for us. Copying an Act will secure us the win in most cases. If we can't pull an Act, her ult will work as well.
Ajani Vengeant is another way to keep the board clear, as well as have a game changing ult should we be able to pull it off.
This is what I have been working on, and I would like your help in making this better. I have yet to get it more consistent and optimized.
Many thanks to everyone that has helped this evolve from a theory to a reality.
The current three versions of the deck!
Complete Blasphemy!! (RBW Combo-Control)
American Acts of FREEDOM (UWR Control-Combo)
Acting on Impulse (Mono-Red Aggro-Combo)
I would appreciate any feedback!! :D